Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Rossi non-campaign.

I've made no secret of my complete disdain for what I refer to as the Rossi-non campaign since he started it.

Way too late. Way to unfocused. Way too off message. Allowed Murray to take... and keep... the initiative.

He allowed Murray to define him, which is inevitably fatal. His ads show a decided lack of imagination. His lack of money has crippled his ability to fight back, or to define her as what she is: a corrupt, fringe left socialist who has helped to spend us into oblivion.

Today, Biden is coming in and will get hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of earned media.

Who's coming in for Rossi?

Biden and Clinton's already come in, Obama's coming in, the Klingon Princess is coming in for the state cow, and Rossi seems utterly helpless to address these visits and use them to his advantage.

Murray lies about her veteran cred and uses veterans for tools. Rossi doesn't even go there to bitch slap her.

Murray's had it all her own way, in part because Rossi's arrogance and failure to get into the campaign allowed her to.

Murray will win... and Rossi will have no one to blame but himself.


David Standal said...

Sadly... I agree. No passion, no message. pffft!

Bob Qat said...

Rossi has very little money to campaign with -- that makes it look as though he takes low key approach. His campaign is on a shoestring, not the zillions of ill-gotten loot Murray has.

Mr Rossi is within 2-3% of the Mummy-in-Tennis-Shoes. Her flagrant lying has even give ol' KING5 some pause. K5 was an early supporter for Murray in '92.

Her behavior is so egregious may recoil badly. It ain't over yet. Don't give up.

Gr8mochas said...

I have been pondering this throughout the campaign. Up until the last few weeks we haven't seen much advertising over on this side of the state but now both of them are dueling advertisements every 15 or 20 minutes throughout prime time TV.

Rossi has been very lackluster but until I saw what you said I didn't have a good descriptor. Lack of imagination defines it very well. It's like he's phoning in the campaign....there is absolutely no life there. He could be pointing out all sorts of things but he isn't...he doesn't have to be negative, he just has to be honest and get outside of his very small box of talking points. I think he still would have a chance if he would just come to life!

However with that said...if this is really who he is...lifeless, without passion and non competitive why would the voters consider sending him as a representative to DC? If he can't stand up to Murray, how is he going to stand up to the Democratic party back there? He has to show the voters something and since he isn't, they really don't have a choice even though he says they do.