The basis for the Biden Administration:
“Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt.
The blog that NOBODY reads... but everyone gets upset about. The stories we want to read the least... but the ones we need to read the most.
Locally, it's the legislators and councilors selling us out.
Three fake Republicans are on the county council, voting like they're all named Moeller.
My moronic former conservative brother-in-law would sell one of his kids to stay in office and sold his soul to the fringe left and the RINOs to get the gig... and he hasn't stopped screwing us since.
They falsely claimed to be conservatives (Except, of course, for Harris, who never claimed to be) to get elected, and then they forget all about us when the time comes.
Rivers sold us out by screwing us on the gas tax and tab fee jacks that she'd pledged to oppose to get elected.
Vick is selling us out now on the CRC/LOOT Rail scam along with Rivers, who can clearly be bought when the price is right.
Wilson is doing what her husband tells her to do, and Harris has fallen all over himself to help the leftist screw us on the CRC Resurrection scam because that's who he is.
Nationally, a dillwad named Ryan is screwing up the lowest hanging fruit in the entire political orchard, and we can't even begin to get these people to keep their OWN promises, let alone help the president they so despise keep his.
Our locally party is being torn to pieces because they refuse to dump a preaching, pro-choice kid who talks all purty (so to speak) but is spreading the word that to be pro-life is to be pro-government... all at a horrendous ticket price that results in yet another local civil war.
What do ANY of these people have to do with me?
Labels, you see, are generally worthless when those wearing them don't actually keep up the tenets of what they mean.
Why on earth should anyone be involved in a party who rabidly supports people like this who are dropping us into an even bigger sewer than the left?
What's the up side?
I know what Republicanism is. I know what it's supposed to be.
And these people are leaving me... and I believe many others... behind in their dust as they publicly abandon the principles that got them elected will publicly embrace the principles of our political enemies..
A group at all levels bent on out-democrating the democrats has nothing for me. And when you try to hold these politicians accountable for their lies (and lets remember... the GOP is not SUPPOSED to lie) you get trashed... by those who HAVE lied and those who are getting paid off as a results.
I, in fact, have 3 local electeds, a city manager and a fringe-left hack with his puppet master arm jammed up the county chair''s back like a ventriloquist dummy call my clients in an effort to get me fired in retaliation for what I write.
Just the tiniest bit NAZI, if you get my drift.
I knew going in that those sleeping with the enemy would sell us out. I foolishly believed that it wouldn't be our side doing the screwing.
1. Cut off any federal dollars to any state that allows sanctuary cities.
Much easier to administer than individual cities or towns or counties: if a state allows any governmental entity to engage in "sanctuary" politics, then that state and all entities within that state forfeit any federal funding for any program.
State governors/legislators have it within their control to end this; here's an incentive.
2. Change federal law/regulations to implement the following anti-illegal rules:
A. No illegal alien may own any capital asset.
That includes houses, businesses, cars or any other big-ticket item.
B. Immigration status must be proven by anyone (or the parent of anyone) utilizing any public facility such as schools or hospitals.
If we want to end the illegal alien issue, then we have to end any incentive for illegals to come here.
Once an illegal is identified, that identity must be turned over to ICE.
C. Anyone applying for employment after a date certain and anyone currently employed must be eVerified.
Those who fail to pass such a background check are turned over to ICE.
Those who hire illegals are subject to arrest and confiscation of their business and personal assets, ala drug forfeiture laws.
D. End all provisions of the so-called "Dream-Act."
If you're here illegally, regardless of why, you should not benefit from that and we Americans and legal residents shouldn't have to pay for that.
No in-state tuition. No college aid. No attendance at universities or colleges. No driver's licenses. No business licenses.
We can't afford to send our OWN kids to these schools... why should we send those who don't have a right to even be here?
And those who have a problem with that?
Take it up with the parents who made the decision to come here illegally in the first place.
E. Permanently enjoin any illegal alien from any pathway to legal residence or citizenship.
If you are here illegally, you've already proven your contempt for our laws.
F. If you are convicted of a crime, then you are to be deported. Immediately.
Simple, really: you want to live here?
Then play by our rules.
And if your country won't take you, then we immediately cut off any foreign aid until they do take these criminals back.
G. Eliminate the so-called "anchor baby"laws that allow illegals to slip across the border to give birth to an American citizen and then use that birth as an excuse to stay here.
There are really only two questions here:
Do we really want to end the illegal alien problem?
Do we have the will to do what must be done?
Anything else is pretty much irrelevant. This represents a strategy to achieve that goal.
Other, more intrusive steps can be taken to achieve this goal. But these steps represent the cheapest and fastest routes to getting where we want to go.
