Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A gutless, slimy Boldt buttboy swings by.

Kinda left this burning bag on my doorstep.
Why the push on Boldt at the last minute, putz? Afraid he might actually win? You and Lew are both cowards, and you won't post this to prove it. You hide in your little blogs and delete anything you don't like. Boldt will win, you will lose (again) and Madore will go back to US Digital with his tail between his legs whining the whole way. Coward. on Boldt's C4 is finally up: Bizarre Zone: only spent $1800 in the past MONTH?
This is the only post like this going up.

But I've got to wonder if Marc condones this sort of thing.

First of all, this isn't a "last minute push," and I am HARDLY a "putz."  I've been bringing these issues to the attention of those taken in by the formerly conservative Marc Boldt as a method of showing that he's now at least as far to the left as his runnin' buddy, Steve Stuart.

I always find it odd that an anonymous poster actually calls me a "coward."  Marc knows me; knows where I live... knows my phone number.  Never used it, you understand; even when he was telling Jaime Herrera that he was trying to talk me out of beating her to a political pulp and trying to get me fired; he, in fact, never called... and has NEVER discussed this blog or my positions with me, PARTICULARLY since he lied to me about holding a countywide advisory vote on the CRC.

I haven't exchanged 100 words with him in almost 3 years.

I don't actually believe that exercising my pre-paid First Amendment rights equates to "hiding."  And the factual inaccuracy (I have, truth to tell, won more then I've lost) doesn't speak well to the author of this post.... who, like every other, I can identify if I had a mind to... and who, while clearly is a little slimeball teeny-bopper who is about have his mommy take his internet away from him, can be sought out by, say a higher authority.

Try a death threat next time, if you really want to make an impression.

If Boldt wins, he wins.  I'll live.  Just worse off then I would be if he didn't... as, come to think of it, we all will.

But if you want to accuse me of cowardice, at least be man enough to sign your name.... OK, T? 


1 comment:

K.J. Hinton said...

Try a death threat next time, if you really want to make an impression.