Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Democratian's bridge bizarro zone.

Every once is awhile, the local rag writes something so stupid... so moronic... that it takes your breath away. Today's chapter?
Jeers: To TriMet’s efforts to first downplay, then bully their way out of a $137 million funding hole on its planned MAX light rail line from Portland to Milwaukie, Ore. According to The Oregonian, federal transit officials told TriMet 18 months ago they would pay for half of its $1.5 billion construction cost. But TriMet kept basing its projections on a 60 percent federal contribution.

Now that the gap has come to light, and the feds have said “go away,” the transit agency is trying to wrest the millions from its local partners such as Metro and the city of Portland. Would TriMet show such poor management skill when it comes time to extend light rail to Clark County?
Are you kidding me?
"Would TriMet show such poor management skill when it comes time to extend light rail to Clark County?"
Would they?

Sound Transit management, leadership and vision has been rife with lies and local disaster. TriMet has been the same.

How bad does their years-long mismanagement have to get? How Keystone Cop comical do they have to become? When will this rag walk away from this because of the institutional mis-management by those who so badly want to expand THEIR empire?

Never. Adolf Hitler could take over TriMet and these morons wouldn't change a thing.

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