And where we want to go is the place where the only people who are here are those we WANT to be here.
Ultimately, the President is Captain of that particular ship, but it appears to me that the biggest problem to date is the combination of the RINO Congress and White House Communications.
The RINO Congress is obvious.
They've been lying for years: they never meant to get rid of Obamacare. Under both Boehner and Ryan, they've been as compliant to Obama's policies and vision as any democrat-controlled House would have been or could have been.
As I've expected, the outcome of a Paul Ryan speakership will be no different that the abysmal outcomes of John "Doormat" Boehner.
Boehner will go down as among the worst Speakers our country has ever known, much like Mitch McConnell has been among the worst majority leaders and that simple idiot in the White House has rocketed to the top of the list of the very worst presidents to ever set foot in DC.
The only way for Ryan to be better than Boehner is for him to not BE Boehner.
So far, that ain't happening' and I don't expect that it WILL happen.
RINO's, as a rule, are liars. Boehner is no exception.
This is an example of his lie about a 72 hour rule for legislation. He's dumping a document 144 pages long that increases the debt ceiling on his own caucus and then expecting them to vote on it without hearings and without giving the promised 72 hour availability before it comes up for a vote.
As AP reports, House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is pushing for a Wednesday vote, this would be yet another instance in which he has broken his promise to give members and the public three full days—72 hours—to read legislation before voting on it.
“We will ensure that bills are debated and discussed in the public square by publishing the text online for at least three days before coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives,” Boehner’s “Pledge to America” reads. “No more hiding legislative language from the minority party, opponents, and the public. Legislation should be understood by all interested parties before it is voted on.”
By scheduling a vote on Wednesday—any time before 11:36 p.m. on Thursday, actually—Boehner would be violating that pledge.
Our worthless cardboard cutout of a congresswoman will certainly vote for this monstrosity; after all, it gives Obama everything he wants, funds Planned Parenthood; keeps Obamacare rolling and further bankrupting us because, as someone far smarter than I once opined, if Congress didn't want a budget deficit, there wouldn't BE a budget deficit. Besides, Cathy McMorris, who built Herrera out of spare parts lying around the office, owns her like the 13th Amendment was never passed.
The budget itself is another leftist nightmare, and Ryan is supporting it.
He tap dances by whining about the process and then fails to take the action (oppose it) needed to FIX the very process he opposes (allegedly... I don't expect him to be any different) by supporting this same budget... which REALLY means that he had no problem with the process... otherwise, he WOULD oppose this hideous insanity.
And this is yet another sign of the RINO insanity infesting DC.
Ryan's only hope was to be different. Our only hope is that not only would Boehner go, but the entire group of lackeys surrounding him in the leadership go with him.
Fat chance.
Meet the new boss... same as the old boss.
It didn't take a genius to figure this out: Ryan was an establishment hack and the Establishment still controls Congress even if they cannot control the President. They are bent on destroying the President as much as... and perhaps more than... the democrats themselves.
Of course, it was democrat buffoonery that put the left in this position to begin with, and they've been oh-so-cooperative by virtue of exhibiting their own level of tone-deafness and stupidity that has, to date, frequently made the GOP House Congress look like political geniuses in comparison... and how low of a bar is that?
For his part, the President has to work around Congress. When a bill comes up that the people support (Which, coincidentally, was NOT the most recent failed RINO attempt to keep Obamacare which, thankfully, failed due to Establishment and democrat stupidity) the White House should be taking a planned, disciplined STRATEGIC effort to the key House districts that supported the President to force a groundswell of opposition to the stupidity of the recalcitrant Congressional Members in question.
The ACA repeal effort served as a vital tool for the President. He now knows who the members of Congress are who actually come under the broad heading of Game Players (The Establishment) and who the members of principle actually are (The Freedom Caucus and their supporters.)
He now knows the competent from the incompetent.
Where he (The President) screwed up was by failing to nail Ryan over the most recent successful House repeal effort that also passed the Senate: there was zero reason not to run that same bill again... except for the most obvious: That Congress only ran that bill symbolically and they never intended for it to pass.
It was, essentially, gamesmanship., And we the people, were the ones they've been gaming.
Mr. President, get your act together. Make this happen or you're doomed politically... and so are we.
The RINO's took one in the testicular region today, but it's one they've been needing for a long, long time.
The problems with this bill were obvious and the justifications few. The idea that everyone should hold their noses and vote for this pig, as bad as it is, is as moronic as the local RINO contingent, Rivers, Wilson, Harris and Vick, voting for that idiotic CRC/Loot Rail resurrection because Oregon won't allow anything else.
Back in World War 2, early on, there was a raid on the French coast that was a disaster.
