Friday, September 17, 2010

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt doesn't seem to understand the Constitution either.

In the wake of City Councilor Jeannie Harris' high speed come-apart and the inaction of the testicular fortitude in handling the situation, matching that of his lack of testicular fortitude in handling the toll issue, our local daily swindle sheet tells us that the Council is now going to "discuss revamping guidelines about content and decorum in the way citizens address elected officials."

The stupidity in such a moronic plan is obvious. The troubling elements of this response from "The Lair" are at least these:

1. The problem at the meeting wasn't the public addressing elected officials. The problem, of course, was the elected official (In this case, Princess Jeannie) was addressing the public.

2. That the council and particularly it's mayor wants to shut up the opposition to their horrific plan is obvious. Leavitt, who's lies about opposing tolls, both detailed in this blog and well known by all political followers, wants everyone to stop talking about his campaign lies. He wants top stop hearing about it. He wants to stop being reminded about it. He wants it to go away.

3. The First Amendment can be an annoyance to those in power... particularly when, like Leavitt, they're lying scum that make me ashamed of the Taliban city council of Vancouver.

Part of the problem is this nonsense concerning "City Policy." City policy, of course, justifies absolutely nothing.

To the Germans during World War 2, everything they did was "legal" in the sense that their laws covered pretty much everything from slaughtering Jews to confiscating property to forced sterilization.

What's being "clarified" is a policy, a one-sided policy, of stifling opposition and dissent to the council's agenda.

What's being clarified here is a one-sided policy that particularly overlooks the fact that the issue of the horrific, nonsensical, unwanted and unneeded bridge replacement CONTINUES to be "city business" and, as a result, the scum claiming, as Leavitt claims,

"....that the council has already voted on a locally preferred alternative on the Columbia River Crossing that includes light rail in 2008, and that tolling is a State Legislature issue.

“When folks come in and testify on things that aren’t within our realm or control, I’ll be more verbal in my questioning of, ‘What do you want the city council to do about this matter?” Leavitt said. “We’ll still allow people their three minutes.”
The huge, gaping hole in that "reasoning" is that the city continues to be members of the C-Trans council. So, these issues, such as the lack of Leavitt's testicles when it comes to holding an advisory vote on this steaming crap pile, IS "city business."

So, the only "clarification" these clowns want is yet ANOTHER "regulation" or "policy" that will shut up the massive opposition to their efforts to screw us.

We had reason enough to be ashamed of the slimeball who is mayor of Vancouver, even before this nonsense happened. Now, he just plain makes me sick.

As for "decorum," the more you continue to ignore us, the less "decourus" the people are going to be. The French Revolution comes to mind. After you people educate yourselves on the Constitution, read about that and its causes.

Clearly, like Jeannie Harris admitted yesterday, he doesn't understand that the Constitution isn't a series of suggestions.

And, on a more personal note to The Liar, this issue is NEVER going away. And as long as you get up and roll over at C-Trans while you screw the people of Southwest Washington, we not only have the right, but the duty to tell you what a sniveling, lying little coward you are.


Lew said...

You have to remember, light rail and tolls are none of the city councils business. Unless, of course, you wish to speak favorably about them.

That 3 city council members sit on and vote on the C-Trans Board doesn't seem to matter either.

So, why would the Vancouver elite, who dictate to us, want to hear anything contrary to their pre-perceived ideas?

At least we have one sane rational person on the council.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how would you like it if your upper echelon of politics tells you to have a "hug-it-out?!?!?!" ;-p

Stuart and Boldt said just that.

Anonymous said...

So friends, you might want to keep a close eye on this lawsuit in the WA state supreme court. Its seems that there might be a legal way to kill light rail on the Columbia River Crossing if this state supreme court does not agree with this legal argument about putting tracks on the Interstate 90 bridge in Seattle.

Here is the proper link: