Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Vance's leftist bent seeps out a little more.

I don't know what it is with editors these days.

Lefty Lou Brancaccio trashes those to the right of Mao with a stunning regularity.  He's essentially stalked David Madore and Don Benton for years now, all the while claiming that he's right-down-the-middle politically while he lets the leftists get away with, essentially, political murder; never holding them accountable and rarely complaining about the antics of the morons he's endorsed.

Kenny Vance is no exception.  His misrepresentation?

That he is "... ideologically in line with Mielke and Madore."

Yeah.  As much as I'm "... ideologically in line with Lenin and Stalin."

Here's an excerpt from this week's idiocy:
Finally, I’ve had spirited conversations recently with some of you who are disappointed in my recent editorials about the county and Steve Stuart’s announcement that he will not seek re-election. There’s a lot of support in the area for the M & M boys, commissioners Tom Mielke and David Madore. One visitor asked me, “what world are you living in?’’
I’m not ashamed of my appreciation for Stuart. I explained that it’s not about ideology. I have no problem with the M & M boys, and as I have said before, I’m ideologically in line with Mielke and Madore. It just seems like there’s a new way of doing business down at 1300 Franklin and it makes me pause when one, or in this case two people seem to have too much influence or power.
And, if this current wave of conservatism is bringing about such positive change, why I am still hearing horror stories from area residents about exorbitant fees and ridiculous bureaucratical[sic] loops that they have to jump through to conduct business or put a shovel into the ground in Clark County? Doesn’t sound to me like there has been widespread change from this blessing that has been bestowed upon us. I guess patience is a virtue.
Steve Stuart, of course, has been a disaster as a commissioner.  Stuart's sell out to TriMet, by itself, is enough to prove that he shouldn't have been elected dog-catcher.  His efforts to lynch his fellow commissioners, including his lies and allegations during the first lynch mob he and Brancaccio whipped up have far outweighed any "good" he has done.  His dogged insistence on the rip off of the CRC Scam, his year's long failure to support a vote on the issue, his lies to get re-elected; his moronic effort to stuff an unwanted and unneeded ballpark down our throats that 400,000 people who would never set foot in it should have to pay for... his refusal to allow a county charter vote back when he and fellow democrat Marc Boldt ran the commission... his decision, along with Boldt, to jack up our sales tax without asking... his vote to strip our constitutional rights to have weapons in an emergency... all of those things and many more make his tenure something to be ashamed of... yet Vance insists that he's "...not ashamed of his appreciation for Stuart."

Then he is completely ignorant of what that junior tyrant has done... and has tried to do.
"... it makes me pause when one, or in this case two people seem to have too much influence or power."
But you had no such pause when the "one" or "two people" who had all that "influence or power" were leftists?  Odd, that, given your fake portrayal of your ideological bent.
"And, if this current wave of conservatism is bringing about such positive change, why I am still hearing horror stories from area residents about exorbitant fees and ridiculous bureaucratical[sic] loops that they have to jump through to conduct business or put a shovel into the ground in Clark County? Doesn’t sound to me like there has been widespread change from this blessing that has been bestowed upon us. I guess patience is a virtue."
And you expect decades of leftist damage now that there's finally a conservative majority and leftist inculcation into government, not to mention the strong resistance to any change the conservatives try to implement to happen in 14 months?
"Doesn’t sound to me like there has been widespread change from this blessing that has been bestowed upon us."
Really?  Your fellow leftists are going batshit crazy over the "widespread change" that you are apparently too blind to see.

While you claim to be "ideologically in line with Mielke and Madore" as you continue to use the obviously disrespectful term "M&M Boys," your words speak to the same kind of fringe-leftistism you practiced at the Columbian... along with the scumbag editor who coined the phrase in the first place... so it's clear by your words that you are something else entirely.

It appears to me that your false claim of ideology is more a product of where you are located (In a strongly conservative area that would likely run you out of town on a proverbial rail if they believed you to be what you are, another downtown Vancouver leftist) than what you are... which is anything BUT sharing of Madore and Mielke's ideology.

That, of course, is your privilege.  But it would serve all concerned if you dropped this "I'm this when my words clearly illustrate that I'm something else" shtick and tell the truth.  Your efforts to be Brancaccio, junior, ain't gonna fly up here.

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