Friday, January 15, 2010

Correcting Jaime Herrera's campaign biography on the WA State House website.

Those following this blog already know that I believe our district has been stuck with such a despicable cur of a state representative. She was and is wholly unqualified to be a state representative, and she would be a complete disaster as a member of congress.

Thus, her bizarre biography.... rife with omissions and exaggerations of the kind little Miss "I wouldn't pretend to presume to know" Herrera has become legendary for.

To tht end, I'm going to address her sadly lacking biography, and fill in a few of the missing blanks while dealing with her gross exaggerations.

Jaime Herrera : Washington House Republicans

Click here for a printer friendly version of this biography

State Representative Jaime Herrera grew up in Southwest Washington. A Prairie High School graduate and member of the Prairie women’s basketball team, she also participated in activities like 4-H, fishing at Battle Ground Lake on opening day and swimming in the Lewis River. She also joined her family in climbing Mt. St. Helens. These activities have given Jaime an understanding of the natural resources unique to Southwest Washington, as much as anyone else living in the area.

Jaime attended the University of Washington, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. As a college student, she had the opportunity to intern in both the Washington State Senate and in Washington, D.C. at the White House Office of Political Affairs. From her graduation from high school, Jaime was gone from the 18th district; never working or living there. Jaime never held a job in the private sector, and worked as a career intern until she got a job in Washington DC.

From 2005-07, Jaime worked in Washington, D.C. pouring coffee, never once working as a "Senior" anything, leading her to lie about her position with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Spokane). Jaime knew nothing about health care policy, education, veterans’ or women’s issues, but makes the claim that she was somebody to pump up a paper-thin resume'

Whenever she refers to herself as "Senior Legislative Aide," Jaime is almost psychopathically lying, given that the record clearly shows that she never advanced beyond the lower level "legislative aide" status. Jaime answered the phone, wote a few letters, and carried proposals for Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers, including a health information technology bill and an education-based competitiveness bill. Both measures passed the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly and have since gone no where..

In 2007, a vacancy occurred in Washington State’s 18th Legislative District. During the "process" where she was appointed, Jaime lied about there "...not being a job she'd rather have" (since she's running for congress, it's pretty clear that there IS a job in the world she'd "rather have.") that she would oppose a gas tax vote, and that she would be a "friend to organized labor," has proven by her support for SEIU-approved bills.) As a result of McMorris's strong arm tactics and back room deals, County Commissioners Betty Sue Morris (D-Clark), Mark Bolt (R-Clark), Axel Swanson (D-Cowlitz) and George Raiter (D-Cowlitz) appointed Jaime as the new State Representative to fill the open position. Jaime has since been elected to continue her post as the Representative of the people in the 18th Legislative District... something she's trying to ditch as fast as possible.

In the Legislature, Jaime serves on the Health Care and Wellness Committee, the Human Services Committee and the Transportation Committee. In her time in the Legislature, she spearheaded a successful proposal to expand affordable health insurance options for Washingtonians. She delusionally claims she was instrumental in protecting a transportation project in Ridgefield that would have been built with or without her, central to improving the economic opportunities along the I-5 interchange. Representative Herrera’s first bill, like every new representatives first bill (assigned to train the new representative in how the process actually works) a bipartisan proposal to give tax relief to business owners serving in the military, was signed into law on March 27, 2008.

Jaime and her husband Daniel Beutler currently reside in Camas.

There. Much better.

And much more accurate.

One wonders why Herrera feels compelled to lie?

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