Monday, September 20, 2010

Why the Columbian hasn't demanded Jeannie Harris' resignation.

Gotta wonder: in the past, when the local rag didn't like what you were doing, they'd demand your resignation.

Marc Boldt, then a state representative, cut the Columbia River Gorge Commission's budget, and that idiot Koenninger went out and opened a can of whoop ass on Boldt for doing something HE didn't like... and yes, he demanded That Boldt resign because of it.... "before his constituents did it for him" or some such babble.

And that kind of thing goes to the heart of this matter.

If the rag likes your positions, you can commit any kind of sin and they'll not only NOT attack you or demand your resignation... they'll actively protect you and do what they can to restore your image.

Brian Baird's fake death threat/health care town hall scam? The Columbian went into double overdrive to save this lying weasel from himself.


Because he was right on their issues.

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's flip on bridge tolls? No big thing, because now, "The Liar" is "right" on their issue, which is to crush 65,000 commuters with a toll they're doing their best to ram down our throats if that's what it takes to get this massive waste of billions of dollars built. So what, in their minds... Leavitt lied... repeatedly. That's fine if he now sees the light.


Because being a liar doesn't matter... if you're right on their issues.

Jim Moeller's sponsorship of the candy/soda tax? That's OK with the cancer on our community. They condemn the tax application... but NEVER mention who was behind this moronic increases.


Because Moeller is right on their issues.

And now Jeannie Harris, a city council thug unfit for elective office.

Her latest high speed come apart isn't her first. And the failure to hold her accountable (and this rag is HUGE on "accountability..." right, Lou?) By demanding her resignation... or at least failing to endorse her the LAST time she ran for city council, gives her the ability to believe she's beyond the rules.

If she doesn't resign (and why should she? No one who SHOULD be telling her to resign actually is) this paper will AGAIN endorse her for re-election.


Because she supports the rag's insistence on ramming a bridge down our throats and ignoring, as this despicable steaming pile ignores, the massive opposition to this crap pile.

In short, she's right on their issues... so she's held to a "different" standard.

"Situational ethics." It's the hallmark of the leadership of this propaganda sheet.

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