Sunday, October 10, 2010

The other side of the "Wonderful News Guy" Koenninger's last column? No great loss.

And he won't be missed by many in the news realm.

Others can say the polite things... the hail and farewell crap. Well, there are two sides to that coin... because there's also the vicious, brutal side of Koenninger where arrogance was the order of the day and resistance vill not be tolerated!

Keonninger was a lot like Brancaccio: ego maniacal, encapsulated in a cocoon of self-righteousness, possessed of the arrogance of someone who doesn't have to answer to the public they purport to serve... and frequently, a bully.

What neither of these two ever understood was and is that their judgment has no built-in, innate superiority to anyone else's. For example, now that the lies about the loot rail/bridge project are becoming more and more exposed, it's clear that their judgment on the issues is to be avoided... like the plague.

Like Lou Brancaccio at the local cancer on our society, Tom Koenninger used his column to lie, to assault, to attack, and to attempt to destroy.

Unable to address the ideas, Keonninger engaged in personal attacks on a frequent basis whenever anyone was wise enough to dispute his positions and his agenda.

Nail two sticks together in the Gorge? Koenninger would figuratively slit your throat. One need go no further than the "Bea House" controversy, where Koenninger threw conniption fits every hour on the hour, only to be ultimately smacked down when the Washington State Supreme Court crushed his perspective by ruling UNANIMOUSLY that Koenninger and his winged monkeys had no clue as to what the hell they were talking about.

Attempt to bring the fascist Columbia Gorge Commission to heel by cutting their budget? Koenninger vaporlocks, stupidly demanding the resignation of then Rep. Marc Boldt "before his constituents do it for him." Koenninger's rable-rousing and subsiquent threats to Marc's office (meaning, to me) are why I carry a concealed weapon (with, of course, a permit) to this day... some 14 years later.

Lies on top of lies about loot rail and the bridge project. Lies on top of lies and lock step support of the taliban city council of Vancouver actually suing it's citizens... twice... to silence them on their efforts to put the Pollard Hilton, the tax-subsidized White Elephant where the city GUARANTEED the Hilton a profit, screwing their citizens and making Hilton positively giddy; on the ballot.

Viewing the Scenic Area as your own personal fiefdom is a moronic legacy, a shameful chapter of the press of this city abusing those they disagree with.

Like the rest of his ilk, then and now, Koenninger never figured out that because he had a very big soap box in no way made his judgment superior to anyone else's. His world view, his perspective, his agenda were no greater than those of Joe Dokes... and since Tom was his biggest fan, I'm sure the thought that he COULD be wrong never entered that his head.

No... Koenninger's column will not be missed. And like the rest of that Goebbelian nazi publication he turned into a propaganda swindle sheet, he managed to do far more damage to this community then good.

Because of the cheerleading efforts of the cancer on our society, frequently led by Koenninger and the Amen Choir led by Branacaccio, we are now facing as much as $10,000,000,000 (Yes, that's 10 BILLION) of waste to replace a bridge that does not need to be replaced, entirely for a loot rail system that we do not want and cannot afford.

Koenninger was proud of that. Unfortunately for us, if this thing is ever built, it will injure our local economy and society for generations, hurting tens of thousands of families who have to rely on this bridge to get to work... while Koenninger's effort extorts $1300 or more a year from them for the purpose.

That will be his legacy. Not what a "wonderful news guy" he was.

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