Monday, July 15, 2013

When they hate you, they hate you: democratian endorses CRC Scammers for Jeannie Stewart's seat

It was never a question that Brancaccio and the rest of the scum at that carbuncle on this community's butt would endorse the two fringe leftist CRC Shilling slime running for Jeannie Stewart's seat.

And it's not just the garbage Brancaccio troweled out in the endorsement of the two neo-communists (anyone but a CRC opponent) but it's also the lame, bullshit "reasoning" they used to do it.

In short, it's pay back for Councilwoman Jeannie Stewart's steadfast opposition to the steaming crap pile that this despicable rag wasted all it's creditability over for the better part of the last decade.

Brancaccio is throwing a hissy fit by punishing candidates smart enough to disagree with his narcissistic ass.  Stewart is one of those.

Neither of the others have ever done a damned thing that qualifies them to serve, but they have two values the rag simply can't pass up:  they're fringe-left democrats and they bleed CRC blood.

Neither of them are fit to operate an elevator that Councilor Stewart might be on.  Both are on my "Do Not Elect" list.

But then, we knew what these scum were going to do before they did it.  After all, it's just skanky Lou being skanky Lou.

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