Monday, September 20, 2010

A snapshot of delusion: The Clark County Democrats.

I always enjoy reading the democrat's newsletter... because, well, unlike the GOP with it's focus on infighting and backstabbing, at least they HAVE a newsletter... and a downloadable one at that. You know, like the GOP SHOULD have... but doesn't?

Any who, their newsletter this month is a microcosm of the reasons why democrats nationally are getting their collective butts kicked.

Self delusion is a terrible burden. Democrat Dena Horton, who dumped fellow democrat Royce Pollard to work her hiny off for new democrat Tim "The Liar" Leavitt in the mayor's race where he lied his ass off to win the job, puts her imprimatur on an article of delusion so beyond the
pale... well, it's almost as if Horton doesn't understand that the left is despised across the country and this election will be a democrat bloodbath, with political bodies strewn around at every level.
The newsletter has a function, of course, and that's to hearten the troops. But this edition is an
all out swindle sheet:
THE DEMOCRATClark County Democratic Party Newsletter
Volume 19, Issue 9 Serving Democrats with News and Opinion
September 2010

Let’s win this thing in November

The results of the August 17 primary election should give heart to the grass-roots workers who constitute the Democratic Party of Clark County (and most of the readership of this newsletter.)
You see... this is where the self-delusion aspect starts.


"Give heart?" Politically speaking, democrat mass suicide would be a more accurate assessment. And a failure to acknowledge the political reality confronting the left is part and parcel as to why they are in such serious political trouble. That they refuse to admit it?

Why... that's par for the course.
Top to bottom — U.S. Sen. Patty Murray down to the Democratic precinct committee officer who snared 20 votes in a sparse precinct along Fifth Plain Creek — there is great hope for a rousing refutation of the pundits who have been predicting a surge of regression to the politics of fear and continued diminution of the middle class.
Waking up to discover that the fringe left version of hope and change includes bankrupting those of us who can still pay taxes to scumbag government employees can get pay raises and the legislature jacks up our taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars while STILL spending us into a multi-billion dollar deficit is not the trite phrase Heywood uses here: the "politics of fear."

It is the reality.

And it is the reality that Horton and her cohorts have accomplished with absolute power at every level of government, from the top on down.... with Murray being the worst individual offender followed by Gregoire.
The requisite spirit was demonstrated when Murray stopped by Vancouver August 20 on her round of kickoffs and got a rousing reception from a noontime crowd of more than 300 at Hamilton Hall in Vancouver Barracks. Murray deftly accentuated the progressive values she has followed in her three terms while eviscerating the big-biz mantras of the banking and real estate mogul who challenges with his promises to dismantle everything accomplished over the past two years.
More accurately described as a "wake," preaching to the tone-deaf choir accomplishes nothing.

"Accomplished?" Seriously?

Making us the laughing stock of the world? Burying us in a mountain of debt that our kids kids won't see the end of is an accomplishment? Telling the American people to f&^* off while they rammed a horrific health care plan down our throats that we don't want, worked diligently to provide amnesty to illegal aliens, bailed out unions left and right on our dime, and caused this
Nation to teeter on the brink of fiscal catastrophe.

And Murray was a huge part of that.
Denny Heck came out of the primary in strong position to hold the 3rd Congressional District seat being given up by Rep. Brian Baird.
A criminally stupid observation.

It's a democrat turn out issue... and their turn out sucked.

Heck should fire his entire campaign organization and start over, given how miserable his numbers were generally and the democrat's numbers specifically.

While it's a shame that Ridgefield Barbie came out of the pack to make it into the top two, the fact is that it happened because the GOP put together around 57% of the vote... in a democrat held district. Heck is down 9% in the most recent poll and we're told he's in a "strong position?"

No. He isn't. And to suggest he is?

Self-delusional incompetence.
To be sure, some of the numbers are scary. If the general election tallies replicate the primary, Democrats could lose a couple of legislative seats as well as positions in county government.
The understatement.

When the numbers hold up, every legislator outside the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver in Clark County will have an "R" after their names.

Every elected official in Clark County government save the treasurer will have an "R" after his name.

The rep for Congress will have an R after her name, even if that R is an empty-suited moron who doesn't know if she's been punched or bored.

