Sunday, August 30, 2020

Thoughts on Sen. Ann Rivers (D-Gas Tax) begging the Clark County GOP for their endorsement.

Yesterday, the Clark County GOP Central Committee met to, among other things, consider the endorsement of Tom Mielkie in his effort to write-in a campaign against democrat Sen. Ann Rivers.

Folks who've been reading my meager effort are well aware of my disdain for former Republican Rivers, who has spent a great deal of the past 5 years betraying the people of both her district and Clark County by supporting and working for THE largest tab fee, gas tax and property tax increases in this state's history; who, having killed the I-5 Bridge/Light Rail scam, is in large part responsible for resurrecting that project, apparently having had her price met... or the incriminating video found.... or something that has caused her to shift her representation from her district to downtown Seattle.

This is a fake Republican who cosponsored a democrat bill REQUIRING ALL CORPORATE BOARDS IN THIS STATE TO HAVE 25% WOMEN on their board, OR THOSE WHO IDENTIFY AS WOMEN.

That government has any right to determine gender make up of any organization is likely unconstitutional on it's face.

And I'm absolutely positive the people of the 18th District were THRILLED by yet another Rivers betrayal.

And if her fake "conservative act" shtick works, and she's sent back to Olympia, how many more times will she betray us?  How many more billions in tax-increases will she be responsible for?

She's even gone so far as to try and get the taxpayers to reimburse her for a Vancouver Parking ticket:

You'd think she'd be able to pay for out of the $17,000+ settlement she scammed from the county when they accidentally cut down some of her hedges.  But NNNnnnooooo.

There's more... many more... reasons to get rid of this fake Republican and as the election continues, we'll be going over those reasons.  But that's not the point of this post.

Rivers, who has always hated the local GOP organization since the Gellatly Cult lost control of the GOP (thankfully) in the last reorganization; yesterday, found herself in a position where she actually HAD to go to a Central Committee meeting to, effectively, beg the committee she despises to actually endorse her election instead of that of write-in former State Representative and County Commissioner Tom Mielkie.

Rivers usually avoids Central Committee meetings like the plague.  Which, considering her actual legislative voting record, many times more reminiscent of Jim Moeller than that of a "conservative Republican", is probably not all that bad of an idea.

But yesterday, she deigned to actually make an appearance to beg for the endorsement, and, of course, lie about why she's been betraying us for so long, either through omission or commission.

So, why is that a big deal?  (She did not get the endorsement, BTW; a serious slap in the face of a 10 year incumbent.)


"I want nothing more to do with it?"

So, why did she show up to beg for their endorsement?

Like so many things Rivers babbles, this was a statement of lies, half-truths and gross exaggerations.

It was, once again, what River's typically does.

Because if, as she babbled, "I want nothing more to do with it" then why did she bother showing up yesterday?

Simple.  Because in spite of outspending her Republican primary opponent, John Ley, 13 to 1, this 10 year incumbent very nearly lost.

And now, with a genuine conservative who has even more of an elective background than she has, she suddenly became terrified that the group who she claimed she "wanted nothing more to do with" would endorse HIM over her, just like they did in the primary election.

What happened to her integrity?  Why did she lie above, and do the exact opposite she claimed she'd do, after trashing the entire organization?

Even though all the Cult Members voted for her, it wasn't enough because back when, in her arrogance, she was so sure she'd win and didn't NEED the local GOP, she blew off the paperwork/questionnaire needed to apply for their endorsement to begin with.

She needed a 2/3rds majority, and thankfully, she didn't get one.

Take a moment and wonder why.  Why wouldn't a 10 year incumbent claiming to be a Republican choose to deny her that endorsement?

Could it be she's voting far too much like a democrat and far too little like a Republican on the bills that matter most?

The bills that cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars?  The bills she lies about?

Is it her monumental arrogance when dealing with those wise enough to disagree with her?  Is it her overarching effort to avoid accountability for what she does and has done?

Stay tuned.  There is much, much more to come.

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