Friday, March 05, 2010

The idiocy of senate democrats knows no bounds: Sen. Harry Reid commits hari kiri on the Senate floor.

In assisting the candidate who will be replacing him in the Senate come this November, one has to wonder: how much more can Reid do to fire himself?

Providing the GOP with a campaign that writes itself, we have this latest jewel:

Is it any wonder with morons like Reid, Dick "the troops are Nazis" Durbin and Patty Vacuous Murray that our Senate and government are in such a shambles?

Idiocy like Reid's can't be bought or learned. He was born with it. And now, he'll be leaving office with it.

1 comment:

Gr8mochas said...

How much more disconnected can you get? If he was one of those 36,000 people, would he consider it good? Sheesh!