Monday, July 15, 2013

Interesting discussion on the Senate immigration scam going on.

Brent Boger started it by posting up a WSJ editorial on his FB that tells the world that the GOP is a group of morons if they don't get behind the RubiObama sell out on illegal aliens.
"The dumbest strategy is to follow the Steve King anti-immigration caucus and simply let the Senate bill die while further militarizing the border. This may please the loudest voices on talk radio, but it ignores the millions of evangelical Christians, Catholic conservatives, business owners and free-marketers who support reform. The GOP can support a true conservative opportunity society or become a party of closed minds and borders."
Nonsense.  Here's my take:
The dumbest strategy is duplicating Reagan's biggest mistake of amnesty for the millions here illegally. What did that fix?

The bizarre idea that Hispanics will suddenly cave and vote for fake democrats when the real thing is available is absurd.

e incredibly strange idea that we can provide special treatment to those who would break our laws while those who follow those laws are excluded is hardly "a true conservative opportunity society." It is, instead, political expediency where our laws are being shoved aside in a misguided effort to increase the minority vote.

Far better to lock down the border and take the steps necessary to get rid of millions of illegals than it is to cave to the nonsensical idea that any part of the senate bill will fix anything, except to continue the flood of illegals to an even greater number than we have now; when we have no jobs, a decreasing numbers of seats in our institutions of higher learning and an astoundingly dramatic increase on economy-killing social programs is the height of idiocy.
Another respondent took me to task... gently, I might add:
 K.j. Hinton, I respect and revere your good sense and values based activism. But, on the matter of illegal immigration we seem to diverge. I believe that what drives me to Conservativism is my aversion to injustice, especially injustice foisted on us by the government.

I love the country of my birth, Australia. But, I came to the US legally and eventually grew to love this country just as much and chose naturalization here. I was lucky or God blessed me in extraordinary ways.

Others are not so fortunate. Others, millions of them, were born in countries whose governments oppress them. They might be just as intelligent as I am, or more so, but they are uneducated. Born into poverty, it is more important to them to feed themselves and their families than it is to get an education, even if it were available and they could afford the pencils.

I happen to believe people are an asset, not a burden, to society. You do too, otherwise you would not oppose abortion and you would not have willingly fought for our country. The inscriptions on the Statue of Liberty are sacred to me.

K.J., if people cannot obtain justice in the US, or Australia, what’s the point of patriotism? I applaud the stated mission of OneAmerica so long as it is not an attempt to stack the electorates with new Democrats. It should not be a Democrat v. Republican thing. In fact, I wish it were a Republican thing because I find Republican values most closely align with my own.
I responded thusly:
 Robert: you say "I believe that what drives me to Conservativism is my aversion to injustice," and then, in my opinion, you would implement a completely unjust policy, amnesty, for those who are now and have been for years, violating our laws... while those who follow our laws and wait their turn get what in return?

And to what end? What is accomplished by this policy? Does it magically stop illegals from coming here? Did the last amnesty do that?

It was the GOP defeat at the polls in an inexcusable failure to defeat arguably the worst president this country has ever known and a failure to be introspective at the TRUE reasons we lost, mainly, campaign incompetence, that's driving this.

There are a dozen policies this nation could implement that would end this problem if we had the will. We just don't have it. So, this obvious problem is somehow solved by giving everyone in LaRaza and the race industry... and those millions who have a proven record of disrespecting our laws... exactly what they want?

Sorry. But until the other options available are implemented, including locking up the border... tight... requiring proof of citizenship to vote, or legal status to own property... (ANY property, including, say, a car) until we treat those who hire illegals like drug dealers and confiscate their assets... until we require proof of citizenship to register at our schools or go to our hospitals or get food stamps and the like... then I'm not interested in concluding that this problem is just too tough to handle and there's nothing else we can do, particularly when the driver of this sorry effort is political expedience and a false hope that somehow, certain people will benefit at the ballot box.

The reason progressives win is because they never stop pushing and they realize, as this disaster illustrates, that conservatives will cave... because we ALWAYS do. I'm sick of caving. We lose EVERY time. And this stupidity is no exception.

Those who want to "seek justice" here can do it like everyone else in the world today does it: file to come here and WAIT. Breaking the law should NEVER be rewarded, and since we've made this country into a destination resort for illegal aliens, what else is there?
The GOP sellout in the senate is a disaster.  It will open the floodgates for additional millions, primarily dependent on additional social services; it will slam already overcrowded schools and universities, it will cost those actually paying taxes BILLIONS... TENS of billions for those coming here with their hands out, not unlike the millions we have now, only multiplied.

The MECHANICS of the last election were a disaster.  And until the mechanisms of the right can be repaired and/or upgraded, no policy change will matter.

Until competency issues on hos to run campaigns can be resolved, the policy issues are of no consequence.

And for Rubio and his RINO ilk to sell us out on the moronic hope that now, magically, the illegals here and voting democrat will suddenly vote GOP?

That's as idiotic as the idea that the Reagan Amnesty was going to fix the illegal alien issue.  And, it's another reason why I am no longer affiliated with the GOP.


K.J. Hinton said...

Sorry, Martin, I've never been one of those "When rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it" kind of guys.

This is a play I have no interest in participating in.

Jack said...

am I the only one willing to express sadness at the demise of the WSJ??they've obviously gone off the deep end.