Saturday, November 14, 2009

I guess Pat Campbell is just delusional.

Earlier, I posted Campbell's moronic observations in my post below concerning the unwanted and unneeded I-5 replacement bridge and loot rail. Well, unable to leave well enough alone, he shows his ass again with this inanity:
Allen we are trying to take care of the immediate problem: An elderly lift bridge that doesn't function well and may be destroyed by an earthquake. Taking care of all the problems you mention is not the main issue here.

Years ago during the Depression America stood up and built electricity generating dams and waterworks. As the time, there were people who were dead set against this. Now the same kind of people use those generated electrons to put their notes on the walls of this blog...

Pardon if I did not respond to your 9:08am post, but I have a life. I will have a life after I leave office. I only ran for office because no one else would and I was asked to. I did not ask for any campaign contributions and I promised I would act as a devils advocate on some of the major projects we are dealing with. I've come to the conclusion that they are reasonable projects and are worthy of support. I have 25 months or so left in office and maybe you negative folks want to run for office themselves or support someone else. Great! I don't own Council Position #6, I am just trying to do my human flawed best for Vancouver as a whole while in it.
Well, let's start with this lie:
Allen we are trying to take care of the immediate problem: An elderly lift bridge that doesn't function well
No one has ever indicated that this bridge doesn't "function well." Since the replacement bridge will do absolutely nothing to address congestion and will suck billions of dollars out of our local economy, the only alternative to the current, perfectly safe and more than adequately functioning bridge is absolutely unacceptable.
and may be destroyed by an earthquake.
And frogs may not bump their asses if they only came equipped with wings.

ANY bridge across the river MAY "be destroyed by an earthquake," AND THAT INCLUDES A REPLACEMENT BRIDGE.

Has the idea of retrofitting the bridges we have been explored?

Of course not.
Taking care of all the problems you mention is not the main issue here.
And it isn't for you, either, moron... because nothing you're advocating will do that, since you start with a lie and then ignore any other alternatives.

The ONLY acceptable outcome of the fake studies was the pre-ordained outcome we've been presented with: replacing the I-5 Bridge and jamming loot rail down our throats.

Of course, constructing 2 OTHER bridges in OTHER lo0cations WITHOUT loot rail would take ALL the pressure of the I-5 bridge and THAT could be done for the same money or less.

But bridgeaphile morons with blinders on won't even consider the most viable of all alternatives, because NEITHER alternative would do what the ENTIRE point of this project is supposed to do: bring loot rail into Vancouver.

As for the rest of Campbell's babble, cry my a river, scumbag. YOU are the one that posted up that "I need knee pads for Jacks "crap earlier; don't even THINK about talking that shit without hanging around to defend it.

And in the face of your MAJOR lack of commitment as a reason to run for office; your BURNING desire NOT to provide the best possible representation.... do us all a favor and fricking quit, you whiny, sniveling little twit.

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