Friday, November 19, 2010

Need more proof the democratian is completely out of touch?

Unfortunately for us, our local rag exhibits a level of ignorance and bias astounding in it's breadth and depth.

Thus the bizarre editorial "In our view: 10% of the pie" rises to the top of the pond scum moron tank of the democratian's fish wrapper production facility.

While the rest of us are well aware that this country generally, and our 13% unemployment county specifically are in the midst of a horrific recession... the worst, in fact, since that last icon of democrat "thought," Jimmy Carter's administration.

As a result, even though the local stain on journalism is still in the throes of bankruptcy, and even though they have, and are benefiting from their own B&O tax cut while the rest of us experienced B&O tax INCREASES, the concept of Obama's "shared sacrifice" has never entered their "thought process."

Whether higher ed's budget request is "fair," or not, is completely irrelevant. What I want to see is a list of places where they are preparing to cut and consolidate.

I believe that all government employees should take a 20% cut in pay and benefits. After all, it is an employer's market. We, The People happen to be the employers.

At the state and local level, I would reduce all staffing to 2005 levels... both in numbers (Excluding police and fire) and in pay and benefits.

What are they going to do... quit?

Yeah, I know we have contracts with employee unions. So what? Rewrite the contracts... or declare a financial emergency to abrogate those contracts... or declare bankruptcy and get rid of the unions, who have no legal right to exist in government anyway, so we can get rid of that moronic collective bargaining with government employees.

These are harsh measures to be sure. But at some point, we have to come to grips with the fact that we simply cannot afford overpaid government employees whose bizarre concepts of pay and benefit increases in the midst of these horrific economic times must be brought under control.

Which brings us to the democratian's idiocy.

Until I see a plan for cuts in higher ed... cuts in staffing, cuts in pay, cuts in programs (Who the hell has ever even heard of "American Ethnic Studies," and why the hell does the University of Washington HAVE such a program?) and an ending of in-state tuition for illegal aliens... I don't want to hear about "fair" and "higher education" in the same sentence.

Where I want "fairness," and where this despicable rag drops the ball... again... is that the FIRST requirement of "fairness" is for those of us who pay the bills WITHOUT a special, just-for-me tax cut. Government must rein itself in so that we can survive this horrific government mismanagement.

As always, if government workers whine, or complain... you know, like our sniveling teachers? They can always quit. And if the rag is so hot to fund higher ed, they can certainly write them a big, fat check of their own.

Meanwhile, if this position ever sees the light of day, something else is going to have to see disproportionate cuts to make up for it. Something like law enforcement or foster care supervision. You know... something to punish US because WE want eminently fair taxes.

They won't, of course, because they've got nowhere else to go.

The rag's take: 10% of the pie. Eminently fair.

My take? 10% of the pie. Eminently moronic.


Anonymous said...

The city of Vancouver's federal and state lobbying ideas:

K.J. Hinton said...

Great reading...