It was the first sizable raid against mainland Europe, and it was a colossal screw up. But one of the reviews said this:
In all, the operation met with failure due to a number of reasons.
However, if the 1,027 men lost (900 of whom were Canadian) and 2,340
captured (again, with a bulk being Canadian) had achieved one objective,
it was giving Allied command a valuable, if costly, lesson on
amphibious operations. Mountbatten himself said that "for every soldier
who died at Dieppe, ten were saved on D-Day". While this statement may
have been out of Mountbatten's attempt to save his credibility, it
indeed had given the United States the valuable lesson of the difficulty
of assaulting a defended port. This experience might have directly
influenced General Eisenhower's decision to strike at the beaches at
Normandy instead of the nearby port city of Cherbourg (among other
Today's debacle is no exception.
One of the elements of ultimate success is to find out what won't work. Next time, they'll know what to avoid.
But you cannot claim that repealing Obamacare is your top priority and then, take a half-hearted swing at it by running a bill that would have, ultimately, doubled-down on Obamacare by raising the already horrifically high premiums even higher.
So, yeah. Democrats are no doubt gloating....
.... for now.
Mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. In the best of all worlds, this would result in RINO Ryan's resignation as Speaker.
If a screw up happens like this again, Ryan ought to commit seppuku. But someone so tone-deaf and blind really, really ought to quit and let someone else have a shot at it.
He and the rest of the establishment had 7 years to put a plan together. In the interim since this idiocy was first put into law, the House passed 60 motions to repeal. And instead of using anyone of them... THIS is the best they could do?
Repeal it. Set a date certain... say, October 1. Give the states time to pick up the slack.
And let's move on.
Too simple, of course.
So, yeah, leftists... giggle all you like.
Just remember: if you people hadn't been so monumentally inept and incompetent, your candidate would be president and the insanity of Obamacare wouldn't be the anchor around your necks that it appears to be.
Like Churchill said:
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
This is our future here if the local CRC/RINO Caucus gets their way.
It's time for these fake Republicans to peel off this insanity. I am sick of getting screwed by Rivers. Sick of fake conservatives like Wilson shafting us. Sick of Harris being a union stooge. And sick of Vick playing games.
Remember the vast majority of GOP office holders in both the House and the Senate running for their jobs... and getting elected to their jobs at the federal level... in large part because of their promises to get rid of Obamacare?
In fact, that was a continuous theme for the President's election.
So, there is a bill. The bill seems to be idiotic at many levels. And the Freedom Caucus seems poised to kill it.
And they should.
Congress, in one form or another, repeatedly repealed Obamacare while that idiot was still president.
But none of that was legit.
And it's simple to conclude that because if those bills WERE legit, then the day after the new Congress was sworn in, all that had to happen was for the House to run the vetoed bill again, the Senate to vote for it and then boom, have it land on the President's desk for his signature the day after he took office.
But that didn't happen.
Days... weeks came and went... and instead of rerunning the Eye Wash Bill, designed to fool those of us out here on the ground into thinking Congress was actually DOING something.... they hemmed and hawed and screwed around and wound up with this crap sandwich.
Conservatives balked. Democrats, seeking an opportunity to embarrass the GOP, are overlooking this gold nugget, by simply voting for the bill in numbers big enough to pass it.
They want to be heroes to their fringe-left base and claim that THEY killed it... when the reality is that the establishment/RINO types killed it.
The school solution... the simple solution... is to kill Obamacare by a date certain.... say, October 1... And aid the states in starting their own systems, or restarting the systems that were in place.
But the current bill, the FC says, will INCREASE premiums and do nothing to increase availability of medical care.
It is, in fact, another version of the current scam system that has been utterly worthless.
The GOP has had SIX YEARS to craft an alternative. That there wasn't anything ready to go that remotely does what the GOP has been so rabidly promising for that time period is no one's fault but theirs.
The mantra was "repeal and replace."
Well, the first step is to "repeal." And then, let the states "replace."
I hope this bill fails. I hope the President feels the sting of political defeat.
He can use some humility about now and doing what he promised... what the base wants... while beating RINO Ryan to a pulp appears to me to be an altogether positive outcome.
It is, as I have frequently stated on a variety of occasions, better to do nothing than it is to do the wrong thing just so you can claim you counted coup.
The poor communication by the White House and by RINO Ryan, the lack of simplification of this effort, explaining it in terms Joe Sixpack can understand... and the lack of an effective counter to the idea that this bill will make the cancer of Obamacare even worse than better... and premiums even higher than lower... that's what's killing this off.
Do it over. And do it right.
We'll forgive you if the outcome is the right one.
