Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Michael Schroetke, democrat and typical Boldt supporter swings by to vent concerning my positions on Marc Boldt.

I give him props: he used his name when he emailed.

The executive summary of his missive?

I am a "reprehensible human being," my blog, which he apparently reads, is a "dung heap," and I am somehow avoiding the truth because I failed to point out that teachers haven't endorsed Don Benton, although, to the best of my knowledge, no one that I know of, including Benton, ever said they did.

Of course, as always, when readers don't like how, what, when or the way I publish what I publish, they can always feel free to avoid my effort and start their own... because for those on the outside looking in, such as Mr. Schroetke, it's easy to be a critic.

That said, uneditied, here is the email I've received from this fine specimen of a Boldt supporter, with, by the way, his permission (I do not publish emails without that permission, even my little "dung heap" of a blog has SOME standards:)
Kelly J Hinton,

How reprehensible it is to attack a member of your own family because they don't follow the destructive, regressive, hate mongering platform of the Republican Party.

Congratulations, you are a fine example of why the Republican Party is imploding.

On another note, I haven't seen a post on your dung heap of a blog about Don Benton lying about being endorsed by teachers. It is your blog so you have every right to avoid any semblance of truth, which you do every single day.

It is mind boggling as to why you far right Republicans believe so strongly in the destruction of America.


Michael S. Schroetke
Registered Voter, 17th Legislative District
Clearly, Mr. Schroetke has a somewhat limited ability to allow that diversity of thought his ilk are alleged to be so famous for: but that is certainly his privilege.

That said, I was struck by the rather simple fact that it was not the contents of my letter to the editor in The Reflector (That I believe he's referring to.  It could be any of my posts on this blog as well) that Mr. Schroetke disputes... au contraire.

It's that I was possessed of an opinion and chose to express it at all.

How dare I?

How DARE I not follow his rules as to what is, or is not, acceptable thought or expression?

How DARE I be possessed of any ability to form a coherent thought and express it in a way that doesn't meet with his approval?

I do admit, however, to some confusion:

Is he upset because I expressed these opinions at all?  Or is he upset that I expressed them in opposition of my brother-in-law?

That isn't altogether clear.  In fact, it's rather nebulous, and I've got to believe that Mr. Schroetke's subsequent desire to somehow assign some level of responsibility because I failed to attack Sen. Benton for something he never said actually tends to make this more into just another partisan hackery complaint.

As I see it, I can follow along with what the fringe-left democrats opposing David Madore (who I am also not voting for) want (And yes, they are using Marc to do that, although he likely doesn't realize it... or care if he does realize it, as long as he gets re-elected... which, come to think of it, is why he'd accept support and financing or campaign consulting from Lenin at this point if he were alive to give it.) or I can do what my rights as a veteran... and as an American, allow me to do.

I am no longer a Republican.  Mr. Schroetke apparently doesn't know, or doesn't care about that.  I, for example, will only be voting for president, the democrat running for congress, the democrat running for AG, state auditor, Tom Mielke, and the 18th District legislators.

Odd isn't it, that this "far right Republican" is voting democrat for Congress and Attorney General, don't you think?

Oh, well, not to worry.

Mr. Schroetke can keep railing away at those wise enough to espouse a different view than his, and I'll keep writing this blog.

When I'm not busy "believing so strongly in the destruction of America," that is.


Unknown said...

Excellent response Mr. Hinton. Yes I am a Democrat and I feel it is better to be a Progressive Liberal rather than a Regressive Republican.

I have no interest in who you vote for. It doesn't change a thing about the reprehensible human being that you are. Your dung heap represents just exactly who you are.

As for Don Benton and my claims, one only needs to take better notice of his campaign signs.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond. I do hope this doesn't post twice.

K.J. Hinton said...

My response was, essentially, to point out that, contrary to your assertion, I'm not a "far right" anything... and nor do I believe in the destruction of our country.

We all have and are entitled to different opinions as to what's right and what's wrong. I believe that Marc is wrong and that his election will cause decades-long damage to our community as, among other things, $100,000,000 a year is sucked out of our local economy; hurting the poor and the small businesses who exist on that income the most while the rich... and the special interests.... make bank on this deal.

"Evil triumphs..." and all that.

I simply could not remain silent in the face of the issues I've brought up. I did stay quiet because Marc is family, for far too long, and instead of this situation getting better... it got worse, in everything from the CTran district that keeps me from voting on tax increases I have to pay and that was a result of Marc's own efforts... efforts that will keep thousands from having a say, but not from paying the tax that he's worked so hard to arrange... to the political nonsense where he ran and claims to be a Republican but votes and acts like a democrat.

And I have no problem with Marc switching parties. In fact, I have on several occasions suggested as much... and the local GOP did a lot more than just "suggest" it; yet Marc remains.

But if he is going to claim GOP membership then perhaps he should at least read and vote in a manner like the platform might suggest, an act Marc himself admits that he hasn't done.

For me, that's a matter of principle, not politics. The easy thing would have been to just keep my mouth shut.

The right thing, however, is not the "easy" thing and I have acted on my sincere beliefs, for good or bad. I'll know in a few days if that effort and those conclusions are correct.

That Marc is family does not mean that I view him through a double standard lense that I would apply to others of either party... but not him. Every elected official, regardless of party, gets the same consideration from me. Tell the truth, act honestly, and you won't have any trouble from me.

Lie, twist, prevaricate, exaggerate to get what you want (Leavitt and the toll issue, for example) and we're going to have problems.

I live here as well... so do my children... and this will hurt them as much as it's going to hurt the tens of thousands who will have to pay over $1300 a year or so... to start... just to go to work... and all without even being asked, in large part because Marc refuses to ask them.

And regardless of party, I believe that to be fundamentally wrong and anathema to the foundation of our local liberty.

I'm sorry it came to this, between Marc and me. But Marc never listened. And I could not just walk away.

Again, thanks for coming by.