The basis for the Biden Administration: “Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt. The blog that NOBODY reads... but everyone gets upset about. The stories we want to read the least... but the ones we need to read the most.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Railsback files his intervener in the disastrous Gellatly debacle where he's stupidly suing a PCO.
Anyone following local GOP politics around here has heard the story: the moron running the local GOP has filed suit against a PCO because of the contents of a private email.
This, of course, is several levels of idiocy all at once. But then, those watching Gellatly channeling Chairman Joe Stalin are never surprised at his stupidity and incompetence.
Here's the goods. Read and enjoy!
Railsback Intervener
This, of course, is several levels of idiocy all at once. But then, those watching Gellatly channeling Chairman Joe Stalin are never surprised at his stupidity and incompetence.
Here's the goods. Read and enjoy!
Railsback Intervener
Congratulations to Davey Gellatly and the RINO CCGOP Administration: overdrawn at the bank.
RINOs around here falsely claim that they're "fiscally conservative."
The fact that here locally, RINOs support such massive spenders as Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, who has voted for billions upon billions in increased gas and property taxes, for example, puts the lie to that observation.
And, of course, there are many different versions of "fiscal conservativism." Most recently, the brand practiced by the Clark County GOP under the guidance of local thug Davey Gellatly is referred to as "deficit spending," or "spending money the party doesn't have," or, more simply, being "overdrawn at the bank."
Yesterday, I observed an email from the party Treasurer that because the Clueless Clown running the show failed to shut off an automatic payment to the phone bank vendor, set up to as part of the disaster that was Gellatly's and Carolyn Crain's Hindenburg campaign that resulted in Kris Greene getting killed at the polls here a few weeks ago (Memo to candidates: if you're going to get advice on how to run your campaign, get it from first, people who have actually WON a campaign and second, people who actually have a clue. You had neither.) the party is overdrawn at the bank.
As I and others have stated, Gellatly's idiocy in running the show, his rank incompetence and arrogance WILL run the party into the ground, and the end result is, as been shown to be the case, a party that is, essentially, flat broke.
Those claiming GOP affiliation... no matter how little they pay attention to the tenets of Republicanism, dominate politics in this county. How can a county political organization in such a situation find itself broke?
Well, the responsibility for this horrific outcome begins and ends with the disastrous chairmanship of Davey "Insane Clown" Gellatly. The simple fact is that when Der Fuhrer took over, the party was solvent. Now, apparently, it is not. And just like when a ship runs aground, the captain, ultimately, is to blame.
It's no surprise to this blogger, given how many times I've pointed out that the party is out of money and at this point, can't pay its bills. It's not like this couldn't be seen since Davey's horrific debacle of a failed Lincoln Day Dinner disaster... a debacle I anticipated and predicted and which ultimately, has been proven true.
The calamity of Gellatly's leadership has resulted in many of the traditional party funders slamming their checkbooks shut.
And who can blame them?
The only hope is for fellow RINOs (Tracy Wilson, you listening?) to open up THEIR checkbooks and keep this Titanic afloat.
They broke it. They shattered the winning team that has resulted in more GOP candidates in office then at any other time in party history.
They own it. When the GOP loses seats because the base stays home or votes democrat in retaliation, as I intend to do, much like the RINOs voted democrat to get back at conservatives, that will be on them. They will own the outcomes.
Just like they own Gellatly.
Clyde? Tracy? Pay up. After all, what's a few thousand bucks when it comes to you losers playing politics?
The fact that here locally, RINOs support such massive spenders as Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, who has voted for billions upon billions in increased gas and property taxes, for example, puts the lie to that observation.
And, of course, there are many different versions of "fiscal conservativism." Most recently, the brand practiced by the Clark County GOP under the guidance of local thug Davey Gellatly is referred to as "deficit spending," or "spending money the party doesn't have," or, more simply, being "overdrawn at the bank."
Yesterday, I observed an email from the party Treasurer that because the Clueless Clown running the show failed to shut off an automatic payment to the phone bank vendor, set up to as part of the disaster that was Gellatly's and Carolyn Crain's Hindenburg campaign that resulted in Kris Greene getting killed at the polls here a few weeks ago (Memo to candidates: if you're going to get advice on how to run your campaign, get it from first, people who have actually WON a campaign and second, people who actually have a clue. You had neither.) the party is overdrawn at the bank.
As I and others have stated, Gellatly's idiocy in running the show, his rank incompetence and arrogance WILL run the party into the ground, and the end result is, as been shown to be the case, a party that is, essentially, flat broke.
Those claiming GOP affiliation... no matter how little they pay attention to the tenets of Republicanism, dominate politics in this county. How can a county political organization in such a situation find itself broke?
Well, the responsibility for this horrific outcome begins and ends with the disastrous chairmanship of Davey "Insane Clown" Gellatly. The simple fact is that when Der Fuhrer took over, the party was solvent. Now, apparently, it is not. And just like when a ship runs aground, the captain, ultimately, is to blame.
It's no surprise to this blogger, given how many times I've pointed out that the party is out of money and at this point, can't pay its bills. It's not like this couldn't be seen since Davey's horrific debacle of a failed Lincoln Day Dinner disaster... a debacle I anticipated and predicted and which ultimately, has been proven true.
The calamity of Gellatly's leadership has resulted in many of the traditional party funders slamming their checkbooks shut.
And who can blame them?
The only hope is for fellow RINOs (Tracy Wilson, you listening?) to open up THEIR checkbooks and keep this Titanic afloat.
They broke it. They shattered the winning team that has resulted in more GOP candidates in office then at any other time in party history.
They own it. When the GOP loses seats because the base stays home or votes democrat in retaliation, as I intend to do, much like the RINOs voted democrat to get back at conservatives, that will be on them. They will own the outcomes.
Just like they own Gellatly.
Clyde? Tracy? Pay up. After all, what's a few thousand bucks when it comes to you losers playing politics?
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Matt Lauer. How long until this kind of thing breaks here in Washington... or here locally?
What is it with those who think they're powerful?
What is it with those who enable them to mistreat staff?
From David Letterman (Also, come to think of it, at NBC) who apparently viewed the women working for him as his own version of Kim Jong-un's "pleasure battalions," to Matt Lauer, to allegations against Bill O'Reilly to charges against Sen. Al "Touchy Feely" Franken and Rep. John Conyers, to now former State Representative Jimmy Jacks (D-49), it seems their sense of entitlement includes their view... shared by so many other allegedly powerful (mostly) men that women are their to be used as there own sex robots.
Chatting with my wife this morning over the Lauer debacle, she pointed out that NBC knew about Lauer for years and did nothing.... rumors of his behavior had been going around for several years... and they looked the other way.
As they would have THIS time if we weren't in the era of Weinstein.
She said she " there are dozens of men sitting in their offices this morning, shaking in their boots, wondering when the women they've mistreated are going to talk."
As it should be.
But it got me to wondering: when are we going to be hearing about that sort of thing around here?
That attitude isn't limited by the borders of Washington, D.C., or New York or Hollywood.
It was the stuff of legend in Olympia where so much of it and plain, good old-fashioned adultery was the order of the day.
I suppose, if it's "consensual," it's somehow "different." But Olympia requires "favors" of all types to make things happen and when you know who's sleeping with who, and which staffers are subject to this kind of mistreatment, and you remain silent in the face of it, THAT is the kind of thing that enables this conduct.
NBC feigned surprise as if they didn't "know" about Lauer. That's as likely as the democrats in Olympia not "knowing" about Jacks. Of course they knew.
When you see those in government dramatically change their positions on the issues, ponder what's forcing that change to occur. When you see them lie and betray, wonder what the cause of that might be.
We see the end results at all levels of government.
We've even seen it here locally.
So, one wonders: who is guilty of this sort of thing around here? And why are they allowing themselves to be used as tools for the "powerful?"
And then ponder, perhaps, how that enables this sort of behavior... and how silence makes you complicit.
Those in the business and political realm expressing their fake outrage... if they express anything at all... uniformly claim they "didn't know."
Rest assured.... they knew. They just kept their mouths shut, either because of fear... or because they engage in some version of this conduct themselves.
"Fear" isn't a justification. My blog would have maybe 3 posts in it if I was concerned about the personal fall out... which has been huge... over the reaction to what I write.
But I write it anyway, because the truth is worth a few lumps.
What is it with those who enable them to mistreat staff?
From David Letterman (Also, come to think of it, at NBC) who apparently viewed the women working for him as his own version of Kim Jong-un's "pleasure battalions," to Matt Lauer, to allegations against Bill O'Reilly to charges against Sen. Al "Touchy Feely" Franken and Rep. John Conyers, to now former State Representative Jimmy Jacks (D-49), it seems their sense of entitlement includes their view... shared by so many other allegedly powerful (mostly) men that women are their to be used as there own sex robots.
Chatting with my wife this morning over the Lauer debacle, she pointed out that NBC knew about Lauer for years and did nothing.... rumors of his behavior had been going around for several years... and they looked the other way.
As they would have THIS time if we weren't in the era of Weinstein.
She said she " there are dozens of men sitting in their offices this morning, shaking in their boots, wondering when the women they've mistreated are going to talk."
As it should be.
But it got me to wondering: when are we going to be hearing about that sort of thing around here?
That attitude isn't limited by the borders of Washington, D.C., or New York or Hollywood.
It was the stuff of legend in Olympia where so much of it and plain, good old-fashioned adultery was the order of the day.
I suppose, if it's "consensual," it's somehow "different." But Olympia requires "favors" of all types to make things happen and when you know who's sleeping with who, and which staffers are subject to this kind of mistreatment, and you remain silent in the face of it, THAT is the kind of thing that enables this conduct.
NBC feigned surprise as if they didn't "know" about Lauer. That's as likely as the democrats in Olympia not "knowing" about Jacks. Of course they knew.
When you see those in government dramatically change their positions on the issues, ponder what's forcing that change to occur. When you see them lie and betray, wonder what the cause of that might be.
We see the end results at all levels of government.
We've even seen it here locally.
So, one wonders: who is guilty of this sort of thing around here? And why are they allowing themselves to be used as tools for the "powerful?"
And then ponder, perhaps, how that enables this sort of behavior... and how silence makes you complicit.
Those in the business and political realm expressing their fake outrage... if they express anything at all... uniformly claim they "didn't know."
Rest assured.... they knew. They just kept their mouths shut, either because of fear... or because they engage in some version of this conduct themselves.
"Fear" isn't a justification. My blog would have maybe 3 posts in it if I was concerned about the personal fall out... which has been huge... over the reaction to what I write.
But I write it anyway, because the truth is worth a few lumps.
When Tracy Wilson goes full-blown liar.
The power behind the scenes that built a sock puppet state Senator out of whole cloth, Tracy Wilson, came out full blown liar today.
Now, we all get that Lynda Wilson is that sock puppet, doing anything she's told. Wilson, for his part, is doing his best to politically kill off conservatives and get as many RINOs that he can personally manipulate into office as possible: his moronic support of my idiotic brother-in-law coming immediately to mind, an election we've all suffered for as a result.
He sees himself as some sort of political genius, the smartest guy in the room. An ALMOST Gellatly-type arrogance and narcissism that went on full display as the clown and his posse running the local GOP once again broke the rules with a pseudo-endorsement of Rivers' puppet, Larry Hoff, by shilling the Reflector puff piece on the county GOP facebook page. It's a blatant violation of the required neutrality in a contested primary, but just one of many rule violations that the thugs running the show engage in when it comes to their jihad against conservatives.
Today's episode clearly shows that Wilson is all about revisionist history concerning the effort Liz Pike put into dragging Lynda Wilson across the finish line to get Wilson elected to the state house.
Let me make it perfectly clear: without Liz Pike's assistance and guidance, there would not have been a Rep. Lynda Wilson. Period.
Tracy, for his part, wrongly believing that he is substantially responsible for that electoral success, shows the narcissistic arrogance so favored by the RINO scum running the party organization for now.
Here, in his own words, is how he did it.
This is Wilson at his lying, scumbag best. Liz Pike worked her butt off to get Lynda Wilson elected, only to be abandoned by the Wilsons when their butt-buddy Rivers went out and recruited Shane Bowman to run against Liz because Liz was outspoken in her opposition to Rivers' gas tax/tab fee scam, wherein Rivers promised to oppose those cancers on our society only to betray us all when the time came... and, when Liz ran against my fringe-left idiot brother-in-law for county chair.
I call it lying. Rivers called is a "business decision."
When Lynda Wilson stood in front of the PCO's in this county and lied to their faces about the effects of her budget vote by falsely claiming our property taxes would be lower, I knew there was no hope for her.
When a RINO like Tracy Wilson comes out to belittle the effort that ultimately resulted in the election of a now-worthless shadow of a former conservative, it's clearly the kind of megalomaniacal crap that's infected Davey Delete, the moron running the local GOP.
Wilson can, and no doubt will, lie about this repeatedly in his effort to keep his fellow leftist, Marc Boldt, in office. But those in the know, know the truth. And when I see him spew garbage like this?
I WILL call him on it.
"Faced with the truth?"
Not from someone writing like a compulsive liar.
Now, we all get that Lynda Wilson is that sock puppet, doing anything she's told. Wilson, for his part, is doing his best to politically kill off conservatives and get as many RINOs that he can personally manipulate into office as possible: his moronic support of my idiotic brother-in-law coming immediately to mind, an election we've all suffered for as a result.
He sees himself as some sort of political genius, the smartest guy in the room. An ALMOST Gellatly-type arrogance and narcissism that went on full display as the clown and his posse running the local GOP once again broke the rules with a pseudo-endorsement of Rivers' puppet, Larry Hoff, by shilling the Reflector puff piece on the county GOP facebook page. It's a blatant violation of the required neutrality in a contested primary, but just one of many rule violations that the thugs running the show engage in when it comes to their jihad against conservatives.
Today's episode clearly shows that Wilson is all about revisionist history concerning the effort Liz Pike put into dragging Lynda Wilson across the finish line to get Wilson elected to the state house.
Let me make it perfectly clear: without Liz Pike's assistance and guidance, there would not have been a Rep. Lynda Wilson. Period.
Tracy, for his part, wrongly believing that he is substantially responsible for that electoral success, shows the narcissistic arrogance so favored by the RINO scum running the party organization for now.
Here, in his own words, is how he did it.
This is Wilson at his lying, scumbag best. Liz Pike worked her butt off to get Lynda Wilson elected, only to be abandoned by the Wilsons when their butt-buddy Rivers went out and recruited Shane Bowman to run against Liz because Liz was outspoken in her opposition to Rivers' gas tax/tab fee scam, wherein Rivers promised to oppose those cancers on our society only to betray us all when the time came... and, when Liz ran against my fringe-left idiot brother-in-law for county chair.
I call it lying. Rivers called is a "business decision."
When Lynda Wilson stood in front of the PCO's in this county and lied to their faces about the effects of her budget vote by falsely claiming our property taxes would be lower, I knew there was no hope for her.
When a RINO like Tracy Wilson comes out to belittle the effort that ultimately resulted in the election of a now-worthless shadow of a former conservative, it's clearly the kind of megalomaniacal crap that's infected Davey Delete, the moron running the local GOP.
Wilson can, and no doubt will, lie about this repeatedly in his effort to keep his fellow leftist, Marc Boldt, in office. But those in the know, know the truth. And when I see him spew garbage like this?
I WILL call him on it.
"Faced with the truth?"
Not from someone writing like a compulsive liar.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Still waiting on that leftist outrage over congressional sexual misconduct. Where is it?
As expected, the leftist hypocrites remain silent in the face of the overt sexual misconduct their side has routinely engaged in over the years while falsely claiming to be the party of women.
If you engage in this sort of thing, you all should be treated exactly the same. Condemn, for example, Judge Moore (who has no evidence save that which shows the democrat tie-ins with his accusers) for his alleged conduct? Tell us that HE is "unfit" based on allegations alone?
Then do the same when your colleagues engage in what amounts to taxpayer-financed sexual misconduct. And make damned sure each and every one of those scum who used taxpayer money to pay off their accusers is also outed.
These guys are as scummy as Davey Delete.
So far, Al Franken and John Conyers have been outed... actual hard evidence exists... indefensible and indisputable that these scum used their positions to mistreat women in many ways, ways that should be unimaginable for any person in government.
We know they've done it. What's missing, even here locally, is any of the fake, bogus outrage that, for example, our worthless slimeball of a hypocritical congresswoman and our two state hypocrites in the US Senate had no problem engaging in when the subject was then-Candidate Trump, now President Trump, and those morons believed he was going to lose... making him an easy target for their leftist condemnation.
Where is Ridgefield Barbie? Where are her press releases and interviews about her colleague's despicable conduct? Where's her demands to release the entire list of those who are unfit to be allowed out in public, let alone be members of our governing bodies; some 264 or so who wasted $17 million of OUR dollars to pay off their accusers?
Like any other controversial area, save for her electoral theatrics last cycle, her cowardice extends far beyond her fear of holding town hall meetings.
She's no different than the leftists "representing" in the Senate.
Their hatred against the President continues unabated. Their concern over their fellow women?
Not so much.
These women have a duty to us all, which, once again, they're choosing to ignore.
They should be at LEAST as rabid in their attacks against their colleagues who are as unfit for elective office as they were against Candidate Trump.
One wonders: why ain't that happenin'?
If you engage in this sort of thing, you all should be treated exactly the same. Condemn, for example, Judge Moore (who has no evidence save that which shows the democrat tie-ins with his accusers) for his alleged conduct? Tell us that HE is "unfit" based on allegations alone?
Then do the same when your colleagues engage in what amounts to taxpayer-financed sexual misconduct. And make damned sure each and every one of those scum who used taxpayer money to pay off their accusers is also outed.

So far, Al Franken and John Conyers have been outed... actual hard evidence exists... indefensible and indisputable that these scum used their positions to mistreat women in many ways, ways that should be unimaginable for any person in government.
We know they've done it. What's missing, even here locally, is any of the fake, bogus outrage that, for example, our worthless slimeball of a hypocritical congresswoman and our two state hypocrites in the US Senate had no problem engaging in when the subject was then-Candidate Trump, now President Trump, and those morons believed he was going to lose... making him an easy target for their leftist condemnation.
Where is Ridgefield Barbie? Where are her press releases and interviews about her colleague's despicable conduct? Where's her demands to release the entire list of those who are unfit to be allowed out in public, let alone be members of our governing bodies; some 264 or so who wasted $17 million of OUR dollars to pay off their accusers?
Like any other controversial area, save for her electoral theatrics last cycle, her cowardice extends far beyond her fear of holding town hall meetings.
She's no different than the leftists "representing" in the Senate.
Their hatred against the President continues unabated. Their concern over their fellow women?
Not so much.
These women have a duty to us all, which, once again, they're choosing to ignore.
They should be at LEAST as rabid in their attacks against their colleagues who are as unfit for elective office as they were against Candidate Trump.
One wonders: why ain't that happenin'?
Saturday, November 25, 2017
UPDATE: Sigh.... up to the Apple Cup today... Don't believe the Dawgs have it.
UPDATE: Attended the game... and I saw the finest, whole-game effort of the season on the part of the Dawgs.
It was like someone kidnapped the team that lost to Stanford and replaced them with the team that, well, hammered the Cougs like a nail over the past few years.
Clearly, there has been a shift in the philosophy of the offense. The Huskies have morphed into a running team where instead of leading with the pass, it's relied upon mostly to keep the defenses honest.
Jake looked better Saturday. He made some fantastic plays when he had to... but seemed to screw up a couple of passes unnecessarily. Still, he was confident and in command, It was a thing of beauty to watch.
Of course, the loss of the number 1 receiver (The brilliant Dante' Pettis) and a short time later, the number 2 running back (The steady and talented Lavon Coleman) were flattened by severe ankle sprains, casting something of a pall on the faithful... which was soon lifted by the amazing work of the inimitable Myles Gaskin (5 miles rushing and 4 touchdowns) ably supported by the talented Salvan Ahmed, freshman heir apparent to the running duties for future years to come.
The defense was simply exceptional. The defensive line, typically a 3 man rush, overwhelmed the Cougs offensive line much like they were playing for a JC. Luke Falk, world record holder in passing yards and touchdowns, was beaten like a rented stepchild. Coug receivers, with a single exception, had snow shoe hands and made a whole lot of "business decisions" to avoid getting blasted. The Cougs finished the game with -21 yards rushing, a masterful performance in ground defense, and even the passing yardage by Wazzo wasn't that great, considering Falk's passing numbers (37 of 55/369/1TD/3INT) and 5 sacks from the stifling Husky pass rush (Vita Vea, 6-5, 340) was a man playing against children; even double-teams couldn't stop him) resulting from the absence of a ground game.
As I sat in the East End Zone, I kept asking myself where these guys were in Stanford and Arizona.
They were not just good... they were astounding, particularly considering the many critical injuries suffered both throughout the year and in the Apple Cup itself.
An absolutely amazing game... and even though we were soaked after 3 hours of sitting in the rain, poncho or no, it was worth every minute of it.
Memo to Mike Leach. Using your time outs at the end of the game in the last minute was a low-class stunt, scumbag.
My Huskies are 10 - 10.5 point favorites over the higher-ranked Cougs.
I believe that whoever set that line is on dope.
The biggest problem appears to be psychiatric. The Jake Browning we used to have, the fearless, laser throwing gun-slinger who threw for 43 touchdowns last year is no more.
His QB rating has fallen from 167 to 139 this year. He has yet to make half of last year's production, throwing for 18 touchdowns against 10 interceptions... when last year, his ratio was 43 to 9.
There have been some key injuries as well. The O-line has been badly hurt by the loss of our starting blind side tackle.
Washington's inexplicable loss to Arizona killed the season and losing to a fired up Stanford team buried it. Now the Dawgs are just another bowl-eligible team like any other 6 win outfit.
The Cougs, on the other hand, have a LOT to play for. If they win today, they win the North and have a chance to win the PAC12 by going up against USC.
The Dawgs, on the other hand, are looking at the Tire-Retread Bowl in Pawtucket or some such other meaningless result.
Leach's crew is hungry and motivated. The lackluster offense of the Dawgs simply isn't enough.
I will be stunned if the Cougs don't win today. I'd take them and the points.
Last year's Dawgs would have been another matter. But this isn't last year's Dawgs. And the spread on this indicates that whoever set the points doesn't seem to understand that.
WSU 27, UW 20... depending on which Jake shows up today.
I hope I'm wrong... but I've seen these guys sleepwalk through the first quarter to the first 20 minutes of too many games, too many times... and Taylor Rapp can't be everywhere in the secondary against Falk.
See you at the game.
It was like someone kidnapped the team that lost to Stanford and replaced them with the team that, well, hammered the Cougs like a nail over the past few years.
Clearly, there has been a shift in the philosophy of the offense. The Huskies have morphed into a running team where instead of leading with the pass, it's relied upon mostly to keep the defenses honest.
Jake looked better Saturday. He made some fantastic plays when he had to... but seemed to screw up a couple of passes unnecessarily. Still, he was confident and in command, It was a thing of beauty to watch.
Of course, the loss of the number 1 receiver (The brilliant Dante' Pettis) and a short time later, the number 2 running back (The steady and talented Lavon Coleman) were flattened by severe ankle sprains, casting something of a pall on the faithful... which was soon lifted by the amazing work of the inimitable Myles Gaskin (5 miles rushing and 4 touchdowns) ably supported by the talented Salvan Ahmed, freshman heir apparent to the running duties for future years to come.
The defense was simply exceptional. The defensive line, typically a 3 man rush, overwhelmed the Cougs offensive line much like they were playing for a JC. Luke Falk, world record holder in passing yards and touchdowns, was beaten like a rented stepchild. Coug receivers, with a single exception, had snow shoe hands and made a whole lot of "business decisions" to avoid getting blasted. The Cougs finished the game with -21 yards rushing, a masterful performance in ground defense, and even the passing yardage by Wazzo wasn't that great, considering Falk's passing numbers (37 of 55/369/1TD/3INT) and 5 sacks from the stifling Husky pass rush (Vita Vea, 6-5, 340) was a man playing against children; even double-teams couldn't stop him) resulting from the absence of a ground game.
As I sat in the East End Zone, I kept asking myself where these guys were in Stanford and Arizona.
They were not just good... they were astounding, particularly considering the many critical injuries suffered both throughout the year and in the Apple Cup itself.
An absolutely amazing game... and even though we were soaked after 3 hours of sitting in the rain, poncho or no, it was worth every minute of it.
Memo to Mike Leach. Using your time outs at the end of the game in the last minute was a low-class stunt, scumbag.
My Huskies are 10 - 10.5 point favorites over the higher-ranked Cougs.
I believe that whoever set that line is on dope.
The biggest problem appears to be psychiatric. The Jake Browning we used to have, the fearless, laser throwing gun-slinger who threw for 43 touchdowns last year is no more.
His QB rating has fallen from 167 to 139 this year. He has yet to make half of last year's production, throwing for 18 touchdowns against 10 interceptions... when last year, his ratio was 43 to 9.
There have been some key injuries as well. The O-line has been badly hurt by the loss of our starting blind side tackle.
Washington's inexplicable loss to Arizona killed the season and losing to a fired up Stanford team buried it. Now the Dawgs are just another bowl-eligible team like any other 6 win outfit.
The Cougs, on the other hand, have a LOT to play for. If they win today, they win the North and have a chance to win the PAC12 by going up against USC.
The Dawgs, on the other hand, are looking at the Tire-Retread Bowl in Pawtucket or some such other meaningless result.
Leach's crew is hungry and motivated. The lackluster offense of the Dawgs simply isn't enough.
I will be stunned if the Cougs don't win today. I'd take them and the points.
Last year's Dawgs would have been another matter. But this isn't last year's Dawgs. And the spread on this indicates that whoever set the points doesn't seem to understand that.
WSU 27, UW 20... depending on which Jake shows up today.
I hope I'm wrong... but I've seen these guys sleepwalk through the first quarter to the first 20 minutes of too many games, too many times... and Taylor Rapp can't be everywhere in the secondary against Falk.
See you at the game.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
OK, Democrats: one of you has been outed in the House. Here's your chance.
Of course the democrats rabidly lie about their concern over women's issues.
They PARTICULARLY lie about concerns over issues concerning women.
For years now, both male... and female... democrats have been living the lie that they actually... truly... care about you, as women.
For years now, democrats in both houses of Congress have been living a lie. A lie where they claim they actually care about what happens to you.

Except, of course, they don't care when it matters.
Because it's mattered NOW... and where are these women IN Congress.
When are we going to see the democrat women grouped around a sea of microphones, demanding that each and every scumbag... like Rep. John Conyers... is forced out?
We're not.
The cowardice and hypocrisy of democrats is the stuff of legend. (And yes, the GOP bears some guilt in this as well... they've also been complicit with their silence. But this faux concern for women? That's ALL democrat.)
These same women keep trying to change the narrative... they keep trying to shift attention away from the $17 million gorilla in the room... to issues relating to park entry fees... or tax reform... or getting rid of their curse of Obamacare.
Meanwhile, they acquiesce to women being treated like chattel.
Well, here's your chance, ladies in the democrat party. Here's your opportunity to protest in the streets... to riot like you're ANTIFA and your BIGGEST enabler of rape, harassment, assaults and attacks against women... Hillary Clinton... has just lost an election.
The silence of those most rabidly concerned about women... who had no END of venom, scorn and demonstrations to spew over the President, speaks for itself.
Well, here's your chance, ladies. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) one of the most senior democrats in the House and a major "mouth" hustling the leftist line, has been outed:
She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear Her Story.
“When you make private settlements, it doesn’t warn the next woman or the next person going into that situation.”
Michigan Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat and the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives, settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not “succumb to [his] sexual advances.”
Documents from the complaint obtained by BuzzFeed News include four signed affidavits, three of which are notarized, from former staff members who allege that Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, repeatedly made sexual advances to female staff that included requests for sexual favors, contacting and transporting other women with whom they believed Conyers was having affairs, caressing their hands sexually, and rubbing their legs and backs in public. Four people involved with the case verified the documents are authentic.
There's more, here:
It's pretty damning stuff, actually. And with this information leaking out, maybe this trickle will become a flood of information that CONGRESS HAD NO RIGHT TO WITHHOLD FROM US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
So, yeah, democrats. Keeping in mind that you are destroying any chance of gains in the mid-terms because of your inability to do the right thing... keeping in mind the fact that you now OWN THIS...
What are you going to do?
Are you so screwed up that you don't get it? Do you get what's going on?
And the biggest question of all:
What are you going to do about it?
Monday, November 20, 2017
Email to Sens Murray, Cantwell and Rep. Herrera: time to be bipartisan for real, this time.
Addressed to Senators Murray and Cantwell, as well as to Congresswoman Herrera.
I am writing you in the hopes of answering two different questions:
First, you've all served in Congress generally and the Senate and the House particularly, for at least seven years, and in the Senator's cases, at least 17 years.
During the time you've been there, just over the past 10 years or so alone, 268 unnamed perpetrators have been identified as the causes for millions of dollars in settlements.
As members of Congress... Senators and a Congresswoman... You knew.
You knew... and you said nothing.
You knew and you DID nothing.
You inaction... was acquiescence.
Your silence makes you an accomplice. It makes you complicit.
Why? Why did you remain silent?
You had no problem whatsoever calling out Candidate Trump for what seems to be far less.
You have no problem protecting Senator Franken with your silence now, today.
So many are calling for US Senate Candidate Roy Moore to withdraw. Even Republicans don't care if they lose the seat in Alabama, as somehow forcing Moore to withdraw (if such a thing were possible) would inevitably result in the loss of the seat. Those leading the GOP despise Judge Moore's politics and know he would oppose the establishment... and they would rather he lose and make it even more difficult to implement President Trump's agenda than it is now.
But who among you... or anyone else in Congress... is demanding the same for Sen. Franken?
Typically, Rep. Herrera is silent as she usually is on most any controversial issue... although strangely, she had no problem throwing this district under the bus during the presidential campaign when all three of you were so convinced that Candidate Trump would never be President Trump.
You were "champions of women."
Not so much.
To my question: Why were you silent?
All those years... You KNEW. And your silence GUARANTEED more assaults, more harassment, and more pain for more victims.
You KNEW... and you did nothing.
The second question is this:
What are you going to do to get the list of the 268 offenders released?
Because it is a moral imperative for politicians who have been so judgmental in the past for political reasons to be judgmental NOW for moral reasons.
This is beyond political party. This is beyond government. This is beyond power.
The hypocrisy of being outspoken on women's causes... the Hillary Clinton to the Bill Clinton... cannot be overstated.
You've been "bipartisan" when it suited you.
How about being "bipartisan now?
I am writing you in the hopes of answering two different questions:
First, you've all served in Congress generally and the Senate and the House particularly, for at least seven years, and in the Senator's cases, at least 17 years.
During the time you've been there, just over the past 10 years or so alone, 268 unnamed perpetrators have been identified as the causes for millions of dollars in settlements.
As members of Congress... Senators and a Congresswoman... You knew.
You knew... and you said nothing.
You knew and you DID nothing.
You inaction... was acquiescence.
Your silence makes you an accomplice. It makes you complicit.
Why? Why did you remain silent?
You had no problem whatsoever calling out Candidate Trump for what seems to be far less.
You have no problem protecting Senator Franken with your silence now, today.
So many are calling for US Senate Candidate Roy Moore to withdraw. Even Republicans don't care if they lose the seat in Alabama, as somehow forcing Moore to withdraw (if such a thing were possible) would inevitably result in the loss of the seat. Those leading the GOP despise Judge Moore's politics and know he would oppose the establishment... and they would rather he lose and make it even more difficult to implement President Trump's agenda than it is now.
But who among you... or anyone else in Congress... is demanding the same for Sen. Franken?
Typically, Rep. Herrera is silent as she usually is on most any controversial issue... although strangely, she had no problem throwing this district under the bus during the presidential campaign when all three of you were so convinced that Candidate Trump would never be President Trump.
You were "champions of women."
Not so much.
To my question: Why were you silent?
All those years... You KNEW. And your silence GUARANTEED more assaults, more harassment, and more pain for more victims.
You KNEW... and you did nothing.
The second question is this:
What are you going to do to get the list of the 268 offenders released?
Because it is a moral imperative for politicians who have been so judgmental in the past for political reasons to be judgmental NOW for moral reasons.
This is beyond political party. This is beyond government. This is beyond power.
The hypocrisy of being outspoken on women's causes... the Hillary Clinton to the Bill Clinton... cannot be overstated.
You've been "bipartisan" when it suited you.
How about being "bipartisan now?
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Message to Jaime Herrera that she will, no doubt, ignore: Until you fix your own House, keep your mouth shut about anyone elses.
(I put this up on both of her FB pages. I'm sure they'll never see the light of day)
Seven years you've been in Congress. You had no problem whatsoever, joining our 2 democrat US Senators in beating the hell out of then-candidate Donald Trump over a tape and, in so doing, screwing this district out of any White House help, like for example, in solving our cross-river transportation problems which, as you know, you have done nothing about.
