Tuesday, October 19, 2010

THE VFW strips the VFW PAC of it's committee.

Ealier, I expressed my disgust for the VFW PAC, an affiliated but separate organization of the VFW, for their endorsement of candidates who never set foot in uniform and anti-military candidates Like LTC Allen West's opponent in the FL22.

Well, I'm not the only one.

The end result is that since these things don't happen in a vacuum, the VFW has heard... and acted.

CJ, at a Soldier's Perspective, has the blow-by-blow, and it's good stuff.

But suffice it to say that the PAC has been defanged. Check it all out here.


Lew said...

Veterans strongly expressed their anger over the VFW-PAC's endorsement of a non-Vet over a Vet in Florida and our voices were heard and acted on.

K.J. Hinton said...

Scouts Out.

Lew said...

The PAC also endorsed such anti-military types like Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and even our own little muddied shoes Patty Murray.

So much for their claims of how well we Veterans love them.

The lamestream media, as expected, seems to be ignoring this little news item.

K.J. Hinton said...

I hope the vets actually get in touch or involved or aware enough to hear about this.

I get that there are, in fact, good people running who haven't served. But those who've put their butts on the line must be the first priority for the VFW-PAC, and not those who, like Murray, view vets as a campaign prop.