Tuesday, July 17, 2012

After helping set up our execution, Boldt wants input on the color of the rope.

Full disclosure:  Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law and I worked for him for 6 years in the Legislature.  No candidate or campaign has influenced, impacted or is even aware of these posts before they go out.

In another in the series of campaign puff pieces the democratian will no doubt do for Marc Boldt, today's episode is the forlorn hope by Boldt that the county be allowed to form a local tolling advisory committee that WADOT can ignore as they repeatedly stick it to us with tolls and increases in tolls for the massive waste of billions that Boldt has fought so hard to implement... all without asking us, of course.

Better late than never, I would suppose: but the fact is that Boldt SHOULD have thought of this issue years ago, before he hopped on the downtown Mafia, screw-the-people train he's been on for the last 7 years or so.

Had he remained a Republican and realized that together with Mielke, he likely could have derailed this entire rip off, back when it would have made a difference.

It is heartening, however for Boldt to finally acknowledge what I've been writing for years: specifically that we will suffer "significant adverse impacts" because of his efforts, both with CTran generally and this massive CRC scam specifically.

Boldt's observation that "exemptions may be necessary to create parity" is a late election dodge designed to do nothing more than to try and save his political butt.

There cannot be any exemptions.  If anyone pays tolls for driving their car over the bridge, then everyone has to pay tolls.

After all these years, it's nice that Boldt has finally paid attention to me and others who have been increasingly strident in an effort to get those the most deaf, mainly Boldt, Stuart, Leave-it and his ilk to understand the impacts both on families AND the small businesses that rely on their disposable income to survive... income that will now disappear thanks to Boldt's efforts, among others.

The answer to any meaningful impact from a local committee is going to be a resounding "no."  Boldt long since abrogatted his ability to impact tolls by becoming a leftist years ago and failing to stand up and figght for US instead of the downtown special interests who seem to own him like the 13th Amendment was never passed.

Boldt's betrayal on the CRC scam; his failure to acknowledge that the basis for the entirety of this extortion was and is light rail, his lie to me personally that he would see to it that we had at least a county-wide advisory vote on this extortion, although we SHOULD have a county-wide binding vote on this crime.

But we won't, because the gerrymandered CTran taxing district that Boldt was so supportive of is taking that option away, and we will have roughly 100,000 voters who will have precisely zero say on any of this... except to make sure that Boldt is defeated at the polls.

Remember, kids, there's no reason to vote for a fake democrat like Boldt when you can vote for the real thing.

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