Friday, October 08, 2010

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt running scared; Steve "Easy Money" Stuart terrified.

Anyone politically aware in this region knows about Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Steve "Easy Money" Stuart.

Leavitt, best known for lying his political ass off to scam voters into voting for him based on his outright lie of opposition to tolling on the unneeded and unwanted loot rail/I-5 Bridge replacement, The Liar is well aware that he has a target painted on his political chest.

Well, there's a new sheriff in town, David Madore. And Madore doesn't wear a cannon... he wears a something far more powerful: a checkbook. And Leavitt knows that Madore is going to end him.

Leavitt's problem is that unlike him, Madore is a man of principle who believes what he believes in an incorruptible way. The Liar, on the other hand, is a user of people whose integrity is for sale to the highest bidder. And now he's running scared.

Madore is most likely coming after Steve "Easy Money" Stuart, a corrupt county commissioner who only got elected because David Barnett, tribal megacasino developer bought Stuart his seat for $100,000 in cold, hard cash, laundered through an out of state fringe leftist group known as Progressive Majority.

Stuart's problem this time? His backers are broke. David Barnett got clobbered, both in a bizarre accident and in the real estate market. The BIA, which for reasons that make no discernible sense have endorsed Stuart, are broke because their money comes from developers primarily, and that money has long since dried up in the midst of our horrific democrat recession.

There's no cash out there to bail Stuart out. And Stuart knows it.

More important, The Liar knows it as well. The Liar knows that regardless of Madore's outcome, he, Leavitt, is next on the political target list.

And portraying Leavitt as a lying scumbag will not be a particularly difficult task... since that happens to be the truth.

And Stuart's destruction will likely kill the bridge altogether, since the only thing the elected downtown Mafia want more then this horrifically expensive waste of money is their jobs... which will become immediately at risk the moment Stuart is defeated.

So, what do we get from The Liar since he knows that Madore has loaded up a few cash magazines to come after his political opponents?
“Too bad he isn’t choosing to put that money into more productive efforts in our community,” said Mayor Tim Leavitt, who has been at the blunt end of much of Madore’s criticism. “Clearly, Mr. Madore is passionate about his cause, and as a citizen in our community, he has every right to funnel his own money into efforts to promote his cause.”

Yeah.... it's "too bad." Too bad for Leavitt.

I'm sure that The Liar is kicking himself for his early flip on the tolling issue. After all, would The Liar rather have Madore as a friend? Or as the enemy that he keeps poking?

Further, any effort by anyone to kill this project and toss those responsible for this conspiracy to extort $100,000,000 a year out of our local economy is to be lauded.... not denigrated.

Leavitt has 3 years left in politics. Every day, his imminent demise comes closer... and closer. And if Madore is successful in getting rid of Stuart... then expect a shift in the attitudes of the elected officials around here of tectonic proportions... as these previously unaccountable officials suddenly find their jobs at risk because one man has stepped up.

And Liar? You really should be looking for work elsewhere. Because I get that it sucks to be you.

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

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