Help me understand this.
You KNEW this sort of garbage was going on in Congress.
You KNEW that millions of our dollars had been paid to insure the silence of the victims.
And you said NOTHING about your own colleagues in all of those years.
Hypocrite, much?
Well, now's your chance to actually DO something, unlike wasting our time like you have been.
What say you drop a bill requiring the names of all the perpetrators (268 over the past 10 years) as well as the amounts awarded ($17 million+ in total) because of their actions to each victim and the details of what they've done (while keeping the names of the victims redacted) and that this bill also includes a requirement that makes those engaging in this sort of activity PERSONALLY LIABLE... instead of hanging the bill on us.
I get that such a move on your part would require at least SOME courage, which until now, you've never shown.
Given your proven cowardice, (HOW many open town hall meetings have you held? WHEN was the last one?) I'm not going to hold my breath. But when it comes to this subject, unless you're willing to act against your own colleagues?
Keep your mouth shut about anyone else.
Seven years you've been in Congress. You had no problem whatsoever, joining our 2 democrat US Senators in beating the hell out of then-candidate Donald Trump over a tape and, in so doing, screwing this district out of any White House help, like for example, in solving our cross-river transportation problems which, as you know, you have done nothing about.
Help me understand this.
You KNEW this sort of garbage was going on in Congress.
You KNEW that millions of our dollars had been paid to insure the silence of the victims.
And you said NOTHING about your own colleagues in all of those years.
Hypocrite, much?
Well, now's your chance to actually DO something, unlike wasting our time like you have been.
What say you drop a bill requiring the names of all the perpetrators (268 over the past 10 years) as well as the amounts awarded ($17 million+ in total) because of their actions to each victim and the details of what they've done (while keeping the names of the victims redacted) and that this bill also includes a requirement that makes those engaging in this sort of activity PERSONALLY LIABLE... instead of hanging the bill on us.
I get that such a move on your part would require at least SOME courage, which until now, you've never shown.
Given your proven cowardice, (HOW many open town hall meetings have you held? WHEN was the last one?) I'm not going to hold my breath. But when it comes to this subject, unless you're willing to act against your own colleagues?
Keep your mouth shut about anyone else.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Paging Larry Hoff... paging Larry Hoff.
I left the following questions at what appears to be Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' puppet, to see what he's actually made of.
So far... no response.
Not that I expected one.
Hi, Larry. Tell me: would you have voted for the gas tax/tab fee increase? Would you have supported the emergency clause? Would you have opposed a referendum clause like Sen. Rivers?
Would you have voted yes on the last budget, particularly without adding any teacher accountability measures? How would you have voted on the State Dream Act legislation? How would you have voted on the two-tiered driver's license legislation?
I note that Senator Rivers is a big cheerleader for you. Can we expect you to keep your campaign pledges, unlike Sen. Rivers, who pledged, in writing, to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases and then proceeded to hang a $700 million tax bill around the people of Clark County when the time came to vote?
Can we expect you to sell us out on the CRC like most of the people in that spiffy little endorsement video?
Can we expect you to change YOUR mind on your promises when it's based on a "business decision?"
Can we expect you to lie to us on the upcoming massive property tax increase we face next year like both Sen. Wilson and Sen. Rivers lied to us over what we face next year as a result of Rivers and Wilson selling us out on the last budget?
In short, are you going to vote your district like Rep. Pike? Or are you going to vote the special interests and screw us like Sen. Rivers? And if you're going to vote your district, then how on earth did you get Rivers to endorse you since she wouldn't be caught dead voting the way the people she "represents" wants?
And just out of curiosity, what did you promise these people to get their endorsements? I'm sure they didn't just pick you out of a phone book for this gig... and I'm sure there is a quid-pro-quo.
So, tell us... inquiring minds want to know. Or are you going to be like Sen. Rivers and refuse to respond to this constituent's communications merely because she doesn't like my efforts to hold her accountable for her multiple betrayals to me personally and her district specifically? Or are you going to be your own man... and actually do what your title suggests... and REPRESENT US?
So far... no response.
Not that I expected one.
Hi, Larry. Tell me: would you have voted for the gas tax/tab fee increase? Would you have supported the emergency clause? Would you have opposed a referendum clause like Sen. Rivers?
Would you have voted yes on the last budget, particularly without adding any teacher accountability measures? How would you have voted on the State Dream Act legislation? How would you have voted on the two-tiered driver's license legislation?
I note that Senator Rivers is a big cheerleader for you. Can we expect you to keep your campaign pledges, unlike Sen. Rivers, who pledged, in writing, to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases and then proceeded to hang a $700 million tax bill around the people of Clark County when the time came to vote?
Can we expect you to sell us out on the CRC like most of the people in that spiffy little endorsement video?
Can we expect you to change YOUR mind on your promises when it's based on a "business decision?"
Can we expect you to lie to us on the upcoming massive property tax increase we face next year like both Sen. Wilson and Sen. Rivers lied to us over what we face next year as a result of Rivers and Wilson selling us out on the last budget?
In short, are you going to vote your district like Rep. Pike? Or are you going to vote the special interests and screw us like Sen. Rivers? And if you're going to vote your district, then how on earth did you get Rivers to endorse you since she wouldn't be caught dead voting the way the people she "represents" wants?
And just out of curiosity, what did you promise these people to get their endorsements? I'm sure they didn't just pick you out of a phone book for this gig... and I'm sure there is a quid-pro-quo.
So, tell us... inquiring minds want to know. Or are you going to be like Sen. Rivers and refuse to respond to this constituent's communications merely because she doesn't like my efforts to hold her accountable for her multiple betrayals to me personally and her district specifically? Or are you going to be your own man... and actually do what your title suggests... and REPRESENT US?
US Congress: hypocrites all. Destroy Moore.... give Franken a pass.
For many well-known reasons, those attacking Moore have absolutely nothing going for themselves except a rabid left, a rabid conservative-hating RINO GOP leadership, and a rabid, conservative-hating media.
As I've previously written, the stupidity of the leadership for the GOP simply cannot be overstated.
Obviously, they would rather lose the seat in Alabama then support this candidate because he's clearly anti-establishment.
I'm reminded of a saying from the gloating then vice president of the Sierra Club after the Federal government destroyed the logging industry in this corner of the country over Spotted Owl "habitat."
"It's a good thing we had the Spotted Owl... because if we didn't, we'd have had to invent one," meaning some other animal that would have allowed them to crush the local economies of so many in the Northwestern United States.
That's what we're faced with here.
You know the RINOs running the GOP, both the RNC and the Senate, were high-fiving the crap out of each other when the story of these bogus allegations broke.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they originated out of Mitch's office. It's the kind of poorly thought out, poorly executed crap they're known for.
And now, a democrat has multiple complaints, has admitted to and apologized for at least some of it and has photographic evidence to back at least one of the complaints.
And, we all know, that without that horrific picture, this scumbag would be singing an entirely different tune.
Then, we come to find out something on the order of 260 complaints have been paid off by the Treasury for the conduct of some of these clowns over the last 10 years.
I'm mystified as to why Congress doesn't release the names of those we've wasted some $17 million-plus of our money on.
And that they DON'T release those names?
Well, that tends to infer that it's plenty of men from BOTH sides of the aisle involved.
Franken, naturally, wants to buy time, so he supports an Ethics Committee investigation. Then Oregon Senator Bobby Packwood, who even *I* knew had a reputation for this sort of thing before he finally got busted, was able to stall his departure for three years... the Ethics investigation itself took a year and then Packwood hung on for another two.
The actual evidence against Franken is there for all to see. The actual evidence against Moore is practically non-existent, save for the efforts of democrat/RINO operatives and the made up evidence, easily discredited, of a high school year book.
To those names should be added the names behind the 268 complaints Congress is hiding.
And once again, our clueless congresswoman is nowhere to be found.
She had no problem running off at the mouth when her target was now-President Trump. Why is she so quiet about this now? And why has she BEEN so quiet about this during the 7 years she's been our waste of a congresswoman?
Cat got her tongue? She had SO much to say back then.
Not so much.
Thanks, Jaime.
For nothing.
As I've previously written, the stupidity of the leadership for the GOP simply cannot be overstated.
Obviously, they would rather lose the seat in Alabama then support this candidate because he's clearly anti-establishment.
I'm reminded of a saying from the gloating then vice president of the Sierra Club after the Federal government destroyed the logging industry in this corner of the country over Spotted Owl "habitat."
"It's a good thing we had the Spotted Owl... because if we didn't, we'd have had to invent one," meaning some other animal that would have allowed them to crush the local economies of so many in the Northwestern United States.
That's what we're faced with here.
You know the RINOs running the GOP, both the RNC and the Senate, were high-fiving the crap out of each other when the story of these bogus allegations broke.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they originated out of Mitch's office. It's the kind of poorly thought out, poorly executed crap they're known for.
And now, a democrat has multiple complaints, has admitted to and apologized for at least some of it and has photographic evidence to back at least one of the complaints.
And, we all know, that without that horrific picture, this scumbag would be singing an entirely different tune.
Then, we come to find out something on the order of 260 complaints have been paid off by the Treasury for the conduct of some of these clowns over the last 10 years.
I'm mystified as to why Congress doesn't release the names of those we've wasted some $17 million-plus of our money on.
And that they DON'T release those names?
Well, that tends to infer that it's plenty of men from BOTH sides of the aisle involved.
Franken, naturally, wants to buy time, so he supports an Ethics Committee investigation. Then Oregon Senator Bobby Packwood, who even *I* knew had a reputation for this sort of thing before he finally got busted, was able to stall his departure for three years... the Ethics investigation itself took a year and then Packwood hung on for another two.
The actual evidence against Franken is there for all to see. The actual evidence against Moore is practically non-existent, save for the efforts of democrat/RINO operatives and the made up evidence, easily discredited, of a high school year book.
To those names should be added the names behind the 268 complaints Congress is hiding.
And once again, our clueless congresswoman is nowhere to be found.
She had no problem running off at the mouth when her target was now-President Trump. Why is she so quiet about this now? And why has she BEEN so quiet about this during the 7 years she's been our waste of a congresswoman?
Cat got her tongue? She had SO much to say back then.
Not so much.
Thanks, Jaime.
For nothing.
As expected, even the GOP sell out on the budget wasn't enough for those slimeballs in the State Supreme Court.
As I've known all along, the question "when is enough, enough?" is ALWAYS going to be answered with "never" when it comes to the utter insanity of the legislature jumping through the hoop the supreme court held up with their fantasy McCleary ruling.
The Legislature, in fact, DOES have a "paramount duty." But THAT duty is NOT to either the Supreme Court OR the WEA.
That duty is to US, The People. And clearly, their duty was to tell the supreme court to go pound sand.
As it is, our property taxes are set to explode next year, lies of Sens. Wilson and Rivers notwithstanding. Now, because these simple idiots failed to tell the court to simply drop dead, those taxes are going to blast off even higher.
This is a direct result of the cowardice and incompetence of Sen. Rivers and Sen. Wilson and their cronies who sold us out instead of doing the right thing.
