Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The questions that will determine the 3rd Congressional race.

Face it. Next November is going to be extremely tough on leftists in Congress.

Even now, as democrats work hard to socialize medicine, each day where the focus is on that issue instead of the issues important to the American people make it less likely that a democrat will win in the 3rd.

The tin ear syndrome will make it very difficult for any of the leftists running to make it to the top. With upwards of 10 candidates announced or about to announce, the top two in the general may be the two who got over 10 percent of the vote.

Who will those two be?

Will, the easier targets are who they won't be.

And they won't be Pridemore, Wallace, Moeller or any other SW Washington democrat representing anyone in Clark County.

It won't be Hatfield. It won't be Russell. It won't be Salazar. It won't be Crist.

The reasons it won't be the democrats mentioned run the gamut from the fact that many of them support that moronic bridge replacement and loot rail; at least one was involved in a job scam; one is clueless and one has been a joke the last two times she ran.

A fake, unethical conservative won't survive.

Because here are the questions the leftists won't be able to answer in any way that will get them elected:

1. Do you support the massive and unneeded waste of $4 Billion to replace a bridge that doesn't need replacing, including the $100,000,000 Wallace has wasted on the CRC... to include running legislation to gerrymander the voters of the tax district to pay for loot rail, like Pridemore did?

2. Will you actually read all bills before you vote on them?

3. What would your votes have been on the porkulous, cap and swindle, and the neo-communist socialized medicine program the empty suit is ramming down our throats?

4. What steps will you, personally, take to end Pelosi/Reid/Obama's efforts to bankrupt this country by building a mountain of debt?

5. Will you vote yes, like Pridemore voted yes, on a budget "balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless?"

These are tough questions for leftists to answer truthfully. Of course, if they take the Obama method, they'll just lie outright. But if they tell the truth, no one will vote for them.

And when you add that to a democrat brand where Bush looks wildly popular in comparison... man, it sucks to be a leftist in 2010.


Gr8mochas said...

Do you believe that either party has learned to listen to the people? I've been around long enough to remember when the republicans were in power and they played similar games. It is difficult to have confidence in politicians when the entire system is so corrupt.

K.J. Hinton said...

Sadly, No.

For me, it's a question of relative confidence.

Both major parties have betrayed, now it seems to just be a matter of degree.

While there is little to note that the GOP would have done much differently, I cling to the hope that they might have spent a little less in the process.

I never forget that the GOP was in control, just like the democrats are now. They seemed incapable of remembering why they were elected in the first place.

Democrats don't have that problem. For the most part, they are doing precisely what their base wants them to do.

Lew said...

Perhaps wishful thinking on my part, but at least some that classify themselves as "Republican" seem to have woke up to their wrong path.

That's why I wish to see some new blood in the party.

I'd love to see a conservative third party, but also know that while one is being built, it will almost guarantee Democrat majorities for some time.

The GOP caused their own problem by not listening to their conservative base and with the party machine appearing to jump in behind Jaime Herrera so fast now, it seems all too likely that many did not learn.

But at least she likes to eat good, very good.

email me if you want to know about that. (although you might already know)