With the revelation that Rep. Sharon Wylie (Communist - 49) finished up a telephone town hall yesterday, apparently she felt compelled to trash everyone smart enough to oppose wasting hundreds of millions on replacing a bridge that does not need to be replaced so that we can get loot rail into Clark County… while the commuting public can start to pay thousands of dollars each over time for the privilege of sitting in traffic, a privilege now granted for free.
I am reminded of that lowlife scumbag John Laird, who used to run the editorial page of our local democrat daily newsletter and who, purely in the interests of that elusive civility the fringe left editor of the local rag, Lefty Lou Brancaccio frequently went on about (even though he, personally, trashed civility on a regular and frequent basis) referred to those of us smart enough to oppose the insanity of the CRC/Loot Rail scam as "cockroaches."
How does Wylie's babbling remind me of that?
She said:
"Our assumption is it (the I-5 bridge replacement) will include a robust mass transit component,’’ Wylie said, seemingly confirming the legislators’ desire to once again include light rail in their plans. “And, I have to say that you would not believe how many people that sound like they are engineers think they have all the answers. I’ve come to say our job is to prevent our ferret friends from chasing after bright shiny little bridge designs that people come to us with.’’ Rep. Sharon Wylie
Wylie, of course, lacks the guts to tell the entire truth, so let me translate:
"We're going to get light rail."
"The only acceptable bridge project is going to be the unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable replacement of the I-5 Bridge."
"If you don't agree with our stupidity, you're an idiot."
This is the kind of monumental arrogance I despise in those who, allegedly, work for us.
But it's also the delusional dream world of the left and the moronic GOP legislators selling us out.
Two uber-leftist dem senators, a governor and a congresswoman who've all trashed the president and with Sen. Don Benton in overwatch. Chances are slim that if we were on fire as a state that the President would even bother to wiz on us to put us out, let alone dump any money on this insanity.
So, here's the reality: For anyone here locally who claims to be GOP that is involved in this betrayal, you are not going to be successful and you will have to answer for this.
You are hitching yourselves to the wrong wagons. You will be politically beaten to a pulp for this.
Do yourselves a favor and pull your support. Otherwise, you're gonna have to have a lot of 'splainin' to do... and as the rules say:
Is it any wonder that one of Boldt's first orders of business was to rape our wallets by yanking the official county newspaper designation from the Reflector?
Well, the first one, printed on the 18th of this month or so, was both founded... and buried in the essentially unread All Politics is Local blog.
I say it's essentially unread because, among other things, there were zero comments under the story.
I mean, after all, surely the leftists infesting us would have SOMETHING to say about the county chair being so inept and incompetent that he is now permanently restricted from managing his own campaign finances... while he's running the finances of a somewhat larger organization with a somewhat larger budget.
To even get the rag to mention it, I had to beat on them like a drum... and even then, it took them almost two months to even whisper about it... since this decision came out last January.
The second complaint mentioned above was published on 16 February of last year... but it was by no means founded... OR buried. It was, in fact, on the front page of the democratian. They ran their hate-filled screed even BEFORE Green's complaint was adjudicated and thrown out... since whether it was true or not (and it wasn't) had no relevance to these scum.
Today's quiz question?
Why did the democratian put what turned out to be a completely unfounded complaint against David Madore by a leftist hack named Green who also runs the local leftist hate site, C3G2 on Facebook on the front page... while failing to either mention Kenny Smith's complaint against Boldt... or mine... ANYWHERE, let alone the front page... a complaint that was certainly founded concerning Smith's effort if nothing else. A complaint which, when adjudicated, called Boldt's integrity and competence into question... and then, when they finally get around to it, why bury in a place few if any bother to read... the reporter's opinion page?
The PDC decision to hammer Boldt was news. Why wasn't it printed as news? Why did it take these people almost two months to mention it?
If Madore had been the subject of this decision... or any other conservative office holder... do you think it would have taken them even 2 minutes to splash it everywhere?
The decision to print Green's lies against Madore wasn't news. But it WAS a part of Lefty Lou's jihad against Madore.... which is why Green's lies wound up on the front page. And that's just another example of why the rag doesn't serve this community... it infects it... it is, in fact, a cancer.
So why did one story get the front page treatment while the other... was buried?
And when the complaint of this fringe-left hack Green against Madore was thrown out, did the cancer on our community make a front page story out of THAT?
Of course not.
That is exhibit one of the axiom: when Lefty loves you, he loves you. But when he hates you, there's no lie, exaggeration or twisting of facts he won't use.
Now, Boldt gets nailed by the PDC, and then proceeds to lie about it:
In September of last year, Kelly Hinton, Boldt’s one-time legislative assistant and brother-in-law, filed a complaint against his old boss regarding his 2012 campaign for county commissioner, the race he lost to Madore. The complaint alleged that Boldt failed to disclose a $5,000 loan Boldt made to his campaign.
