Wednesday, October 20, 2010

America's Future: UK cuts 500,000 government jobs.

One of the toughest elements of leadership is making decisions that have to be made, and hurting people in the process to get it done.

Well, with the election of Obama, we've been given "leadership," but the exact opposite of the variety we need.

In politics, it's always better to make the decisions you need to make when you want to... and not when you have to. And what has just taken place in the UK is an example of that.

If government can be cut by 500,000 jobs in England, then chances are it could be cut by 2 or 3 million jobs here. If these people can be laid off now, it's because they shouldn't have been hired in the first place.

Do we, as a nation, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, wait until we are forced to lay off hundreds of thousands of unneeded government workers? Or do we do it now?

Do we have to put up with Greek/French style riots before we do what has to be done?

What do you think?

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