Now, we'll dump additional billions down the WEA rabbit hole. We'll dump these hundreds of millions down a union sewer with zero accountability measures, zero improvement measures, zero increased educational outcomes, zero reporting requirements... because, after all, these gutless idiots simply refused to ask US what WE wanted... and why would we even THINK to hold those scum accountable for their educational outcomes?
They had so many other options besides caving: everything from defunding the court to reducing the number of seats ON the court, to actually legislatively DEFINING what the phrase "paramount duty" means in the state constitutional definition sense.
Instead, they gave their legislative authority and ability to those leftist mental midgets across the street. And they even managed to screw THAT up.
Each and every number those morons shill is arbitrary. NO number will assure success; if it did, Baltimore at more than $18,000 per student would be pumping out geniuses instead of functionally illiterate cretins who can't even read a bus schedule.
So now, we wait for the Legislature to rape our wallets once again... with zero improvement to show for it.
And when that happens... and it WILL happen... then what?
Do we get those wasted billions back?
Thanks to the RINOs in the Senate and here locally who made it all happen.
Aren't you proud?
The Legislature, in fact, DOES have a "paramount duty." But THAT duty is NOT to either the Supreme Court OR the WEA.
That duty is to US, The People. And clearly, their duty was to tell the supreme court to go pound sand.
As it is, our property taxes are set to explode next year, lies of Sens. Wilson and Rivers notwithstanding. Now, because these simple idiots failed to tell the court to simply drop dead, those taxes are going to blast off even higher.
This is a direct result of the cowardice and incompetence of Sen. Rivers and Sen. Wilson and their cronies who sold us out instead of doing the right thing.
Now, we'll dump additional billions down the WEA rabbit hole. We'll dump these hundreds of millions down a union sewer with zero accountability measures, zero improvement measures, zero increased educational outcomes, zero reporting requirements... because, after all, these gutless idiots simply refused to ask US what WE wanted... and why would we even THINK to hold those scum accountable for their educational outcomes?
They had so many other options besides caving: everything from defunding the court to reducing the number of seats ON the court, to actually legislatively DEFINING what the phrase "paramount duty" means in the state constitutional definition sense.
Instead, they gave their legislative authority and ability to those leftist mental midgets across the street. And they even managed to screw THAT up.
Each and every number those morons shill is arbitrary. NO number will assure success; if it did, Baltimore at more than $18,000 per student would be pumping out geniuses instead of functionally illiterate cretins who can't even read a bus schedule.
So now, we wait for the Legislature to rape our wallets once again... with zero improvement to show for it.
And when that happens... and it WILL happen... then what?
Do we get those wasted billions back?
Thanks to the RINOs in the Senate and here locally who made it all happen.
Aren't you proud?
Thursday, November 16, 2017
The epidemic of sex abuse allegations: Latest, Sen. Al Franken. Now what are you going to do, democrats?.
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minnesota) has now been accused of actual sexual misconduct.

Are the democrats and RINOs going to be so quick to demand that he resign or get kicked out?
Fat chance.
Al, you see, is a democrat. And democrats are "different."
In fact, let me tell you a brief story about a legendary gay democrat, in the vein of, well, former Mayor Sam Adams (D-Portland).
This guy was Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA13).
Now, we see all this fake outrage (And it is fake) from the left and the Congressional RINO contingent.
What happened when THIS verified episode of child rape of a male House page took place?
Well, Studds wasn't kicked out. In fact, the leftists made him a committee chair. AND, he was reelected SIX MRE TIMES by democrats who really didn't care.
And I ask you: 1. If Moore were the democrat in the Alabama race, would we be hearing about any of this now?
2. If Moore were the democrat in the Alabama race, would the leftists and RINOs be expressing this anger?
Go figure.
Anyway, here's the scoop:
Franken is facing allegations.
Nothing is proven. Clearly, there are others out there that this happened to and they are likely to come forward if the pattern holds. But why wait?
No trial is necessary.... kick Franken out NOW. After all, the left and the RINOs have dropped the bar of proof from innocent until proven guilty... to mere allegation.
And if that's the only standard required for Judge Moore, doesn't fairness demand that such be the only standard for Sen. Franken?
I expect Schumer and his colleagues to implement this TODAY.
They won't, of course, because they... and the RINOs... are all hypocrites in an institution where this sort of thing goes on EVERY DAY... to their silence.
I have written before and I say it again: These allegations are based not on the occurrences... but on Judge Moore's politics. Those demanding he step down needed to find a way to make his conservative views go away. What better method than allegations he cannot easily... or timely... disprove?
Are the allegations in any real way true? Only those making the allegations and Judge Moore know. But the circumstances of the timing of these allegations... forty years after the fact?
To reject a political motive as being the primary mover of this stuff is to play the role of an ostrich with your head buried in the sand. And the GOP's response to all of this... particularly given how much they've likely prayed for a cause to get rid of Moore after he beat up the Establishment RINO in the primaries... is the political version of the Keystone Cops.
However, I expect the Senate to apply ONE STANDARD FOR ALL.
And that means Franken should be expelled by COB TODAY.
I mean... anything else would be hypocrisy... wouldn't it?

Are the democrats and RINOs going to be so quick to demand that he resign or get kicked out?
Fat chance.
Al, you see, is a democrat. And democrats are "different."
In fact, let me tell you a brief story about a legendary gay democrat, in the vein of, well, former Mayor Sam Adams (D-Portland).
This guy was Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA13).
Now, we see all this fake outrage (And it is fake) from the left and the Congressional RINO contingent.
What happened when THIS verified episode of child rape of a male House page took place?
Well, Studds wasn't kicked out. In fact, the leftists made him a committee chair. AND, he was reelected SIX MRE TIMES by democrats who really didn't care.
And I ask you: 1. If Moore were the democrat in the Alabama race, would we be hearing about any of this now?
2. If Moore were the democrat in the Alabama race, would the leftists and RINOs be expressing this anger?
Go figure.
Anyway, here's the scoop:
On July 14, 1983, the House Ethics Committee recommended that Rep. Dan Crane (R-IL) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA) be reprimanded for having engaged in sexual relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages.[1] Washington, D.C., law specifies an age of consent of 16, meaning that the relationships were legal;[2] however the committee felt "any sexual relationship between a member of the House of Representatives and a congressional page, or any sexual advance by a member to a page, represents a serious breach of duty." The Congressional Report found that in 1980, a year after entering office, Crane had sex four or five times at his suburban apartment with a female page and in 1973, the year he entered office, Studds invited a male page, who testified he felt no ill will towards Studds, to his Georgetown apartment and later on a two-week trip to Portugal. Both representatives admitted to the charges.[3]
Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were each separately censured by the House of Representatives for an inappropriate relationship with a congressional page — in Studds' case, a 1983 sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male. During the course of the House Ethics Committee's investigation, Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, "apparently was not news to many of his constituents." Studds stated in an address to the House, "It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay." He acknowledged that it had been inappropriate to engage in a relationship with a subordinate, and said his actions represented "a very serious error in judgment."[3]
On July 20, 1983, the House voted to censure Studds, by a vote of 420-3. With his back to the other members, Studds faced the Speaker who was reading the motion.[4] In addition to voting the censure, the Democratic leadership stripped Studds of his chairmanship of the House Merchant Marine Subcommittee. (Seven years later, in 1990, Studds was appointed chair of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.) Studds received two standing ovations from supporters in his home district at his first town meeting following his congressional censure.[5]
Studds defended his sexual involvement as a "consensual relationship with a young adult." Dean Hara, whom Studds married in 2004, said after Studds' death in 2006 that Studds had never been ashamed of the relationship. "This young man knew what he was doing," Hara said.[6] In testimony to investigators, the page described the relationship as consensual and not intimidating.[7]
Although Studds said he disagreed with the committee's findings of improper sexual conduct, he waived his right to public hearings on the allegations in order to protect the privacy of those involved:
"...I have foremost in my mind the need to protect, to the extent it is still possible given the committee's action, the privacy of other individuals affected by these allegations," said Studds. "Those individuals have a right to personal privacy that would be inevitably and irremediably shattered if I were to insist on public hearings...."Studds said that deciding not to have a hearing "presented me with the most difficult choice I have had to make in my life."[8]
Studds was re-elected to the House six more times after the 1983 censure. He fought for many issues, including environmental and maritime issues, same-sex marriage, AIDS funding, and civil rights, particularly for gays and lesbians. Studds was an outspoken opponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative missile defense system, which he considered wasteful and ineffective, and he criticized the United States government's secretive support for the Contra fighters in Nicaragua.[9]So, let's see.
Franken is facing allegations.
Nothing is proven. Clearly, there are others out there that this happened to and they are likely to come forward if the pattern holds. But why wait?
No trial is necessary.... kick Franken out NOW. After all, the left and the RINOs have dropped the bar of proof from innocent until proven guilty... to mere allegation.
And if that's the only standard required for Judge Moore, doesn't fairness demand that such be the only standard for Sen. Franken?
I expect Schumer and his colleagues to implement this TODAY.
They won't, of course, because they... and the RINOs... are all hypocrites in an institution where this sort of thing goes on EVERY DAY... to their silence.
I have written before and I say it again: These allegations are based not on the occurrences... but on Judge Moore's politics. Those demanding he step down needed to find a way to make his conservative views go away. What better method than allegations he cannot easily... or timely... disprove?
Are the allegations in any real way true? Only those making the allegations and Judge Moore know. But the circumstances of the timing of these allegations... forty years after the fact?
To reject a political motive as being the primary mover of this stuff is to play the role of an ostrich with your head buried in the sand. And the GOP's response to all of this... particularly given how much they've likely prayed for a cause to get rid of Moore after he beat up the Establishment RINO in the primaries... is the political version of the Keystone Cops.
However, I expect the Senate to apply ONE STANDARD FOR ALL.
And that means Franken should be expelled by COB TODAY.
I mean... anything else would be hypocrisy... wouldn't it?
A nice shot of Davey Delete checking in at his buddy's strip club. How about an explanation, ladies?
Wasn't that long ago.
We remember his pal Adrian, right?
He posted this little tidbit after Davey Delete started bringing his winged monkeys in to defend him from the attacks he's so richly deserved.
Adrian is no Shakespeare, but hey, you gotta take care of the paying customers, right?
After finding out what his buddy Adrian did for a living, why, I just had to let the world know that the guy runs a strip club where Davey hangs out.
The other day, Davey Delete was trying to get people to believe he didn't know the guy and, well, gee, HE could hardly be responsible for what someone else writes... especially after making that guy delete it after I outed him.
Well, here's a fond memory of ol' Adrian and Davey together. I'm sure it was just DRG doing GOP outreach or something... but the claim made by Delete... that the guy HE BROUGHT IN to defend him wasn't a friend, well, kinda falls apart in the face of the evidence.
Are Davey and Adrian blood relatives? No, although Adrian does appear to be close enough to Davey to refer to him as "brotha."
Nope.... not blood relatives. But let's just agree that they're a bit more than nodding acquaintances and that, once again, Davey Delete was lying.
Of course, he knew that... which is why he made that thread disappear.
