Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Vancouver misses the point: who do you people work for, anyway?

Of course, the major element in all of this that The Liar refuses to acknowledge is that he's brought most of this on himself.

I see The Liar's quandary: had he told the truth during his campaign instead of lying to everyone about his toll stance (and a WIDE stance it was!) he wouldn't have been elected.

The result? a very large segment of his foolish, ill-informed voting support... people who simply could not see him for what he is, are now outraged in ways I didn't believe to be possible.

Instead of taking steps to address his political treason, The Liar continues to feed the fire by pouring the gasoline of doing the bidding of the self-serving special interests he's working for, by losing control of the council when GD (Gavel Down) flipped out and then failing to take the necessary steps to expel her; by continuing on with the lie that NOW, when he doesn't need it, suddenly there's nothing he can do about tolls... by having his girlfriend get up and call the people he works for "liars" as his sheet-splitting surrogate... and THEN, making up reasons to censor the people he allegedly, supposedly, works for.

The Liar has long since jetted to the top of my most despicable local politico list, second only to Ridgefield Barbie.

As for Harris demanding civility?

Demanding civility? Harris shouldn't even be allowed in the building. But that takes testicular fortitude that The Liar can't even begin to comprehend, since the miniature set he's possessed of doesn't, apparently, extend to the political realm.

Even the democratian's headline, "Vancouver council proposes a solution for citizen communication commotion" is bizarre. Hitler implemented the "Final Solution" in killing 6 million Jews, (Yes, Lou, this is absurdity to illustrate a point) and the two "solutions," both inappropriate, inexcusable and products of the same mind set, were neither "solutions," nor final.

The solution to this particular issue (Speaking your mind to power in this country isn't a "problem" in the accepted sense of the word) is for the whining, complaining, sniveling council members and their mayor to resign if they can't stand the heat.

But now, when we need the people to speak up the most, these clowns want to make it so they legally don't have to listen.

The Liar, well, lies about the reasoning, makes up nonsense about how P.O.'ed his bunk buddy is due to utterly non-existent "intimidation."

Memo to Leavitt: since you've already decided to be written down in the local political history as THE biggest liar we've ever known locally, can you work on that and come up with a better product then this weak BS you've been playing? You look like a total idiot out there.

Come on, Tim. You can lie better than that.

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