Friday, September 17, 2010

Completely inappropriate use of Clark County GOP web site: Take this down.... NOW.

I had seen the email and thought that was bizarre. But crap like this on the Clark County GOP web site?

Who is in charge of that zoo, anyway? Why was this allowed? Is anybody awake down there?

Using the web site for commercial announcements to make money is absolutely un acceptable. This needs to come down now, and this nonsense must never, ever happen again. As an elected PCO, I find this type of announcement, which is a scam to make money for non party related business, to be highly offensive.

Take it down... NOW.

Political Insiders Tour to Israel

Join Tani Zarelli on a Political Insiders Tour to Israel
February 4th-16th, 2011

On September 11, 2001 our country changed forever. The battle we have faced is one that has been fought in the Middle East for hundreds of years, yet we cannot understand it with our western mindsets. For too long the immigration issue has been the message that both parties try to grasp, as Republicans we need to focus
our message to National Security - protecting all borders, including air and sea from those who wish to do us harm.

In 2007, Tani Zarelli, with her husband Senator Joseph Zarelli, hosted the Convergence Northwest 2007 Conference. Now Tani wants to take you to the homeland of the conference speakers to meet with them and to see behind the scenes the land you have heard so much about.

US Convergence is hitting the streets of Israel!

Republicans we are asking you to join us!
Here is a sample of what you will experience
•Walk the borders of Israel.
•Meet with military members and political leaders.
•Understand the conflict and why Israel is important to America.
•See the truth and learn how you can stand to protect America.
•Be equipped to defend truth when the messengers of Apartheid speak.
•Meet families, visit businesses, eat great food, enjoy lively discussions and make some great friends!

To learn more about the trip and to register go to

Tani Zarelli
Connecting You to Israel

*This information provided as a community service."

This isn't a "community service." This is somebody doing something for a buddy so they can make some money.

Take it down. Do it now.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Apparently, Anna Miller did not learn her lesson last time.