Right, Davey?
And here's the question that puzzles me, to put it mildly: why are the women in the GOP putting up with this?
Why are so many so slavishly devoted to this scumbag who obviously objectifies women in a way no decent man would consider?
Why does Carolyn Crain carry this clown's water like Gunga Din? Why doesn't it matter to her that this guy had no problem trashing her to me to get her nailed in my blog?
I don't get it. Otherwise decent women who hate conservatives so much they've become Davey Delete's tools. RINOs that slavishly support him because they hate anyone to the right of Lenin. And his conduct is sickening, both within... and without... the job.
Like none of this matters.
We remember his pal Adrian, right?
He posted this little tidbit after Davey Delete started bringing his winged monkeys in to defend him from the attacks he's so richly deserved.
Adrian is no Shakespeare, but hey, you gotta take care of the paying customers, right?
After finding out what his buddy Adrian did for a living, why, I just had to let the world know that the guy runs a strip club where Davey hangs out.
The other day, Davey Delete was trying to get people to believe he didn't know the guy and, well, gee, HE could hardly be responsible for what someone else writes... especially after making that guy delete it after I outed him.
Well, here's a fond memory of ol' Adrian and Davey together. I'm sure it was just DRG doing GOP outreach or something... but the claim made by Delete... that the guy HE BROUGHT IN to defend him wasn't a friend, well, kinda falls apart in the face of the evidence.
![]() |
One of these fellows appears to be Davey Delete. The rather large gentleman on the left appears to be a fellow named Adrian |
Nope.... not blood relatives. But let's just agree that they're a bit more than nodding acquaintances and that, once again, Davey Delete was lying.
Of course, he knew that... which is why he made that thread disappear.
Right, Davey?
And here's the question that puzzles me, to put it mildly: why are the women in the GOP putting up with this?
Why are so many so slavishly devoted to this scumbag who obviously objectifies women in a way no decent man would consider?
Why does Carolyn Crain carry this clown's water like Gunga Din? Why doesn't it matter to her that this guy had no problem trashing her to me to get her nailed in my blog?
I don't get it. Otherwise decent women who hate conservatives so much they've become Davey Delete's tools. RINOs that slavishly support him because they hate anyone to the right of Lenin. And his conduct is sickening, both within... and without... the job.
Like none of this matters.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
RINOs gear up to make sure Liz Pike isn't replaced by a conservative.
I wasn't terribly surprised to see garbage like this:
Everyone in that video, start to finish, is a total, establishment sell out.
I'm particularly taken by the fact that none of those babbling here in favor of Hoff, besides the two RINOs left in the district, represent us. Sadly, when it comes to the issues important to the people of the 18th, Rivers and Vick rarely represent us either.
They hate conservatives. At least one, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, has actively recruited a candidate to run against Rep. Liz Pike because Pike opposed Rivers' gas tax betrayal... publicly.
The others, from Jaime Herrera to Greg Kimsey are all gearing up to screw us on the CRC. Kimsey was a vocal proponent of that rip off who had actually endorsed that insanity. The others in the legislature have flipped their positions and now will join with the democrats in ignoring the people of SW Washington in ramming the resurrected CRC down our throats.
The Wilson Cheerleaders are just as slimey.
Of course they want Hoff. Hoff will be Rivers' puppet, where Liz refused to play along.
Hoff supported the gas tax increase, tab fee increases, the most recent rape of a budget and every other thing the Rivers-Wilson cabal did to injure us.
They picked him because he's already indicated a willingness to sell us out like they have.
That every RINO in office in SW Washington wants this guy elected is the exact reason to oppose him... unless, of course, you want more of the same.
And more of the same is voting like your last name is Jimmy Moeller.

Everyone in that video, start to finish, is a total, establishment sell out.
I'm particularly taken by the fact that none of those babbling here in favor of Hoff, besides the two RINOs left in the district, represent us. Sadly, when it comes to the issues important to the people of the 18th, Rivers and Vick rarely represent us either.
They hate conservatives. At least one, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, has actively recruited a candidate to run against Rep. Liz Pike because Pike opposed Rivers' gas tax betrayal... publicly.
The others, from Jaime Herrera to Greg Kimsey are all gearing up to screw us on the CRC. Kimsey was a vocal proponent of that rip off who had actually endorsed that insanity. The others in the legislature have flipped their positions and now will join with the democrats in ignoring the people of SW Washington in ramming the resurrected CRC down our throats.
The Wilson Cheerleaders are just as slimey.
Of course they want Hoff. Hoff will be Rivers' puppet, where Liz refused to play along.
Hoff supported the gas tax increase, tab fee increases, the most recent rape of a budget and every other thing the Rivers-Wilson cabal did to injure us.
They picked him because he's already indicated a willingness to sell us out like they have.
That every RINO in office in SW Washington wants this guy elected is the exact reason to oppose him... unless, of course, you want more of the same.
And more of the same is voting like your last name is Jimmy Moeller.
The stupidity of RINOs generally and the RINO US Senate particularly, now on display for all to see.
Stupid is as stupid does, even in politics.
The brain dead GOP idiots demanding Moore step down are doing that for one reason and one reason only: to make sure a conservative does not get elected to the Senate.
Yes, RINOs, living up to their name, would rather have a fringe-left democrat win the seat than anyone to the right of Mao.
Make no mistake: this has nothing to do with 40 year old questionable conduct. It has everything to do with getting rid of a very conservative candidate who likely would not go along with the establishment.
The irony of all of this is clear: Should Moore actually do what these clowns want, it would GUARANTEE that the democrat would win.
Why? Simple math.
Moore's name will be on the ballot regardless. A HUGE percentage of voters will still vote for the man. Anyone else they run would have to run as a write-in. And anyone voting for a write-in is splitting the vote, effectively guaranteeing the democrat the seat.
Think the RINOs and even the other fake conservatives don't know that?
Exclusive of the increasingly bogus claims against Judge Moore, exclusive of the amazing timing of these fake claims, exclusive of the history of these same types of fake claims against other candidates, primarily conservatives; exclusive of the fact the leftist liars went full tilt in the most recent election cycle to use bogus allegations to win elections generally and the presidency in particular (Where did all of those women with THEIR fake allegations run off to?) the reality is these clowns would rather have a leftist in the seat than a conservative.
Here is what they SHOULD do and should have BEEN doing:
They should have continued their support of Moore. They should have taken every step possible to insure his election. They should not only have remembered the recent past elections, but they should understand that if the leftists are successful, ANY Republican running for office is just as liable to be the subject of these same kinds of 40 year old attacks... and they will be made up.
Because, after all, the goal is to politically kill someone for a short term election gain... and it doesn't cost them anything, with, in fact, 10's of millions of dollars in earned media resulting.
Support the man. Fund him. Give him a trial outside the newspapers/web sites if those same women don't vaporize like it seems they did when these same moronic stunts were tried against President Trump during his campaign.
If and only if, the allegations are proven.... then the Senate can kick him out or he can resign.
Of course, given the many alleged sexual harassment complaints against those in Congress now, maybe they wouldn't be so hot to trot to kick out someone when many of those warming those seats are likely guilty of far worse.
And THEN, the GOVERNOR, can appoint his replacement... (And no, the new Governor had not endorsed either Strange nor Moore in the primary) and it's likely such a replacement would be both a Republican and at least a little bit more to the right than the democrat the RINOs are working so hard to elect.
As it is now, if the RINOs get their way, they'll be no appointment. And once again, these idiots will have managed to lose the GOP another seat... not that it matters all that much, given the rank idiocy of those running the show in the GOP Senate now.
But there is at least a glimmer of a chance of keeping the seat in GOP hands if you keep running Moore.
There is no chance of keeping this seat GOP for the next 6 years... zero... none... if they don't.
The brain dead GOP idiots demanding Moore step down are doing that for one reason and one reason only: to make sure a conservative does not get elected to the Senate.
Yes, RINOs, living up to their name, would rather have a fringe-left democrat win the seat than anyone to the right of Mao.
Make no mistake: this has nothing to do with 40 year old questionable conduct. It has everything to do with getting rid of a very conservative candidate who likely would not go along with the establishment.
The irony of all of this is clear: Should Moore actually do what these clowns want, it would GUARANTEE that the democrat would win.
Why? Simple math.
Moore's name will be on the ballot regardless. A HUGE percentage of voters will still vote for the man. Anyone else they run would have to run as a write-in. And anyone voting for a write-in is splitting the vote, effectively guaranteeing the democrat the seat.
Think the RINOs and even the other fake conservatives don't know that?
Exclusive of the increasingly bogus claims against Judge Moore, exclusive of the amazing timing of these fake claims, exclusive of the history of these same types of fake claims against other candidates, primarily conservatives; exclusive of the fact the leftist liars went full tilt in the most recent election cycle to use bogus allegations to win elections generally and the presidency in particular (Where did all of those women with THEIR fake allegations run off to?) the reality is these clowns would rather have a leftist in the seat than a conservative.
Here is what they SHOULD do and should have BEEN doing:
They should have continued their support of Moore. They should have taken every step possible to insure his election. They should not only have remembered the recent past elections, but they should understand that if the leftists are successful, ANY Republican running for office is just as liable to be the subject of these same kinds of 40 year old attacks... and they will be made up.
Because, after all, the goal is to politically kill someone for a short term election gain... and it doesn't cost them anything, with, in fact, 10's of millions of dollars in earned media resulting.
Support the man. Fund him. Give him a trial outside the newspapers/web sites if those same women don't vaporize like it seems they did when these same moronic stunts were tried against President Trump during his campaign.
If and only if, the allegations are proven.... then the Senate can kick him out or he can resign.
Of course, given the many alleged sexual harassment complaints against those in Congress now, maybe they wouldn't be so hot to trot to kick out someone when many of those warming those seats are likely guilty of far worse.
And THEN, the GOVERNOR, can appoint his replacement... (And no, the new Governor had not endorsed either Strange nor Moore in the primary) and it's likely such a replacement would be both a Republican and at least a little bit more to the right than the democrat the RINOs are working so hard to elect.
As it is now, if the RINOs get their way, they'll be no appointment. And once again, these idiots will have managed to lose the GOP another seat... not that it matters all that much, given the rank idiocy of those running the show in the GOP Senate now.
But there is at least a glimmer of a chance of keeping the seat in GOP hands if you keep running Moore.
There is no chance of keeping this seat GOP for the next 6 years... zero... none... if they don't.
Monday, November 13, 2017
What could go wrong? Army lifts ban on waivers for recruits with history of some mental health issues
Is this a good time to point out that the military has enough mental health problems as it is without opening this particular Pandora's Box?
Mental health services while on active duty generally and certainly post-discharge particularly are already strained to the breaking point... inadequate doesn't begin to describe it.
So let's allow people with demonstrated mental health issues to enlist... because, well, you know... what could go wrong?
Shades of McNamara's 100,000.
Army lists ban on waivers for recruits with history of some mental health issues
Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY Published 10:00 a.m. MT Nov. 12, 2017 | Updated 6:24 a.m. MT Nov. 13, 2017
WASHINGTON – People with a history of “self-mutilation,” bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse can now seek waivers to join the Army under an unannounced policy enacted in August, according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.
