Saturday, January 16, 2010

Democrats are really showing their priorities: Coakley much more important than Haiti

So... there was a horrific earthquake in Haiti.

Where's UN Special Envoy to Haiti Bill Clinton? Where was he Friday? Where will he be Sunday?

Is he doing the work he signed up to do? Is he going to Haiti? Is he meeting with UN officials, coordinating relief efforts, or anything of that sort?

Can the Big Dawg save Martha?

Former President Bill Clinton will bring his campaigning power to her aid on Friday, and in the meantime, Ms. Coakley is adding to her schedule the kind of meet-and-greet stump events that she largely ducked for weeks.

Nope. He's doing everything he can to plug the thousands of holes Martha Coakley has been blowing into the hull of her little, floundering, campaign boat.

And Sunday... where's the Empty Suit going to be?

In Massachusetts (Not having learned his lesson in New Jersey) doing the same.

While thousands of people... very BLACK people (Shades of Katrina. Remember the racism allegations against Bush by the fringe-left nutters based on HIS response?) are dying.

It's all a matter of priorities, you see. And what's a few thousands Haitians compared to saving that moronic, unwanted, unsalvageable health care bill?

What say the White House cancel their weekly, Nero-esque like parties and take that money and donate it to Haitian relief?

What say the empty suit cancel playing golf for a few years, and take all THAT money and donate it to Haitian relief?

Anyone want to hold their breath? I know that the same fringe left nutters who so roundly condemned Bush for HIS golf exploits will remain as silent on that now as they have since the Empty Suits inauguration.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Pajamas Media filmed Clinton's speech in Massachusets. As soon as he began discussing Haiti and how to help, liberals in the crowd began walking out en masse.