Saturday, September 08, 2012

(UPDATE: The Chamber joins opposition.) The wheels coming off the CTran loot rail scam? Does that mean Boldt won't be calling us to demand another tax increase?

(UPDATE:  The second pillar of the downtown mafia, the Chamber, has come out swinging against Boldt's tax increase.  That's got to sting, but it begs the issues: Is CRUDEC going to come out against the tax scam?  And why are these clowns bailing NOW, when they SHOULD have been opposed to this scam from the beginning, particularly given the $100,000,000 a year hole Boldt wants to blow into our local economy?)

(FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

There are a number of political issues I disagree with democrat commissioner Marc Boldt on; how gullible he's been in voting for and urging us to vote for any CRC/CTran related scam comes to mind... his demand that we all be enslaved with generational, ever-increasing tolls for a worthless bridge replacement built only and entirely to scam us with Portland's loot rail rip off... his knowingly unconstitutional vote to confiscate our guns if the commissioners felt like it.

And now, a major part of the Downtown Mafia, the Identity Vancouver cabal that typically demands we pay ever-larger taxes for these scams seems to finally be putting the brakes to their blind support of this rip off.

Boldt, running for re-election, sent out a lying mailer where he indicates that HE, has "Fought for MY chance to vote" on the CRC loot rail scam... which is a total, utter and complete lie; since neither I NOR BOLDT HIMSELF will have a poll vote, because along with 10's of thousands of other voters silenced by his efforts, we both live outside the CTran taxing district he helped to create and gerrymander and voted to ram down our throats... meaning we will be required to pay a tax we will have absolutely NO say over... and where he's also well known for making an illegal robocall where he lied about what CTran would have to do if we failed to bend over and allow them to jack the sales tax... putting him firmly in the "no lie he won't tell" category.

And now, even Identity Vancouver has had enough... not that a "no" vote would matter to the CRC slime infesting us:

CRC ally won't endorse C-Tran tax hike

Identity Clark County says other revenue sources available

Passangers wait to board a C-Tran bus April 20 at the Vancouver Mall Transit Center.
A strong backer of the Columbia River Crossing project on Thursday announced it will not support a C-Tran sales tax measure on the ballot this November.
In a surprise move, Identity Clark County's board of directors decided not to endorse the measure that would, in part, pay for operating the light rail extension into Vancouver planned as part of the $3.5 billion CRC.
But that does not change the organization's support for the CRC, for C-Tran, and for light rail itself, said ICC President Paul Montague. The group simply couldn't get on board with a sales tax hike to fund it, he said.
"This was a hard decision for Identity Clark County," Montague said. "Given that it's a challenging time right now, and the fact that there are other revenue sources available, we really felt that C-Tran should go back and look at these other sources before coming out with a tax measure."
Earlier this year, C-Tran and city of Vancouver officials explored alternative light rail funding options that wouldn't require a sales tax increase. The effort, pushed for by Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and others, turned up several possibilities, including an local employer tax, a car rental tax, vehicle license fees and a more direct contribution from C-Tran or the city.
Preliminary numbers showed that none of those options alone would generate enough money to cover the $2.5 million needed to operate and maintain light rail in Vancouver each year. A combination of funding sources would likely be needed. Local leaders ultimately ended up right back where they started — a sales tax to cover the entire amount — and finalized the ballot measure in July.

Now, the fact is that if we didn't have a gutless coward of a congresswoman representing us, all of this could have been avoided.
But Tim Leave-it knocked our local Empty Suit, Jaime Herrera, flat on her political butt a few times and she let that moron get away with it.

All she had to do was kill all the federal money for this scam.

She could have.  But as I've pointed out, the special interests who own Boldt also own her, and she supports the massive, unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable replacement of a paid for bridge; she supports the idiocy of the Portland crime train coming in, and she supports the incalculable idiocy of sucking $100,000,000 plus a year out of our local economy.... for decades...  and all the damage to families and small business dependent on that disposable income and, she supports ramming all of this down our throats without a vote.

You know... just like the democrats?

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

They think there are "other sources of revenue" - that means something only bureaucrats decide, leaving The People out of the equation.

Does anyone remember how Christie got into office in a Dem state? He promised to kill the train tunnel - a project that looked just like CRC.