Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NOTOLLS.COM smacks political-career-ended Tim "The Liar" Leavitt upside the head.

As regular readers know, democrat and one-term mayor, dead-ended-political-career Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, working hand and hand with Steve "I've been bought before" Stuart came up with a series of lies on the tolling issue to suck in the more gullible members of the GOP in an effort to separate himself from Royce Pollard.

I knew he was lying; I knew that there was no way that Steve "ask not for whom the bridge tolls" Stuart would ever support someone who opposed to tolls, so, I knew... and repeatedly stated, that Leavitt was LYING.

So, sure enough, he flipped on the issue relative moments after he was elected.

NOTOLLS.COM arranged for this little vignette to remind people of that and to hold HIM accountable.

Now, there are a lot of things NOTOLLS should be doing that they're not, and all that is a shame... but all that is a result of less then, well, efficacious advice.

That said, this kind of thing is going to dog Leavitt until he loses in the next election.

NOTOLLS needs to vilify Stuart and quickly. Prove that you can take a seat away from a moron who wants to ram a permanent, $1300 or more monthly fee on commuters... organize those 65,000 voters to take Stuart out and he's toast. And so is anyone else who agrees with him... like Marc Boldt.

Just sayin.

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