“In 2012, we filed campaign contributions that got filed in as a loan instead of a contribution and tried to take it out to balance the books,” said Boldt. “It looked like we were taking the loan and paying ourselves but it was just trying to balance the books.”
Hinton, who is often very critical of his brother-in-law, doesn’t appear to be buying it. I reached out to him via email. I didn’t hear back, but this is what he wrote in his complaint to the PDC:
“This was not a ‘mistake.’ in 2012, Boldt was in his 18th year of elective politics and had been in at least 7 campaigns with PDC reporting requirements. Clearly, he knew exactly what he was doing.”
There is NOTHING to indicate that ANY contribution from ANYONE was "filed in as a loan."
Anything "filed in as a loan" would ONLY show up AS a loan... AND would require the use of the Schedule L.
Even now, if you were to look at Boldt's PDC's for 2012, you will see that the amount under "loans" is zero.
Thus, just like Boldt's fake loan repayment filing, his actual explanation is all that bogus.
You CANNOT "accidentally" file campaign contributions as if they were/are loans. And even if you did find a way, the proper way to address any error in filing isn't to lie about a $5000 withdrawal as Boldt did: it's to file amended forms to explain the situation and make it right.
As for "what it looked like," MAYBE it "looked like" that because THAT is EXACTLY what the form said Boldt was doing: repaying himself $5000 for a loan he had never made.
I mean... how can anyone get the wrong idea from THAT?
Boldt's defense, such as it is...
“In 2012, we filed campaign contributions that got filed in as a loan instead of a contribution and tried to take it out to balance the books,” said Boldt. “It looked like we were taking the loan and paying ourselves but it was just trying to balance the books.”
Candidates and political committees may accept campaign loans. To qualify for repayment, a monetary or in-kind loan must be:
Recorded in a written loan agreement executed when the loan is made, and
Timely and accurately reported as a loan on the recipient's PDC reports.
The only way to "file in anything as a loan" is to use this form and the specific loan transaction in the filing (ORCA) software. The only way for a contribution to show as a loan is if it is FILED as a loan.
2. An audit of Boldt's filings indicates that NOTHING, at ANY time was "filed in as a loan."
The instructions to do this are so simple that even Boldt, hardly the brightest bulb on the tree, can figure it out.
But here... it appears he flat out lied in his "explanation." You see, when he sent this fantasy in, he signed a form that said this:
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information herein and on accompanying schedules and attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,”
and he signed that on September 10, 2012.
Boldt lied. And he should either resign or be thrown out because of it.
I remember... fondly... the crusading state representative before the downtown mafia co-opted him. I would have taken a bullet for that version of Marc Boldt.
The man the special interests used to literally hate... for example, this very newspaper demanding his resignation when that whackjob Tommy The K said that if he didn't resign, the people would do it for him.
When this is what the self-serving scum of downtown think of you, you know you're doing the job of the people.
But shortly after he became a county commissioner, Boldt became unrecognizable as that man... he became a classic, "I don't represent the people... I represent Steve" kind of political hack. The kind of liar in politics that I despise.
And the form he sent in where he admits he lied about a loan repayment that doesn't exist?
Koenninger's column isn't what they think of Boldt today... so who do you suppose Boldt is working for now?
There should be zero pay raises for any state employee as long as the Legislature is setting us up for wallet rape over the equal insanity of the McCleary decision which the Legislature should be ignoring.
Since they're not, however, this variety of leftist robbery is absolutely unacceptable.
Those employees who do not like the pay, conditions and already massive benefits the taxpayers of this state are already getting screwed over can exercise the teacher option and quit.
Joe Benson, an electrical inspector with the state Department of Labor and Industries, checks wiring in new construction at a Kent subdivision. If something is amiss, there will be a return visit to make sure the... (Alan Berner/The Seattle Times) More
Nearly one in five Washington state workers would get a big pay boost in the proposed 2017-19 union contracts. Democrats say it’s necessary to attract workers. Republicans say school funding should be a higher priority — and that the way the state makes contracts must change.
OLYMPIA — With new staffers walking the wards these days at Western State Hospital, nurse Becky Bailey feels safer.
There’s less of a last-minute scramble for nurses to fill vacant positions, said Bailey, which leads to safer shifts at the Lakewood psychiatric hospital, one of Washington’s most dangerous workplaces. Nurses can settle into a routine with their patients.
“When you have the same staff day after day, they get to know their [the patients’] triggers, they know their mannerisms,” said Bailey, a registered nurse and SEIU 1199NW union member who has worked at the hospital about two years. “They know; they can just look at them and know when something’s not quite right.”
