Friday, November 13, 2009

Obama blows it again: KSM on trial in New York?

Why is that empty suited moron doing this?

How can our own president hate his country so much?

This scumbag is going to get a trial. Swell. But in front of a tribunal like the war criminals from World War II.

We are cursed with sheer and racist incompetency in both the president and the attorney general.

By taking this step, these scum are aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.

Bush bears some responsibility for this sorry state of affairs: he had his shot and blew it.

But the empty suited, anti-American bigoted racists in the White House and in Justice will have the blood on their hands this jihadi recruitment soap opera staring Obama will ultimately cause.

This isn't about justice. This is about politics. And it is going to blow up in our face.

On the plus side, it is this kind of tin-eared lack of understanding of America and our people that will likely cause the fringe left nutters infesting Congress to undergo a crushing defeat next year.

Time will tell in all of this, but one thing is for certain: people will die because the Moron-in-Chief and his henchman attorney general will see to it as a result of their stupidity... if that's all it is.

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