Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Democrat state senator Haugen loses her mind; votes against her own illegal alien licensing bill.

There must be something in the water up there as the fringe-left controlled senate voted against a bill to stop the illegal alien licensing enabling act we currently live under now.

And let's remember: this was a DEMOCRAT bill sponsored by the DEMOCRAT chair of senate transportation, Mary Margeret Haugen.

Immigration, license bill voted down in state Senate

A Republican-led motion to bring a vote on a bill that would have restricted driver's licenses access to illegal immigrants and attempted to stop other identification fraud was defeated Monday in the Washington state Senate, dealing proponents of the measure a major defeat.

Associated Press

OLYMPIA, Wash. —

A Republican-led motion to bring a vote on a bill that would have restricted driver's licenses access to illegal immigrants and attempted to stop other identification fraud was defeated Monday in the Washington state Senate, dealing proponents of the measure a major defeat.

In a procedural motion, Republicans asked the Senate to consider the bill, which had not been brought to the floor by Democrats, who hold the majority and control of which bills get a vote.

But the motion failed 23-25 in the waning minutes of a deadline to vote on bills in their chambers of origin.

Among the no votes was chief sponsor Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano Island, but she said that she will take the issue to the governor.

"Nothing is ever dead in the Legislature. I'm going to go talk to the governor," Haugen said. "I'd ask the governor that she needs to stand and take leadership in this role. She needs to recognize what's happening in this nation."

Washington state is one of two states in the country that still let illegal immigrants obtain driver's licenses. New Mexico is the other state that still allows such practice, but lawmakers there are also considering bills to close the access.


What the hell was the point of sponsoring this bill is you're just going to turn around and vote to kill it when it comes up for a vote?

Democrats. Washington State's Keystone Cop Legislators.


Martin Hash said...

It was a ruse. Her vote would have tied it, which would really have brought the issue into the limelight. She's the worst kind of liar.

Remember, I am pragmatic about the 25 million "illegals" in the U.S. Though I don't like it, I see no other choice than to let them vote, etc. (Deporting them packed into cattle cars ain't gonna cut it.) But, I certainly will call a lying politician a liar when I see one.

Lew said...

Allowing lawbreakers to vote is a very bad decision, Martin. If we actively enforced our immigration laws, like most every other nation, we wouldn't have to deport all that many, they would find their way back where they came from.

But hell, if we are to allow illegal aliens to vote, why not just send absentee ballots to all other nations for them to make election decisions for us?

And yes, Haugen is a liar and Lisa Brown a hack who tried to prevent the bill from ever coming forward.

As I asked on my blog, who's side are these Democrats on?

Certainly not struggling taxpayers in the state.