Lawmakers last year approved pay raises and added new positions to boost the number of workers there. But the hospital — which remains at risk of losing its federal certification and federal funding — still struggles to fill vacancies.
About 16 percent of the senior nurse positions like Bailey’s are unfilled, according to data from the state Department of Social and Health Services. One-fourth of psychiatrist positions remain vacant.
The state’s proposed 2017-19 state employee contracts aim to fix that. If approved by the Legislature, most of the state’s 95,000 workers would get a 6 percent raise through the 2019 budget year.
But nearly one in five workers — more than 18,000 — would see larger pay boosts. Nurses like Bailey would get a 27.5 percent raise over three years. The state’s forensic scientists could see 10 percent increases. Psychiatric social workers could see their pay rise by 50 percent.
The targeted pay raises are part of a $732 million state employee compensation package that includes negotiated or arbitrated union contracts. Lawmakers must consider the package as they draft a new two-year state operating budget.
Workers covered by these contracts include general state employees, a handful of higher-education positions and state-funded contractors like home-care providers.
Some increases are aimed at adjusting job classes so that pay better fits an employee’s responsibilities or assures that a supervisor doesn’t make less than a subordinate. But many of the increases are necessary to recruit and keep workers on the job, Gov. Jay Inslee and Democratic lawmakers have said.
Those positions range from mental-health and social-service workers to State Patrol troopers and workplace inspectors.
“Typically it’s areas where we have trouble hiring,” said House Majority Leader Pat Sullivan, D-Covington, who added that the contract package is viewed as essential for any budget agreement this year. “We need to compete.”
In a repeat of 2015’s fight over union contracts, many Republicans remain skeptical. They say the Legislature must focus on finding money to fully fund K-12 schools as required by the state Supreme Court’s order known as the McCleary decision.
Some remain unhappy over the Legislature’s decision more than a decade ago to establish a collective-bargaining system that restricts lawmakers’ role in deciding state worker pay. Now, contracts are bargained with the state’s budget office in secret, and legislators in Olympia get a simple up or down vote on the final agreements.
Since lawmakers weigh in only at the end, worker shortages like those at Western State and the State Patrol are used to argue for support of the entire package, said Senate Majority Leader Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville.
“They’ve used the [State] Patrol time and time again to justify the bargaining agreements,” said Schoesler, “when you have a wide-ranging package and you get one choice, up or down.”
Agree or disagree... and our own excuse for a daily newspaper is a prime example of what Mr. Washington is referring to... well, that and their hate-based, leftist view... that is what's going on here geometrically with the Trump Administration.
Kudos to Mr. Washington for showing the courage to speak his mind.
Clearly, he is a talent that transcends the Hollywood political realm.
I've been saying all along that our simpering idiot of a RINO Congresswoman has screwed this district sideways by bashing Trump. The man has an internal... and possibly external... scorecard in his head.
Here's an example:
So, thanks to our idiotic fake congresswoman, guess what the answer is going to be if this congressional district needs any help from the White House?
Wherever the judges are located who find this obviously constitutional order unconstitutional, here's the simple fix:
Find out where Judge A in Hawaii lives, Judge B in Seattle and Judge C in Massachusetts.
Exercise eminent domain in the neighborhood where he lives... and send every fricking "refugee" to his neighborhood while additional high-density housing is built across the street from his house.
Here in Washington State, build a refugee camp across the parking lot from the Governor's Mansion.
Do the same for the homes of Senator's Murray and Cantwell and every other elected official who opposes this order by the President.
These people do not have our best interests at heart. They want to make us pay.
The left remains shell-shocked over what I felt would be the inevitable victory of Donald Trump... and since the basis for leftist thought these days is pure hatred mixed with hypocrisy, we get the kind of insanity exhibited by Rachel Maddow.
Maddow serves as exhibit one: Take a quick look at her stupidity, pre-election... if you can stomach it.
And then, of course, was the stupidity of Trump's tax returns.
It was a great... albeit false... meme for these leftists.
It was a thing of beauty.
Strategically, it was masterful. The left was focused on Trump's tax returns like a kitten to a laser pointer.
And it got them nowhere.
But it pulled them completely off message... while simultaneously enabling the fringe-left to continue to do what they do best: engage in rhetorical political assassination since facts are meaningless to their objective... ineffective as it usually is after you've beaten that dead horse into beef jerky.
Politics is like football or even pitching in baseball.
In football, you keep running the same play until the other team figures out a way to stop it.
In baseball, if you keep throwing fastballs, the other team will insist on parking them in the bleachers.
