Thursday, September 16, 2010

The sliminess that is the Columbian: No mention of Harris's come apart about Leavitt's Folly until it went viral.

For years now, Brancaccio has made excuses as to why no effort has been made by the local stain on journalism to quote those in opposition to the horrific waste of billions of dollars his despicable rag... and himself, as far as that goes... is doing everything they can to ram down our collective throats.

Primarily, he used to whine, there wasn't anyone to talk to.

Well, there is now. NOTOLLS.COM will provide all the opposition quotes anyone could ask for... if they were interested in asking for them.

And Brancaccio, obviously, is not.

Fake, bogus polls; multiple editorials between Brancaccio and his editorial page attack dog... and only the rare word about the massive opposition ... and essentially no words about the crushing, negative impacts to our local economy as $100,000,000 per year in disposable income is rerouted to pay for Leavitt's Folly... and taken away from 65,000 families and local businesses who would otherwise benefit from the available money... now doomed to be vacuumed in to the Folly.

But Monday's city council meeting report takes the cake.

Oh, I'm not particularly concerned about what was in the article. What concerns me the most is what was left out.

Jeannie Harris did a high speed come apart when David Madore made the cardinal sin of using open mike time to try and express his views on the subject. Harris flipped, got totally stupid, and, well, you know the rest.

And not one word of that made the article. In fact, not one word of opposition to the trash pile was even mentioned in the article... let alone Harris's moronic display that should result in her removal/resignation from the city council or any other elected position.

Now the city attorney and Harris's allies are in full cover her ass mode, as they come up with multiple justifications for her bizarre, inexcusable conduct.

As for the local stain on journalism, they only mentioned after they had to, when a couple of council members requested an ethics committee investigation into Harris's bizarre and abusive conduct.

One wonders. Why did they leave it out of the Tuesday article? Why was there no mention of the opposition to this horse dung pile mentioned in the article?

Expect Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, Bridge-toll flipper extraordinaire, to protect her and minimize the damage. After all, on the toll issue, both The Liar and Harris want to stiff tens of thousands of families in Clark County with tolls in excess of $1300 per year... for eternity... just so they can get their damned loot rail into Vancouver and ultimately, cost us billions more as they set the foundation for expanding that massive waste of money county wide so we can ALL get the joy of paying for it.

Lew Waters has the details, including video of the Great Ape's implosion.

Now, if Harris had been opposed to the loot rail/bridge waste project, the rag would be howling for her resignation. As it is, we'll get some "Tut, tut, Jeannie... you must play nice" garbage and that will be that because she's on the side of those who want to screw us... and that's how this waste of pulp rolls.

In the end, nothing will happen to Harris that makes any difference, and she will learn, like Moeller has learned, that with the rags' help, getting away with abusing people is just one of the benefits of elected office when you're aligned with the cancer on our community's agenda.


Lew said...

I don't know if it is just coincidental or in response to, but it should also be noted that the ethics compliant against Ms. Harris was not lodged until after Victoria Taft began playing audio of Harris' meltdown on air, Tuesday.

I also just listened to an interview of Harris on Lars Larson that is very telling in itself.

Lars & Harris

David Standal said...

My impression is that "The Liar" can't run a meeting. Harris tells him what to do and he does it... what a man! Harris should be recalled... but hey, I'm from Ridgefield, it won't affect me, right?

Lew said...

I see the link to Lars doesn't connect, but i have it stored at the top of the post HERE

Oh, and David, even in Ridgefield, you can bet you cannot escape the clutches of the Vancouver City Council, I'm afraid

Gr8mochas said...

Wow, I don't think there is enough room here to put down all my thoughts about what happened here, but suffice to say that after listening to the Lars Larsen interview and watching Ms. Harris in action at city council, there is no teeth to any apology that is coming out of her mouth and she is clearly apologizing because it is politically expedient rather than because she has any heartfelt repentance about what she did. Folks when are you going to understand that everyone can see what you do in a public forum, not just the folks that are present? Ms. Harris is an embarrassment to the City of Vancouver and now her behavior and the unconstitutional behavior of the Vancouver City Council is on display for the world to see. It is clear to anyone that there is no closure on the light rail controversy for the citizens because they have never been asked their opinion. When they express it, they get "gaveled down". Amazing! If the city representatives don't think that it is their responsibility to stand up for their citizens to the state or anyone else, what do they think their jobs are? Clearly there are those who oppose what is going on and last I heard, it is the will of the people that is priority, not a study or a decision of government. Stand up Vancouver! You need to make an impression on these people or get them out of there.