Friday, October 08, 2010

Democratian endorsements.

Just a quick count:

Democrats endorsed: 9

Republicans endorsed: 3.

While breaking with past practices of only endorsing democrats in open seats... by one.... (Their token Republican?) of the 4 open seats locally, democrats got the nod in 3.

Today's endorsement of Probst? The problem with that one is no matter how fiscally conservative he claims to be, at the end of the day his membership in the democrat caucus means votes for the same House democrat leadership that has helped to lead us into the financial debacle we face.

Of course the Democratian can't think that far ahead, so that didn't figure in to their equation.

Stonier was an Obama delegate at the democrat national convention. No Obama supporter is fit for elective office under any circumstance.

The fact is that Stonier is unlikely to take the hard votes needed to cut government, cut teacher pay and beneifts... and cut our taxes.

The elections of both Harris and Peck make it more likely that state government will be brought under fiscal control. The elections of either Probst or Stonier make that less likely. It's simple, really.

So, while the two legislative endorsements going to GOP'ers are surprising (especially since one democrat endorsed had what amounted to a mirror voting record to the one that wasn't) the usual pattern of endorsing democrats most of the rest of the time isn't.

Do these endorsements make any difference?

I dunno. Did they in the 17th Primary where the rag endorsed Hash? Did they in the Assessor's race where the rag endorsed TWO candidates that both lost?

In the end, the issues facing our state and county supercede the excuses the rag uses to oppose the election of Harris and Peck. And they do so by a mile.

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