What you DON'T do is continue running the same play that fails over and over. And while these leftists certainly found this lie to be self-invigorating... just another arrow in their empty quiver of fake arrows... they failed to understand that nobody cared.
In an election of issues, Hillary insisted on doubling down on those issues where the people of this country were in disagreement.
Leftists do that sort of thing. You need look no farther than the local county council ignoring us... or the local fake Republicans ignoring us... to get a snapshot of Hillary's campaign when it comes to listening... and implementing the will of the people.
Since the leftist meme is built on hate and hypocrisy (Check out the C3G2 hate site on facebook for a prime example) and they are still in shell-shocked disbelief, the dangling of the tax-return was as irresistible as a Twinkie at a fat farm.
And Maddow bit it.
Did Trump make that client copy available?
Who knows?
But whoever did it was a political god in the strategic sense. The plan was brilliantly conceived and finding a tool like Maddow to execute it?
It makes the left look idiotic to even the most detached layman.
Maddow has single-handily crippled the left. And she did it all for the greater glory of Maddow.
But it's not just her fault, as stupid as it was to show that Trump paid $38 million in taxes for one year in 2005... it was more stupid that the haters at MSNBC actually let her run with it.
Don't they have any adults there?
Couldn't they see what the outcome was going to be?
Couldn't they wrap their heads around what the impacts would be of releasing these forms... the impacts to their own cause?
They... THEY... provided instant credibility to President Trump, and they did it to the audience that hates Trump the most.
They destroyed the lamestream media's meme that they repeated incessantly concerning the President avoiding paying ANY taxes.
Demobots won't care, of course. But there aren't nearly enough of them to make a difference.
But left-leaning "independents" that may have a functioning brain synapse have got to be wondering: What else are they lying to us about?
Because they must know that it can't be limited to just this single issue. And for those who can actually think... the seed of doubt has been planted.
Literally for years, I've been hammering the reality that RINOs are the worst of the worst of us politically.
I've been demanding answers as have many of us, as to what the hell the difference is between those slime and the democrats.
The answer is, of course, none.
I've been asking since we took back the House: when are they going to do something? When is it going to make a difference?
I was told: well, we've got to get the Senate. THEN we can do something.
I've been asking since we took back the Senate: when are they going to do something? When is it going to make a difference?
They passed repeal bills. They got at least one to Obama's desk. And then the FINAL piece fell into place... the election of Donald Trump.
I was told: well, we've got to get the White House. THEN we can do something.
And we were told that because THAT'S what the establishment RINOs wanted us to believe.
Here we sit. ALL of the pieces are in place.
Well, the GOP had 6 years to plan a repeal. They had 2.5 months to get the choreography ready.
Clearly, they've done nothing. All of which begs the issue: why didn't they just rerun the last version of repeal?
Because all of the efforts during Obama were eyewash... the major confusion of motion... with action.
The RINOs were gaming us. They never intended to repeal, let alone "replace" (which they should not do anyway) They lied to get elected and they've lied to stay elected. The RINOs at the national level are exactly the same as the RINOs at the local level: democrats in GOP clothing.
Isn't it odd that the behavior of our local RINOs and their betrayal of those who elected them so closely matche the behavior of those at the national level?
NONE of these people ran on a platform that indicated they were going to tell those of us who believed in them enough to give them our vote too, in effect, drop dead.
NONE of them ran on a platform that looked like Annette Cleveland wrote it.
But then, with Rivers, she lied from the getgo anyway, so her caving was to be expected. After all, she's gotten really good at it and it's only cost us $700 million... so far.
Meanwhile, the RINORyan House fiddles while the GOP burns.
I have never voted for Herrera because she stands as an example of the very thing we detest.
She's been silent because her only purpose in life is to get reelected. She says nothing and does nothing... because that's what political cowards do. She wants us to forget all about her efforts to trash Trump and to join with the two democrat senators from this state who trashed him as well.
Trump, of course, no doubt has a list of who's been naughty and who's been nice. Guess which list that worthless troll is on?
So, the next time any of us curse our Ryan, remember our own worthless facade of a congresswoman, remember who voted for her. And then remember this:
If we want change, it has to start here.
And that doesn't mean voting for those who jump through the establishment hoops like they breathe so they can stay in office.
Nor does it mean voting for those who sell us out or lie to us.
Try and remember that the next time you've got a ballot in front of you.
The rag will not print negative stories about those they like... meaning they self-censor the news they make known against those they like... such as the recent Public Disclosure Commission's decision to hit my clueless brother-in-law in the head with a political club.
But if you DON'T read this blog, then you wouldn't know that the clown chairing the county commission, the Crain-inspired fake Republican that has screwed this county sideways, can no longer control his own campaigns and can no longer use family members to do his PDC's.
