Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thanks to the democratian for the Stuart poll.

For once, I can appreciate Lefty Lou's efforts to goad Stuart into committing political suicide.

Yes (68.98% - 278 votes)
No (27.79% - 112 votes)
No opinion at this time (3.23% - 13 votes)
Total Votes: 403

Along with many others who see the next election as the political end of him, I have voted repeatedly in this poll... to have Stuart run for re-election. 

And I urge everyone reading this to go to the democratian page and do the same.

Stuart has less than zero chance of winning county-wide.  And that's why we should all urge him to get stupid and run again... so he can get run over by a rural truck... precisely like Marc Boldt.

Like taking candy from a baby.

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