Thursday, March 04, 2010

Leg democrats explode leftist electoral carnage device: November disaster awaits.

Democrat state senator Lisa Brown, having obviously grown tired of democrat control of the Washington State Senate, today took a major step in returning that control to Senate Republicans with the introduction of her moronic state income tax bill.

Brown, already on political suicide watch for an equally idiotic play to get rid of I-960 even before the ink dried; now sits atop a political organization with all the structural integrity of rice pudding slathered over pig intestines, indicated a new level of determination to assist in leading her party to a Dresden-like destruction at the polls this November; of a variety previously only witnessed in Hiroshima when a bunch of folks heard something and said "What's that?" 10 years to the day before my birthday or the 1994 elections, whichever came first.

Clearly, the utter cluelessness demonstrated by our president has seeped down to the lower levels of the fringe left, infesting their leadership with a political death wish unheard of since the days of Soviet expansionism as illustrated by the Warsaw Pact's response to Hungary in '56.

So, as far as that goes, I applaud Brown's efforts to increase GOP numbers in the Leg. It's the kind of thing that will truly make 1994 look like a fender-bender in comparison. Clearly, Brown is as bright as she is tall, and at 4 foot 5 inches or so, that ain't sayin' much.

Well Done!

1 comment:

Lew said...

I find it quite incredulous that Brown can post on her blog site "Letting the Voters Decide" in regards to this further raping of taxpayers. It is a major slap in our faces since Voters approved and Decided to implement I-960, that they just gutted.