Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Herrera makes it official: the end of her political career is in sight.

Jamie Herrera, who unfortunately represents (well, plays at representing) me in the legislature, has pulled the trigger on what will ultimately become the end of her political career.

Herrera, who, along with Cathy McMorris-Rogers pulling the levers, scammed an appointment to this seat, now actually believes that someone with zero experience, someone with rank arrogance, someone totally and completely without a clue, should also be our Congressman.

Over the next few months, I will be providing the information detailing the corruption that went into her initial appointment to this seat. I will be explaining what the deals were, who made them, and how they were made in an illustrated manual about how this girl, with no experience who hadn't even bothered to live here in the 10 years prior to her mentor handing her this seat, actually went from pouring McMorris's coffee to holding the position of State Representative.

It was and is my position that Herrera never gave a damn about representing us; her only concern was to get this notch on her gunbelt on the way to somewhere else.

And the idiots who carried her water should feel great about how much she used them, and how much she's lied about the RNCC "recruiting" her to run against Baird; much like she exaggerated about her fund raising prowess for Bush and the many other ways she blew up her self-importance.

Jaime Herrera is no more qualified to be a member of congress then she is to perform brain surgery. Ultimately, in THIS marathon, the people of the 3rd Congressional District will come to know what I do, and view this pathetic specimen accordingly.


Lew said...

I look forward to reading what you know.

I'm not aware of any of this, but she comes across now as more of an opportunist, announcing within 2 hours of Baird's announcement, backing off and announcing yet again.

Don't know who you wish to se get the seat, but I'm staying with David Castillo.

Lew said...

Jaime was just one the Victoria Taft show and didn't sound all that good.

She says she has been being asked for months to run and now is the perfect time.

Yeah, right after Baird quits and it looks like an easier run.

She also said she didn't have her specifics on what she would do prepared just yet, but thenagain, she says she has been considering a run for 4 or 5 months now?

Sorry, but she came across as just another opportunist expecting an easy run.

Craig Sayre said...

I'm looking forward to your information too. I don't know anything about her. I hope you can provide proof of what you have to say though. I mean real proof - not just anecdotal 'he said -she said' stuff.

One thing you said that I do strongly object to is dismissing her as 'pouring McMorris's coffee'. That is not only a sexist remark, but it indicates an elitist attitude towards the average working person - like the average person isn't qualified to be a citizen representative.

Lew said...

A D.C. puppet too?


Gr8mochas said...

Good job! Sounds like you came to a good decision. ;)

K.J. Hinton said...

Craig Sayre said...

I'm looking forward to your information too. I don't know anything about her.

I wish I didn't know what I know. I wish I had a representative who actually gave a damn about the people she is supposed to represent, instead of using our bodies as step ladders on her agenda.

But I do. And we don't. And I know the players and how she did it, corrupting our system and having things "arranged" for her.

I hope you can provide proof of what you have to say though. I mean real proof - not just anecdotal 'he said -she said' stuff.

Uh, gee... I dunno... do you require video?

One thing you said that I do strongly object to is dismissing her as 'pouring McMorris's coffee'. That is not only a sexist remark, but it indicates an elitist attitude towards the average working person - like the average person isn't qualified to be a citizen representative.


Having spent the last 20 years involved in politics at every level from volunteer to staffer to working as a state party ED, I picked up a few tidbits along the way.

The first is, in regards to your post, this: it all depends on what you mean by "average."

Based on the election results in this state; the "average" working person is disengaged, uninvolved and far too willing to have others do their thinking for them... a portrayal that easily explains how we have lost control of our government (and our minds, based on the outcome) by electing an empty suited liar as president.

Since we already have one in that job, why would anyone want to elect another in the form of Herrera?

If that is your definition (and it would have been helpful if you had provided one) then yes, I don't believe the "average" citizen can function as part of a representative body governing us.

Do you see Herrera, who you admit you know nothing about, as being "average?"

I don't want someone "average." I want someone exceptional. And I certainly want someone who puts their constituents ahead of their own agenda.

As for the "coffee pour," it was used, deliberately, as an example of Herrera's self-inflation to get people to believe she did more than she actually did while working in McMorris's office.

She has frequently claimed herself to have been some sort of "senior legislative assistant." The problem is that she never made more than what a clerk is paid and McMorris's records show that she never HAD a "senior legislative assistant."

Draw your own conclusion from that. But the idea that someone could be gone for 10 years; have no private sector experience, not know the issues, not know the area, not own property or even have an apartment here; and in fact, only maintain her presence here because of a voter registration and then find herself our temporary representative in the House?

Herrera did NOTHING to earn it. And if it weren't for people like McMorris and Vander Stoep, we rightfully never would have heard of her.

Being a career intern does not qualify one for Congress in any sense of the word. But the corruption of the process that got her this far is the thing.

And over the coming months, I will be discussing that in excruciating detail.

Craig Sayre said...

Thank you for the clarifications.

No, I didn't mean 'average' in the sense of being uneducated or disconnected from active citizenship, but in the sense of being disconnected politically. There seems to be a lot of political nepotism in this country.

I misunderstood your usage of 'coffee-pourer' in regards to her job function. I didn't realize you meant that literally.

I'll be checking back to see what you have to say.