Sunday, January 14, 2018

The many faces of Marc Boldt: his reaction to Pike's withdrawal from the county chair race.

Not surprisingly, Boldt made an appearance on Liz Pike's announcement that she was leaving politics... unlike the 4 years he was a PCO and failed to show up for any Republican meeting or event.

A lot of people have the wrong idea about Marc.  There are, after all, two Marc Boldts: the public one that says nice things about you... and the private one that says something rather different.

This is, perhaps, the most obvious case of them all.

Boldt's comments, always texted to me, regarding Pike during the write-in campaign were despicable.
Yes, I worked on that campaign.  No, I would never consider voting for a clown so incompetent that the Public Disclosure Commission has permanently banned him from running his own campaign finances.   Yes, he has turned out to be the absolute disaster I knew he would be, his conservative cred long since vaporized to be replaced by a typical tool of the downtown mafia who could care less what we say... what we want... or what we believe needs to happen... and that includes Liz Pike.

Yes, I ultimately DID have to block him from texting me by having Verizon cut him off... since he constantly referred to Rep. Pike as my "girlfriend," as if my relationship with Pike was anything BUT professional.

So imagine my surprise when that two-faced moron left this message on Pikes retirement announcement:

Boldt's lies for public consumption.  Looks like Mains made him do it.

Boldt used to be a man of integrity. You used to be able to count on him... count on his conservative values. He used to be a... Republican.

But that is long gone... and what remains is a mere shadow of his former self; a tool... a complete sellout to the downtown mafia who could care less what his constituency thinks or says.

That is, I suppose, what you get when someone is elected county wide when 61% of the voters didn't want him to get the job. And this sentiment is a lie, a joke and in reality, rather an insult.

This is my top regret here. Had the GOP done what the GOP is SUPPOSED to do and align themselves behind the actual Republican candidate, Pike could have beaten Boldt like a rented mule and he would have deserved every whack.

But that was NOT going to happen. The signs were obvious: a blind man could see it in a minute. The Gellatly/RINO cult was already doing their best to bring Boldt back... Gellatly's lies that Boldt's expulsion somehow magically ended with a new Board notwithstanding (They didn't.)

And that's the truth of it. The two Marc Boldts: the pandering nice guy that tells you anything you want to hear in public... and the not-so-nice asshole that is completely different in private.

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