Monday, October 29, 2012

More democratian hypocrisy: Boldt "screws up," but the rag won't mention his name.

The Babbling Brancaccio fired off his keyboard today, blasting the "Clark County Commissioners" for continuing their legal fight over storm water run-off.

Agree or disagree, what's missing from their rant?

The name "Marc Boldt."

As you likely know, Boldt has been carrying Brancaccio's water like Laughable Lou is paying him. 

Pro CRC?  Check.

Pro light rail?  Check.

Pro tolls?  Check.

Pro CTran tax increase?  Check

Marc's their guy on raising taxes, supporting the gerrymandered taxing district that excludes tens of thousands of us from voting on tax increases we have to pay, CTran extortion, property tax increases... you name it.

So, the democratian rips a strip off "the commissioners" for continuing their fight, that they view as "doubly wasteful" and a "waste of time and money on a wild goose chase."

So.  Why is it, if this is such a terrible idea, that they don't attack those responsible for it who are running for re-election here in a week?

They likely believe Tom Mielke to be DOA, thanks in no small part to their efforts.

But what about Boldt?

Nothing... that's what.

Boldt could knock over a liquor store between now and the election and this cancer on our community wouldn't say anything about it.

The LAST thing they want is for those THEY support to be held accountable for their actions.

And this... is just another example.... of that.


Anonymous said...

Or help them talk to their state legislators to keep that forty percent B & O Tax exemption or was it sales tax? hmmm Does anyone suggest to Ann Rivers, Don Benton or any of the other Clark County (15 and 14 legislative districts that cover Clark County as well?) of this special loophole that might need to be closed now, because of budgetary concerns?? ;) -- Jeremy

Anonymous said...

Remember folks... You TOO can contribute by talking to your legislators about closing 'dem loopholes. Just like newspaper media one that gets a special 40 percent reduction.

Now how would Inslee or McKenna be able to raise enough money to close a 2 billion dollar shorta fall from a edamakation ruling and other bad - failed decisions... Yes Sir, I 'tink that needs a loook see...

(in my most horrible "vantucky" accent...) -- Jeremy