Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Pondering the writing of the book.

Yesterday, when I made the decision to shelve my public blogging effort, I began the pondering of writing a book.

Many titles came to mind, including the working title "fake Nazi Republicans of Clark County."

Imagine: this microcosm of the disaster that is taking place at the national level, springing up from the local level.. So much of what we're seeing in the presidential race has been and will continue to take place here at the local level, where those on the outs of political power throw hissy fits and snits because their views are rightfully ignored.

All along, I've suggested that if they don't like being out of power, they need to find a way to get back into power. But instead of doing that, they are successfully sabotaging the campaigns of actual Republicans,, as they go out and recruit rhinos to run against conservatives, precisely like Ann Rivers has recruited Shane Bowman to run against Liz Pike.

Pike isn't the only one of course; RINOs have also been recruited to run against David Madore and Tom Mielke as well. We have a full-blown Democrat whose masqueraded as a Republican ever since he was elected to the Clark County Commission/Council, my brother in law, Marc Boldt... and he was elected, with the complete support of the fake Republican contingent within this County… Which I else refer to as the CCRINOs.

CCRINO is an interchangeable term that is defined either as a Carolyn Crain RINO or a Clark County RINO.

Either way, these people are essentially mislabeled Democrats, who see political opportunism here, and are seeking to capitalize on it. Meanwhile, their Democrat allies stand idly by on the sidelines, watching them destroy the local GOP to achieve the aims of the Democrat party, all without the Democrats doing a thing to lift a finger to help… Because why should they since the Republicans are doing it all the themselves?

So all of this self-flagellation is, I believe, worthy of, perhaps, a book treatment.

Surely the Trump candidacy is the reaction to it, which is essentially the same reaction the CCRINOs engage in, is worthy of a book, perhaps one that will help to shape the political science tomes for years to come.

Just something to think about. And think about it I will.

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