The decision to open Army recruiting to those with mental health conditions comes as the service faces the challenging goal of recruiting 80,000 new soldiers through September 2018. To meet last year's goal of 69,000, the Army accepted more recruits who fared poorly on aptitude tests, increased the number of waivers granted for marijuana use and offered hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses.
Mental health services while on active duty generally and certainly post-discharge particularly are already strained to the breaking point... inadequate doesn't begin to describe it.
So let's allow people with demonstrated mental health issues to enlist... because, well, you know... what could go wrong?
Shades of McNamara's 100,000.
Army lists ban on waivers for recruits with history of some mental health issues
Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY Published 10:00 a.m. MT Nov. 12, 2017 | Updated 6:24 a.m. MT Nov. 13, 2017
WASHINGTON – People with a history of “self-mutilation,” bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse can now seek waivers to join the Army under an unannounced policy enacted in August, according to documents obtained by USA TODAY.
The decision to open Army recruiting to those with mental health conditions comes as the service faces the challenging goal of recruiting 80,000 new soldiers through September 2018. To meet last year's goal of 69,000, the Army accepted more recruits who fared poorly on aptitude tests, increased the number of waivers granted for marijuana use and offered hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
In Flanders Field (World War 1)
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead.
Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
John McCrae, MD. Lieutenant Colonel of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Thursday, November 09, 2017
New nick name for Davey Gellatly.
Another episode of "I got caught out as a liar" played itself out in SWWO, today, where Davey Gellatly did his best to distance himself from his strip club consulting buddy, Adrian Kallimanis.
You remember Adrian, right? He was one of the numerous Gellatly Winged Monkeys that ol' Davey brought in to defend him... by attempting (and obviously failing) to discredit the numerous allegations against ol' Davey.
You know... the threats, the lies, the efforts at intimidation and humiliation and the like... just a tiny part of the reasons why this scum bag shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, let alone a county political party.
Well, even though Gellatly brought that scumbag in, he wasn't all that pleased at the droppings he scattered around in Davey's name.
Davey's problem? The internet never forgets... and the screen captures are gold when Davey starts lying again.
Here's a sample of his strip-club managing buddy... and why on earth would our sainted county chair be objectifying women by going to places like that?
And more interestingly, why aren't the women flocking around that stain so unconcerned about it?
Gellatly acted like he'd never heard of this clown.
Well, until I pointed out this:
And poof! Within moments, the entire thread was gone... like it has never happened.
And that's when it occurred to me: the gutless worm of a county party chair needed a new nickname.
Not something dirty or offensive, though many such names apply to lowlife scum like Davey. But something descriptive that fit him to a "T."
So, announcing the new nick name for the snake running the Clark County GOP like he, personally, owned it:
Davey Delete!
Kinda rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
Like most cowards, he certainly doesn't want to stand by his words... particularly like today, when those words re-cemented his reputation of being both a liar... (Of course he knew the strip club manager) and the fact that this post by that guy, was a direct result of Davey Delete bringing him here... like the rest of his winged monkeys.... was in his support.
Davey HATES to be proven a liar... which happens, essentially, most every time he touches a keyboard. He has deleted dozens of posts as a result of his complete lack of integrity, cowardess and low-life attitude that he's the kind and we're just peons.
Well, the new nick name will be a friendly reminder that people are paying attention to what this slimeball says and does. And every time he lies... or threatens... or attempts to intimidate... he's going to get busted for it.
Strange that the RINOs don't seem to care that they've put someone who disrespects women so much... and lies so much... and threatens so much... and attempts to intimidate so much... in charge of a political party.
But hatred of conservatives can do that sort of thing, I suppose... because how else can you explain it?
You remember Adrian, right? He was one of the numerous Gellatly Winged Monkeys that ol' Davey brought in to defend him... by attempting (and obviously failing) to discredit the numerous allegations against ol' Davey.
You know... the threats, the lies, the efforts at intimidation and humiliation and the like... just a tiny part of the reasons why this scum bag shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, let alone a county political party.
Well, even though Gellatly brought that scumbag in, he wasn't all that pleased at the droppings he scattered around in Davey's name.
Davey's problem? The internet never forgets... and the screen captures are gold when Davey starts lying again.
Here's a sample of his strip-club managing buddy... and why on earth would our sainted county chair be objectifying women by going to places like that?
And more interestingly, why aren't the women flocking around that stain so unconcerned about it?
Gellatly acted like he'd never heard of this clown.
Well, until I pointed out this:
And poof! Within moments, the entire thread was gone... like it has never happened.
And that's when it occurred to me: the gutless worm of a county party chair needed a new nickname.
Not something dirty or offensive, though many such names apply to lowlife scum like Davey. But something descriptive that fit him to a "T."
So, announcing the new nick name for the snake running the Clark County GOP like he, personally, owned it:
Davey Delete!
Kinda rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
Like most cowards, he certainly doesn't want to stand by his words... particularly like today, when those words re-cemented his reputation of being both a liar... (Of course he knew the strip club manager) and the fact that this post by that guy, was a direct result of Davey Delete bringing him here... like the rest of his winged monkeys.... was in his support.
Davey HATES to be proven a liar... which happens, essentially, most every time he touches a keyboard. He has deleted dozens of posts as a result of his complete lack of integrity, cowardess and low-life attitude that he's the kind and we're just peons.
Well, the new nick name will be a friendly reminder that people are paying attention to what this slimeball says and does. And every time he lies... or threatens... or attempts to intimidate... he's going to get busted for it.
Strange that the RINOs don't seem to care that they've put someone who disrespects women so much... and lies so much... and threatens so much... and attempts to intimidate so much... in charge of a political party.
But hatred of conservatives can do that sort of thing, I suppose... because how else can you explain it?
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
The RINO/Fake Conservative misunderstanding of the GOP's RINOism losing them the Senate.
My stalker seems really peeved that I called the Englund race like a pool shot... (3 ball in the corner...)
Besides the fact that it was as obvious to me as the Trump win, I took no pleasure in it beyond that of a confirmation that I was right.
The loss of the Senate doesn't concern me. THAT it doesn't concern me goes to the heart of the matter.
We will not notice any appreciable difference between leftists control and leftist light.
The whining of the RINOs and their demands that we continue to support them in spite of their lies and their demonstrated lack of integrity are falling on increasingly deaf ears.
The whining of some that we should just STFU and keep voting lying scum back into office got them nowhere in the 45th... and it's not going to get them anywhere next November, either.
Had the GOP-Controlled Senate actually VOTED like Republicans instead of democrats, then yeah, I would have been concerned. Terrified, in fact.
But time after time after time... when it mattered... they voted like the 25 of them were named Moeller.
Rivers' gas tax/tab fee scam.
Rivers' resurrection of the CRC/Loot Rail scam.
Rivers' sell out on McCleary that has increased our property taxes by hundreds, that she has lied about publicly (I guarantee your property taxes are going down).
The Senate's sell out on charging citizens more for drivers licenses than illegal aliens, who shouldn't get licenses or any other support at all.
The Senate's passage of the state version of the Dream Act, that allows illegal aliens to have in-state tuition WHILE making sure that THEY come before citizens when it comes to getting seats in our universities... all while making them eligible for state, taxpayer-paid financial aid.
The implementation of a back door income tax, soaking employees and employers with a .4 percent tax to pay for paid family leave.
Each of these things were leftist goals, dutifully implemented by, you guessed it, the RINO-Controlled State Senate.
When confronted with that variety of legislative record, it was the same scam local RINOs ran on us to get their leftist buddy and my brother-in-law, Marc Boldt, elected county chair with 39% of the vote.
Besides the fact that it was as obvious to me as the Trump win, I took no pleasure in it beyond that of a confirmation that I was right.
The loss of the Senate doesn't concern me. THAT it doesn't concern me goes to the heart of the matter.
We will not notice any appreciable difference between leftists control and leftist light.
The whining of the RINOs and their demands that we continue to support them in spite of their lies and their demonstrated lack of integrity are falling on increasingly deaf ears.
The whining of some that we should just STFU and keep voting lying scum back into office got them nowhere in the 45th... and it's not going to get them anywhere next November, either.
Had the GOP-Controlled Senate actually VOTED like Republicans instead of democrats, then yeah, I would have been concerned. Terrified, in fact.
But time after time after time... when it mattered... they voted like the 25 of them were named Moeller.
Rivers' gas tax/tab fee scam.
Rivers' resurrection of the CRC/Loot Rail scam.
Rivers' sell out on McCleary that has increased our property taxes by hundreds, that she has lied about publicly (I guarantee your property taxes are going down).
The Senate's sell out on charging citizens more for drivers licenses than illegal aliens, who shouldn't get licenses or any other support at all.
The Senate's passage of the state version of the Dream Act, that allows illegal aliens to have in-state tuition WHILE making sure that THEY come before citizens when it comes to getting seats in our universities... all while making them eligible for state, taxpayer-paid financial aid.
The implementation of a back door income tax, soaking employees and employers with a .4 percent tax to pay for paid family leave.
Each of these things were leftist goals, dutifully implemented by, you guessed it, the RINO-Controlled State Senate.
When confronted with that variety of legislative record, it was the same scam local RINOs ran on us to get their leftist buddy and my brother-in-law, Marc Boldt, elected county chair with 39% of the vote.
While we don’t individually endorse all of his votes during that very long period of his service, and some of them concern several of us, we value Marc’s character, collegial temperament, ability to listen as well as to lead, and maturity in addressing different points of view. Furthermore, his perspective as a farmer, truck driver, and small business leader is essential on our council."While we don’t individually endorse all of his votes during that very long period of his service, and some of them concern several of us..."
Even these same RINOs that bailed on the GOP candidate running as a write in, acknowledged that Boldt's actual voting record, WHICH IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS, sucked.
And so what did this RINO crew tell us to do?
Ignore what he has done... ignore what we know he WILL do... and vote for him anyway.
Boldt, of course, has been a disaster. He's still in that psychotic, pissed-off at the world zone that resulted from getting his ass kicked by David Madore back in 2012, and all thanks to the RINOs around here who put all of their efforts into getting a Young Democrat-endorsed clown elected County Chair.
These same RINOs are pissed that yet ANOTHER RINO candidate (And face it, the pro-choice Englund up in the 45th is more to the left than Cleveland) lost... and that they lost power in the RINO-controlled state senate.
And local RINOs are pissed that I was right. And make no mistake: this isn't about "right" or "wrong," if that were the case, Crain would have jumped off a bridge considering the crap she's pulled.
No, this is about power: their lack of it. And they didn't give a damn that they'd eventually lose the Senate as a result of their overt RINOism... And that is exactly what happened.
They'll get over it. That they support psychotic liars for office merely because of a label these clowns choose to use.... and that once elected, they'll lie, exaggerate and actively oppose the tenets of Republicanism once they get there?
Why, that's just the cherry on top.
Yesterday's debacle was, in large part, the result of bedrock Republicans staying home. And they stayed home because these same RINOs failed to act like Republicans, failed to adhere to Republican ideals... and most importantly, failed to vote like Republicans.
