Monday, October 29, 2012

When the Realtor Pac screws up endorsing democrats Boldt and Tanner.

Went to my mail box today and, of course, it was stuffed with political trash, including some garbage from the Realtor PAC, who wants us to get as stupid as they are and vote for democrats Boldt and Tanner for, quoting here, "Clark County Supervisor."

That.s stupidity one.  Stupidity two?  Well, these slimeballs doing the endorsing are all about getting their guys elected, but you know what?

Those scum don't say one word about the positions of these candidates on the CRC rip off scam.


Why, it's as if that issue, the biggest confronting the people of this county in our lifetimes, doesn't even exist!

Now... why do you suppose that is?

And then the lie on the front of this slick, 8.5X11 piece....

"Teamwork in Clark County Today = Jobs Tomorrow!"

When you're a group of ignorant, meddling asses, it's natural, I suppose, to have no clue as to what the "supervisors" have been doing down here for the past 4 years, and how Boldt's "teamwork" with his democrat bosses has lead to years-long, double digit unemployment in this county.

It's kind of like a whole group of Jaime Herreras: stupid... but with money.

So, these clowns actually, apparently, believe that somehow a series of 3-0 majorities will, magically, be different then a series of 2-1 majorities because Boldt inevitably voted with his fellow democrat, Steve Stuart.

That, of course, makes the Realtor's garbage just that: garbage.

But that's not the biggest idiocy of this colossal waste of money.

That stupidity is reserved for the moronic picture they used as the background.

They appear to have photoshopped a mountain of some sort. in a city that does not seem to be Vancouver or anywhere else in Clark County... looking, apparently, south.  So, the "Jobs Tomorrow!" crap? 

Doesn't appear those would be "jobs" in Clark County.

Oddly, they don't show Vancouver's most recognizable landmark: the I-5 Bridge that they want to replace as part of the light rail scam they want so badly, that they know WE don't want to replace at all.

All-in-all, as moronic as the positions they've stupidly taken on the piece in question. 

Looks like "Realtors" = "incompetence."


Lew said...

In sort of excusing the flub up, the Columbian mentioned the photo used appears to be Mt. Baker, peering south from Vancouver B.C.

Good thing it wasn't a flyer in support of Mielke or they might have gone off in a rage again.

But, since it's the pro-CRC democrats, all is well, just a minor little SNAFU

Anonymous said...

No, guys. You missed a couple other things that were mentioned (I am from Bellingham, so I know of this very well and you can see Mt. Baker better from lower mainland BC than you can see from the US or Skagit County area, which is sad.

But there was some technical mistakes. As per the article, someone from an outsourced PR firm in BC put this together and may have connections to the San Francisco area? Why would you use the term "supervisors" to reference the clark county commissioners?

So whomever outsourced this, was a fool.... --Jeremy

Anonymous said...

And I have to give some credit, Stephanie Rice's husband is the originator of the note about the bridge and some of the other mistakes. SO I have to give her some credit here.. -- Jeremy