At the federal level, the more that empty suited, Anti-American racist bigot screws up, the less likely the State Cow will be to win again.
That can only happen if Democrats don’t get out and work but instead allow the election to be bought by the likes of a high-tech plutocrat who hopes to ride a no-toll hobby horse to control of local political decisions.
That's no way to talk about David Nirenberg.
Rep. Tim Probst, seeking a second two-year term in Legislative District 17, explained the situation in a post-primary email to supporters:

“After all that’s happened to the political mood over the last two years, my primary election numbers are exactly the same. In the 2008 primary I received 48.17 percent of the vote. In the 2010 primary I received 48.18 percent of the vote.

“And that is with a heavily contested Republican Congressional primary affecting the turnout numbers, as well. The voters know me well, and the national mood has not dented my numbers.

“The 17th District consistently shows higher Republican numbers in primaries, because fewer Independents and Democrats turn out. With many more Independents and Democrats voting in the general election, I expect an outstanding result this November. In 2008, for example, my general election result was 55.76 percent …”
Proving once again that figures don't lie... but liars figure.

Probst left out the part where he was running against an idiot frequently crucified by the paper in 08.

He left out the part where he out spent his GOP opponent about 3 to 1 before the primary.

And he left out the fact that he's an incumbent.

His email and this article defy reality and serve as the beacon to light the way to the leftist disaster coming in 40 odd short days.
His would-be seatmate, Monica Stonier, takes heart from that gap closure. Her Republican opponent took about 56 percent in the primary. She got 33 percent, with Martin Hash getting better than 11 percent for his eccentric effort. Stonier knows she will have to continue working even harder than she worked before the primary. Stonier, an avowed fringe leftist Obama delegate is toast.
The people don't want communists elected except in the communist 49th.
In the 18th Legislative District, with six varied conservatives bidding to replace the one who ran for Congress, Democrat Dennis Kampe snagged first place in the top-two primary with 32 percent of the vote. That’s six points better than the Republican he’ll face in November.
Kampe, the only democrat, received less then 1/3rd of the vote. The GOP put together almost 2/3rds.
Most normal people aren't interested in supporting someone who wants to bury his district in billions of debt for loot rail and a bridge we neither want nor need. As the income tax is crushed here locally, supporters, like Kampe, will be crushed with it.

He has no chance, and in more realistic moments, likely would admit it.
County Commissioner Steve Stuart, County Clerk Sherry Parker and County Treasurer Doug Lasher all faced challengers backed by the no-tolls mogul. If the usual pattern of November voting holds, they should all prevail.
Yeah. And if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their butts every time they jumped.

Stuart is a corrupt, bought by the casino, pro-bridge toll democrat; in the wrong party at the wrong time. His buddies are out of money this time, and there's no tribal Knight to come along and launder $100,000 through progressive majority this go-round like he did last time.

Of course, that kind of corruption is perfectly OK with leftists.... right?

Parker, the incumbent, got spanked by her GOP opponent; her insistence on using illegal campaign signs typical of the arrogance of the left and the contempt for the laws of this state.
Democrat Tony Golik, bidding to succeed Prosecutor Art Curtis, got just short of a majority in a three-way race where the former chair of Clark County Republicans placed second with 44 percent.
Golik is a union thug supported by the bail bonds people who's managed to forget that his primary job was SUPPOSED to be to lock people up. Wrong party and his union affiliation equals a dandy reason to vote against this fringe leftist... unable to get a majority in the primary, he's likely to lose.
Janet Seekins nailed the top spot over three Republicans with 43 percent of the
vote to succeed County Assessor Linda Franklin.
The combined GOP vote was 57%. Seekins, who wasn't even endorsed by the fishwrapper for the top two (But who no doubt will be this time around for the general) is toast.

So's Shotwell for Sherrif.

In this most recent primary, democrat turnout was the lowest since at least 1930 while GOP turn out was the highest in the history of elections.

The fact is this: a massacre of epic proportions is shaping up for the left, and Clark County is no exception. And that the democrats refuse to acknowledge that?

Well, it's just like the rest of the realities they ignore. And now, they're going to suffer for it accordingly.

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