Saturday, October 17, 2020

So... is the Big F still into censorship? A comparison between a local alleged GOP candidate and a national democrat.

I wrote a post detailing the similarities between a local politician (alleged Republican) and a national level politician (definitively democrat).

It was, I thought, rather Shakespearean.

It was also accurate.  And there was nothing threatening or harassing about it.

Facebook, which has not stopped me from any other posting, nor have they taken the original post down from Opinions of Southwest Washington, is refusing to allow me to share.

Here's what they say:

It's NOT "spam," of course: posting in a private group when you're a member is, in no way, spam.  They know it.  You know it.

The original post is still up, so obviously it doesn't violate FB's TOS.

It's ALSO the only thing I can't share.  Sheer coincidence, I'm sure.

But mention Biden's name?

So, it would pretty much seem that yes, full-bore censorship is a fact of life in Facebook land.

Now, Blogger, here, is owned by Google.

I don't know if Google is overly censoring or not, so it will be interesting to see what happens when I post this.  But meanwhile, here's the "offending post" in its entirety.  You decide.

Parallels between Rivers and Biden.

Yeah, I'm going there.

Here's the thing: while the wheels seem to be coming off the Biden campaign in ways that likely will mostly brutalize independents, I am struck by some of the parallels between Rivers and Biden. Biden, for his part, refuses to answer specific questions about what they are going to do and what they support or oppose.

Well, Rivers' issue is that she, like Biden, is a proven liar when it comes to her political issues. Biden's lies are well known to those who care enough to pay attention. River's lies directly and massively impacted our wallets and our lives. Further, if you visit her campaign website, she refuses to say with specificity, what she will or won't do, what she will or won't support or oppose, and what, for example, her positions are on jacking up our taxes.


Simple: she doesn't want to be held accountable for ANYTHING she does.

Which is why, for example, she's cosponsored DEMOCRAT social engineering bills like the hideous 25% of all corporate boards in Washington State must at least IDENTIFY as women that she was so hot to pass.

She's fully signed on to the leftist school of political thought, best illustrated by former county commissioner Steve Stuart right before he took that sweet deal to become a city manager instead of running for reelection so that TriMet could get $5 million off of us in the event we killed their CRC/Loot rail scam:

"And I've said it before: I don't speak for the people.. I will NEVER speak for "the people," I speak for Steve and some of you are going to agree with me and some of you aren't."
Neither does Rivers. Weird, that.

Of course, Rivers lied about her opposition to the largest gas tax and tab fee increases in the history of this state in ways that resulted in Clark County picking up a $700 million tab, $500 million of which is going to King County, while Clark County itself gets the crumbs off Rivers' table when it came to these two increases.

Rivers' character was revealed when she actually blamed the county assessor for the massive property tax increases she jammed down our throat, showing herself incapable of taking responsibility for her actions. Biden, for his part, refuses to take responsibility for his racism; his codified, "systemic" racism as illustrated in the 94 Crime Act; his multiple racist speeches on the floor of the Senate and elsewhere, his unbridled arrogance towards those who question his judgment, SOOO reminiscent of Ann Rivers' disparaging remarks and tone towards anyone who questions her actions and judgement; and his now documented efforts at extortion and selling out to China, much like Rivers sold us out during her McCleary negotiations by accepting a fat contract with a democrat campaign firm and, of course, her seeming efforts to extort a campaign bribe.

While admittedly Rivers' Biden imitation is at a much smaller scale, some of the comparisons are remarkable. And what we have are a cult-like group who wouldn't be caught dead voting for Biden who engages in these things on a macro scale, and who will cheerfully turn around and vote for Rivers who does all this on a comparative micro scale. 

If Biden wins, as he may (and he will certainly win Washington State) we'll turn around, shake our heads and ask, "With all of the proven corruption, racism and dementia of Biden, how could anyone have voted for him?"

How, indeed.

And the answer is "the same way blinded Republicans will vote for Rivers."

Those who support a corrupt allegedly GOP politician have no moral high ground to question those who supported an equally obviously corrupt democrat. After all, no one wants to be a hypocrite, do they?

Drain the swamp. Write in Mielke... Otherwise? We deserve whatever we get.

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