RINO hissy-fits notwithstanding.
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Local RINOs seem upset that I made Gellatly look like an idiot on the Englund race.
Look. I get that some of the old, dementedly senile, politically ignorant types seem to be having a hissy fit that I nailed the race in the 45th District months ago.

Now, the more clueless are acting as if the RINOs running the state senate DIDN'T jack up our gas tax and tab fees by billions, DIDN'T jack up our property taxes by billions and then LIE about it... DIDN'T approve a driver's license that cost much more for citizens than it did illegal aliens... DIDN'T pass a state version of the so-called Dream Act, granting illegals the right to in-state tuition while making them eligible for taxpayer-funded student aid when we didn't... and don't... have enough money to provide adequate aid for citizens, let alone those who legally aren't even allowed to live here.
They choose to forget all about years of RINO GOP efforts to depress the vote from the base... much like RINOs around here endorsed leftist democrats instead of conservatives.
But that's neither here nor there. ANY of the consultants who even remotely believed Englund had a chance should refund every dime of the millions spent to drag that horse over the finish line in a district already lost to the left... long before the untimely demise of the late Sen. Andy Hill.
It wasn't rocket science: you had a district where both representatives were democrat and the GOP candidate got clobbered in the primary. A blind cat could see it in a minute.
Our simple idiot of a GOP Chair tried to tell us that didn't mean anything... but, as he is in so many other aspects... his life... his politics.... his incompetent handling of the party... Davey Gellatly was flat, dead, wrong.
The numbers don't lie. And you ignore them at your peril.
Now, of course, the lying RINOs are whining about increased taxes (like the GOP Senate DIDN'T increase taxes by billions?) and an income tax (like the GOP Senate DIDN'T implement an income tax to pay for their idiotic "paid family leave" stupidity?) as if the RINO-controlled Senate were paragons of conservative virtue instead of punks for the WEA, the democrats, and an out-of-control Supreme Court.
They whine about Reagan's so-called 80% rule, hypocritically failing to acknowledge that whenever the mood strikes THEM, they ignore it even MORE.
But then, frequently, to be a RINO is to BE a hypocrite.
There was no way... none... Englund was going to win.
Clearly, the GOP RINOs and liars were going to lose control over the senate and their cherished committees... even those like Rivers (assuming she doesn't switch parties... an altogether likely possibility) who were bending us over to the WEA even as she was hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm, Strategies 360.
And no... I am neither surprised... nor disappointed... that they lost as my professional judgment told me they were going to lose.
Had they kept their word... had they told the Supreme Court to drop dead on McCleary... had they not voted for GOP bills that looked like Jimmy Moeller wrote them... had they not screwed us over... and over... and over again... then yeah, I would have been upset about it.
As it is, there was far too little separating the two parties... and lacking any such difference, they also lacked any compelling reason to vote for them.
Lie enough... betray enough... out-democrat the democrats enough.... and this is what you get.
Using our two local lying Senators as an example?
It's also what they deserved.
Friday, August 04, 2017
Monday, August 07, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
I tried to warn everyone. Between her district demographics and the years-long betrayal of the RINO-controlled State Senate, the outcome was painfully obvious months ago.
Now, the more clueless are acting as if the RINOs running the state senate DIDN'T jack up our gas tax and tab fees by billions, DIDN'T jack up our property taxes by billions and then LIE about it... DIDN'T approve a driver's license that cost much more for citizens than it did illegal aliens... DIDN'T pass a state version of the so-called Dream Act, granting illegals the right to in-state tuition while making them eligible for taxpayer-funded student aid when we didn't... and don't... have enough money to provide adequate aid for citizens, let alone those who legally aren't even allowed to live here.
They choose to forget all about years of RINO GOP efforts to depress the vote from the base... much like RINOs around here endorsed leftist democrats instead of conservatives.
But that's neither here nor there. ANY of the consultants who even remotely believed Englund had a chance should refund every dime of the millions spent to drag that horse over the finish line in a district already lost to the left... long before the untimely demise of the late Sen. Andy Hill.
It wasn't rocket science: you had a district where both representatives were democrat and the GOP candidate got clobbered in the primary. A blind cat could see it in a minute.
Our simple idiot of a GOP Chair tried to tell us that didn't mean anything... but, as he is in so many other aspects... his life... his politics.... his incompetent handling of the party... Davey Gellatly was flat, dead, wrong.
The numbers don't lie. And you ignore them at your peril.
Now, of course, the lying RINOs are whining about increased taxes (like the GOP Senate DIDN'T increase taxes by billions?) and an income tax (like the GOP Senate DIDN'T implement an income tax to pay for their idiotic "paid family leave" stupidity?) as if the RINO-controlled Senate were paragons of conservative virtue instead of punks for the WEA, the democrats, and an out-of-control Supreme Court.
They whine about Reagan's so-called 80% rule, hypocritically failing to acknowledge that whenever the mood strikes THEM, they ignore it even MORE.
But then, frequently, to be a RINO is to BE a hypocrite.
There was no way... none... Englund was going to win.
Clearly, the GOP RINOs and liars were going to lose control over the senate and their cherished committees... even those like Rivers (assuming she doesn't switch parties... an altogether likely possibility) who were bending us over to the WEA even as she was hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm, Strategies 360.
And no... I am neither surprised... nor disappointed... that they lost as my professional judgment told me they were going to lose.
Had they kept their word... had they told the Supreme Court to drop dead on McCleary... had they not voted for GOP bills that looked like Jimmy Moeller wrote them... had they not screwed us over... and over... and over again... then yeah, I would have been upset about it.
As it is, there was far too little separating the two parties... and lacking any such difference, they also lacked any compelling reason to vote for them.
Lie enough... betray enough... out-democrat the democrats enough.... and this is what you get.
Using our two local lying Senators as an example?
It's also what they deserved.
Gelatly and Crain's involvement in Greene campaign guaranteed loss.
The moment I found out that incompetents like those were within 50 miles of Greene's effort, I knew he was doomed.
Gellatly, of course, has never ran for political office. Carolyn Crain has been an abysmal candidate, much like she's been an abysmal PCO, every pathetic time she's tried... and there have been many times she's tried... and she's failed every time.
To win an election, you need to surround yourself with winners... or at least those who actually know people who've won.
The 49th is, as they say, Charlie's Country. The GOP doesn't win here... and the turnout, when combined with the RINO-hatred of David Madore, is responsible for jamming the neo-communist charter down our collective throats.
Greene had a long putt to make to be sure. But when I observed those who were primarily supporting him, months ago, I knew he had no chance. When combined with the far-left tilt of the Vancouver Soviet, there was really no way to get past the "we're all going to die if the oil terminal is built" messaging so popular with the gullibles and the ignorant.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of in-kind contributions and campaign ads masquerading as newspaper articles, uniformly condemnatory covering a leftist district certainly makes for a leftist outcome. Add the incompetence of the Bobbsey Twins... and, well, the result was a foregone conclusion.
Gellatly, of course, has never ran for political office. Carolyn Crain has been an abysmal candidate, much like she's been an abysmal PCO, every pathetic time she's tried... and there have been many times she's tried... and she's failed every time.
To win an election, you need to surround yourself with winners... or at least those who actually know people who've won.
The 49th is, as they say, Charlie's Country. The GOP doesn't win here... and the turnout, when combined with the RINO-hatred of David Madore, is responsible for jamming the neo-communist charter down our collective throats.
Greene had a long putt to make to be sure. But when I observed those who were primarily supporting him, months ago, I knew he had no chance. When combined with the far-left tilt of the Vancouver Soviet, there was really no way to get past the "we're all going to die if the oil terminal is built" messaging so popular with the gullibles and the ignorant.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of in-kind contributions and campaign ads masquerading as newspaper articles, uniformly condemnatory covering a leftist district certainly makes for a leftist outcome. Add the incompetence of the Bobbsey Twins... and, well, the result was a foregone conclusion.
The nightmare of Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' CRC/Loot Rail scam coming to a town near us.
With Gas Tax Rivers' effort to resurrect the CRC/Loot Rail scam, we need to make sure that we don't forget what lay ahead of us as she completes her sell out to the local interests who own her like the Civil War never took place.

Imagine.... 8.5 miles of loot rail at the now bargain price of ONLY 2.9 BILLION DOLLARS!
This is the disaster that Rivers, Wilson, Harris, and Vick would foist on us.
There is no way to fix this, outside the standard "screw the taxpayers" shtick so beloved by RINOs.
By reopening the Pandora's Box of the CRC/Loot Rail scam, these fake Republicans are opening us up for additional hundreds of millions of dollars in costs that our children's children will be responsible for paying... long after we're all dead.
Keep informed. Be aware. "Republican" is nothing but a label. People like this make it meaningless.
$500M hole: How hot economy, city requests punctured Sound Transit’s Lynnwood light-rail budget

Originally published November 6, 2017 at 6:00 am Updated November 6, 2017 at 12:34 pm
If not reduced, the half-billion-dollar overrun might delay future light-rail extensions to Everett, or sink taxpayers deeper in debt. Already, the Lynnwood grand opening has been delayed at least six months into 2024.
Mike Lindblom By Mike Lindblom
Seattle Times transportation reporter
An astonishing $510 million.
How did the cost to build light rail from Northgate to Lynnwood increase so much since last year, with little warning?
Even by Puget Sound megaproject standards, that is real money.
Light rail costs soar
Sound Transit says four kinds of cost increases pushed Lynnwood Link’s $2.4 billion estimated price to $2.9 billion:
• Increased design and “scope creep,” such as larger stations: $150 million to $190 million.
• Higher land costs, due to 44 percent inflation and 190 more parcels needed: $100 million.
• New contracting method, to spend money earlier for final engineering: $90 million to $120 million.
• Construction market increases, due to high demand:$140 million to $190 million.
Source: Sound Transit briefings
Left untamed, a half-billion-dollar overrun might delay future extensions to Everett, or sink taxpayers deeper in debt. Already, the Lynnwood grand opening has been delayed at least six months into 2024, because of unstable federal funding and Sound Transit’s need to find a more economical design.
Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff raised the official estimate to $2.9 billion in August for the 8½-mile light-rail extension, called Lynnwood Link, up from $2.4 billion.
Our region’s hot economy is largely to blame. Property values alone shot up 44 percent since 2014, and construction costs soared. The price of masonry doubled, and escalators quadrupled, the agency says.
But there’s another reason: the inflation of desires.
During the nine years since voters said yes, cities and transit planners asked for a multitude of features that each might seem reasonable, but taken as a whole help put the original cost projections out of reach.More:
Imagine.... 8.5 miles of loot rail at the now bargain price of ONLY 2.9 BILLION DOLLARS!
This is the disaster that Rivers, Wilson, Harris, and Vick would foist on us.
There is no way to fix this, outside the standard "screw the taxpayers" shtick so beloved by RINOs.
By reopening the Pandora's Box of the CRC/Loot Rail scam, these fake Republicans are opening us up for additional hundreds of millions of dollars in costs that our children's children will be responsible for paying... long after we're all dead.
Keep informed. Be aware. "Republican" is nothing but a label. People like this make it meaningless.
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