Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In My View: Chasing Oregon Shoppers Away.

One of the most clueless entities in our community unfortunately is among those with the highest profile.

Our newly minted 3rd Congressional District speed bump Deb Wallace hopped aboard the fail boat with her jihad to eliminate the out of state sales tax exemption as if that will bring in one dime of additional revenue when, instead, PARTICULARLY when combined with the bridge tolls that Wallace is so eager to ram down our throats, will combine to keep the people of Oregon away from our retailers in droves.

What we need are reasons for Oregonians to COME here... not to stay away. If the paperwork is so troublesome, then make it optional for the retailers. But putting up additional road blocks to Oregon shoppers is just down right stupid.

But to believe that taking the exemption away will make any difference whatsoever in the revenue stream speaks to a dangerous ability to engage in self-delusion that has no business in government at any level generally, and congress particularly.

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