Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bomar strikes out trying to help his baseball buddy, Stuart.

God, will we ever be free of the incessant whining of those who lost on the baseball scam?

So, today, the democratian (which was among the losers in the downtown mafia on the baseball scam) printed a campaign puff piece from Mike Bomar who wore out another pair of knee pads for Stuart, and who was, for some reason, elevated to minor league baseball god status around here during Stuart's... and the democratians... rabid efforts to give millions of our dollars to the Yakima Millionaires baseball park scam wherein the 400,000 of us who would never had set foot in such a rip off facility would be required to pay for it, so THEY could watch just barely above amateur baseball.

Both Bomar and Stuart are ex-jocks who, you guessed it, played baseball.  If I'm not mistaken, Bomar was a minor leaguer himself.  For some reason, he became the go-to guy on the subject, as if he represented anybody for anything.  He didn't speak for me, wasn't elected to anything, but all of a sudden for some reason, he became the face of the unwashed masses CRYING out to get screwed by Stuart and the Yakima millionaires.

I, frankly, disagree with everything Bomar wrote while stroking his buddy.
It's easy to focus on the outcome and it was heartbreaking not to be able to land professional baseball in Vancouver, but that loss isn't necessarily a failure. Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart worked tirelessly to put together a deal that would be a win-win for our community and in the end the right political solution just wasn't there.

Since the outcome is the only thing that matters, and the outcome here was that Bomar and his tiny special-interest group lost and the people actually won, well, yeah... it IS "easy to focus on the outcome."

And to say that "loss isn't necessarily a failure," is to say that Obama's handling of the economy "... isn't necessarily a disaster."

That Stuart and Bomar failed so abysmally is because first, there was no transparency on this issue (Crap was going on for months before anyone outside the mafia was told about it) second, because we're in a recession; third, because they wanted the people of this county to pay for a facility without asking us; fourth, because the mechanism to rape us was to take money from every movie, fair, concert, golf or any other recreational category under the bizarre guise that somehow, someone going to a $10 movie should pay 50% more to pay for the ballpark then someone actually sitting in the stands, watching a game; or that someone playing a round of golf at, say, Royal Oaks should pay twenty times the amount a $5 ticket fan paid to ACTUALLY WATCH A GAME.... and, of course, the fact that Vancouver and the downtown mafia of Vancouver would be the only people to benefit from this scam, yet Tim Leave-it demanded that the entire county be on the hook for the scam he wanted.

What these guys were doing was subsidizing a private entity, much like Obama has wasted billions subsidizing GM.

All of this in the midst of double digit unemployment in this county, the closing of a fire station due to budget constraints, and the absence of any effort to put this to a vote.

The right political solution WAS "there."  Those shilling the baseball scam just didn't want to hear it.

The outcome is that those hicks over in Hillsboro got it done, while our law-school graduated big city slicker Stuart didn't.

The road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.  This was doomed from the start because screwing the people is never really a solid campaign platform.
While others gave the false impression that they are working toward a solution, Stuart actually put in the work with the stakeholders that was needed for this size of opportunity. He also kept to his word on protecting the general fund and core services against potential risk. In the end, we had a proposal that nobody thought was ideal, but that those involved felt would provide significantly more value to the community than the cost.

Really?  And what "others" might those be?  And what "stakeholders" were worked with who weren't rabid supporters of this scam?

That's right up there with trying to tell us before the scum who've wasted $150 million to replace a bridge we don't want or need to BE replaced "worked with the stakeholders" when the only people who they've asked has been rabid supporters... going so far as to cook up an absolutely fictional, absolutely absurd economic impact report from CRUDEC.

What "those involved" felt was, ultimately, irrelevant.  Because "those involved" were the ones who were going to be stealing from me and the rest of the people to get what they wanted, and not what we needed.  That Bomar and the rest of the scammers apparently, even now, can't see that is genuinely frightening... and goes to the arrogance of government that kept this deal from happening here.
Most importantly, Stuart didn't give up. I still see Stuart working hard to bring economic development and community enriching investments into our community. This kind of perseverance is refreshing in an age of sound bites and spin.

As Lew Waters once wrote when disassembling Paulbots, "The only thing dumber then kicking a dead horse is betting on one."

And, as far as bringing "economic development" into our community, could you, perhaps, provide a few examples?  You know, something that isn't completely moronic... something besides the ballpark?

"Community enriching investments."

Like the CRC rip off?

Spare us from that kind of "perseverance."
I am a Republican, and Stuart and I often differ on policy, but I can tell you that I am proud to have a commissioner who works so hard and cares so much about this community.
A Republican who ran for the legislature as an Independent, you mean?  A Republican who endorsed another buddy by the name of Leave-it?

Look, why don't you and Marc Boldt get together, quit screwing around, and just announce you're democrats and be done with it?

Because right now, this letter indicates that you're as much a "Republican" as Michelle Obama, with this example that "jockism" and "buddyism" clearly crosses party lines.

This deal died a painful, long, drawn out death that should never have happened.  Boldt SHOULD have joined with Mielke and killed this ripoff from the getgo, instead of wasting tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of staff time for the inevitable outcome.  A Republican would have done that.

There is NEVER any excuse for this kind of waste of money to enrich a private interest with taxpayer dollars, particularly without asking us.

Clearly, those who were beaten here have yet to learn that lesson.

1 comment:

Cory Barnes said...

Why does he label himself a Republican? Doesn't suit him.