Saturday, August 27, 2016

Clark County GOP votes not to support Rivers reelection.

UPDATE:  The vote was not to OPPOSE Rivers per se'; instead the vote to support her election failed, resulting in a non-support outcome.

I apologize for the confusion and take full responsibility for the miscommunication.

Sources have indicated to me that the Clark County PCO's met and decided not to support the reelection of Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (Democrat - 18) at their quarterly meeting.

As regular readers know, Rivers ran on a platform of opposing any increase in gas tax or tab fees, only to betray her district and all residents of Clark County by yoking us with a $700 million tax bill to pay for King County's idiotic tunnel project and the bizarre replacement of the DSR520 floating bridge so it can handle light rail.

From her 2012 campaign web site:

Rivers, who indicated in her January 9th town hall meeting that she didn't regret lying to us but did, in fact, regret making the promise in the first place, fully intends to vote for more and possible greater tax increases in the future, according to legislative sources.

(Please give credit to RINO Brent Boger for what he thought was his hidden camera work.  It's been VERY useful in outing Rivers for what she truly is.)

Rivers, who, like the rest of the RINO candidate contingent (And I'm not kidding: each and every RINO elected or running for office blew off the PCO meeting today: Rivers, Wilson, Olson, Stewart, Vance, Bryant, Herrera, Blom, Vick and Harris) blew off the meeting today has a lot to answer for... finally... as a result of her incestuous relationship with the leftist tax and senders running this state.

And now, the local GOP has politically smacked her upside the head... precisely like they should have.

Well done!

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