Monday, April 23, 2012

Better late then never, Columbian: Monica Stonier to lose again in the 17th.

Regardless of any other ability Stonier, the Obama "super-delegate" may have, her problem is the same problem just about every democrat has this cycle: they're democrat.  And frankly, I believe the people have had quite enough single-party control of a government that has been utterly clueless in dealing with our financial difficulties.

I, of course, pointed out quite some time ago that Stonier would run for Probst's open seat... just like  indicated several days ago that Probst, afraid of taking on Julie Olson, would cut and run and lose to Benton on the way out.

The Columbian.  So 29 seconds ago.


Lew said...

I'm going to enjoy seeing how she explains her rapid movements back and for the between the 17th and the 49th and back again, apparently.

When someone is that hungry for public office, it's usually has more to do with what they want for themselves than doing what is right for constituents.

It's nice to see the Columbian caught up with the blogs, though, LOL

Martin Hash said...

Monica was being pushed around by her campaign manager - in the end she thought it was too manipulative and withdrew from the 49th contest. She honestly believes in serving her community.

Lew said...

Judging my her claims in 2008, I think serving Obama is a higher priority for her, Martin.

Regardless of who was "pushing her around," there still remains her words of she was in the process of moving her family into the 49th just last year and now, she seems firmly planted again in the 17th again.

So, was she fibbing a little then or a lot now?