Friday, October 08, 2010

The overwhelming case against the CRC I-5 Bridge Replacement.

I have, literally been railing against even the concept of replacing the I-5 Bridge.

It has already wasted tens of millions of dollars... it will waste billions of dollars... and it won't accomplish anything except to pay off the union sculls and their downtown mafia lackeys.

For me, that knowledge WAS (and I emphasise "WAS") intuitive. When the area is under the control of a group of disingenuous liars like Steve "Easy Money" Stuart and Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, it's safe to say that their ability to lie to get something they want is limited only to how much their lips move or their keyboards click.

Well, here are the details of how badly we've been fooled... how much the local rag and our leaders have been lying to us... and more realistic, genuine numbers as this report blows the lid of the scandal of this horrific scam.

The report is here. Read it. Be prepared to be stunned at the scam these clowns are running on us.

And vote accordingly. Stuart's incompetence will bury us, even before his dishonesty and corruption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, you might want to include in your future comments of your link related to Plaid Pantry stores that this file was included in the Columbia River Crossing Project Idependent Review Panel.

The Plaid Pantry uses Joe Cortright: -- You REALLY need to read this document. Same goes for Lew Waters.

And there is even more profound data that you can find here: All the meetings that have materials can be found here!