Friday, November 19, 2010

Congressman Bawney Fwank vs. WA State Senator Margarita Prentice (D-11)

Imagine... Congressman Bawney Fwank (D-Mass.), not the most tolerant fellow, saying this about Prentice:

"Wow," said U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and the federal government's most vocal advocate for online poker legalization and regulation. "The intolerance of that is just appalling, but that's the attitude that goes with the sense you have the right to dictate other people's lives to them."

Why would Fwank say something like that? Maybe it's because our local senate tribal shill babbled this to ESPN:

"I just think some of these arguments are utter nonsense," Prentice told "You mean you're going to move so you can play poker? Gee, lots of luck in your life. … I have nothing against card playing. That's fine. If you want to do that, but I'm sure not going to worry about someone … you know. Let them go pump gas."

Prentice is the mother of one of the most egregious rip offs in place today: the ban on internet gambling in Washington State.

I believe that Prentice's act is because both her and Queen Chrissy are total lay downs for the tribes, and it's almost like they're paying them to engage in this obviously nonsensical law.

Serves Prentice right for Fwank to bitch-slap his fellow leftist.


Lew said...

Hmmmm. Pot, Kettle Bwack?

K.J. Hinton said...

Twu we.