The irony of that is obvious.
Lefty Lou Brancaccio's hatred of Madore drove him, in these matters, to make even the filing of unproven claims against David Madore big news.
When the complaints were unfounded... as I believe all of them were?
Not so much.
But HERE, we have a complaint that WAS founded. And here, we have a PDC file that was falsified by Boldt's deliberate decision to hide $5000 from his campaign account.... $5000 that remains unaccounted for since, even though Boldt proved HE didn't take the money that he claimed in his false filing that he DID take, the PDC has refused to show where that money DID go.
So, if you were to go to Boldt's 2012 filings in expenditures, even today, you would STILL see that he paid himself $5000 which he claimed in front of the PDC that he did not DO.
He has not filed and amended C4 Expenditure form to explain where the money went, and the PDC refuses to force him to file an Amended C4 actually wound up.
As of this writing, anyone reviewing his records would STILL see that Boldt ripped off his campaign for $5000 as if he DID take the money.
And what has the Columbian printed about this?
Because when Lefty likes you?
He likes you. And meanwhile, he babbles about the "freedom of the press."
If the name on this file was "Madore" instead of "Boldt," we'd never hear the end of it.
Look, kids, I get that you want to be all things to all RINOs. Maybe next time, you'll file your required C4. After all, we need to see how much PAC money you spent to spend the night in the Heathman, right?
So there's this discussion on Liz Pike's FB page... where the local democrats who slobber at the thought of resurrecting the CRC/Loot Rail scam... sent a copy of the stupidity expressed by local neo-communist tools who run the fringe-left enclaves... expressing their "disappointment" that, unlike her seat mates, Pike refuses to throw her district under the bridge, so to speak.
Inevitably, this led to the same discussion that's always gone on before.
Those who don't give a damn about what the people of this county want it built now; those who believe that the will of the people of this county should be the determining factor want the whole idea dropped into the river.
Well, the former Vancouver city attorney is a fellow named Ted Gathe.
Ted is an interesting guy. He's married to a state representative from the Vancouver Soviet, Sharon Wylie. It has the trappings of the situation where Tracy Wilson is the puppet master of his wife, State Senator Lynda Wilson (RINO -17) but it's hard to say who is running who in that situation: is Wylie doing what Gathe tells her to do, like Lynda is doing what Tracy tells HER to do? And isn't it odd that democrat Wylie and RINO Wilson are both intent on screwing the people of this county sideways while they fall all over themselves to do the bidding of the downtown mafia that owns ALL of them?
Well, in this discussion, the facts in opposition are ignored by proponents... no matter that proponents have zero facts in support.
Part of this discussion resulted in Gathe opining thus:
Ted GatheOregon has a plan to improve the Rose Quarter congestion but the real problem is the I-5 Bridge Corridor and its multiple ramps. Let's get over the light rail 'bogeyman' fear and get on with a project. Like · Reply · March 10 at 2:49pm
Now... let me interpret that:
"I don't care what the opposition to this rip off says."
"Oregon claims to have some vague and nebulous plan to do something about the Rose Quarter insanity, we should trust them implicitly and just go ahead and ignore the people of Clark County and waste these billions."
"Screw you people who know that the ONLY reason for this bridge rip off is to get loot rail into Clark County."
Now, when I went ahead and pointed out that what Gathe suggests is NOT what the people of this county want:
Kj HintonYeah. Lets just ignore what the people of this county wants like our utterly worthless RINO legislators selling us out are bent on doing.
The real problem is the outright stupidity of replacing the I-5 Bridge before additional bridges are built.
As for getting over loot rail, we already know that loot rail is the only reason you downtown mafia types want this insanity to move forward.
Every reason we dropped the CRC/loot rail scam into the river before remains in effect today.
So let's kill this moronic project permanently and get the other bridges built first. And if Oregon doesn't like it, then we do nothing. Like · Reply · March 11 at 12:23pm · Edited
Because that's EXACTLY what I wrote... right? The ONLY option I suggested was "doing nothing."
But that's what Gathe read.
Because those in the downtown mafia simply don't give a damn what we want, what we've voted for, what is important to US.
The idea that WE have to do ANYTHING merely because Oregon says so?
The idea that replacing a bridge that doesn't need replacement that will accomplish, effectively, nothing except to charge the 70-odd thousand commuters $2000 per year in ever-increasing tolls for the next 40 years for the privilege.... THAT is "doing nothing," except to spread the hated fungus of loot rail into a county that does not want it, does not need it and cannot afford it.
I appreciate Gathe's response. It's the entirety of the CRC Scam, boiled down to its essence.