Friday, November 13, 2009

Pat Campbell and Jim Jacks: residents of the moron zone.

Perhaps the only thing worse than the sophomoric and completely biased effort by our despicable rag of a paper to rehabilitate our Cowardman Baird's image are their incessant lies and propaganda about replacing the I-5 Bridge and bringing loot rail into Clark County.

To date, they have engaged in shameless propaganda and lies, including using bogus, unsupportable polling to support their position in their ongoing efforts to further their agenda, a campaign that puts the entire concept of "journalism" to shame.

So, today, we get another in the series of lies and bogus articles designed entirely to convince us that we actually want this crap pile, while beginning the obviously needed process of providing political cover for the morons that want this bridge, no matter how horrific the fiscal damage to our community.

Like every other article they've ever printed, the complete lack of an opposing view is obvious and contrived. The idiots voting for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt numbered in the thousands, and yet these scum made NO effort to find any opposition to the bridge?

Jacks can stare at a dog turd and hope it turns into a diamond, which is precisely what his exercise in flatulation accomplished with his nonsensical spewing of what 50 hand-picked businesses, the vast majority of which neither understand that a new bridge will do NOTHING for congestion OR freight mobility and the vast majority of which WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY THE TOLLS IN QUESTION, BUT WHO BELIEVE THAT BUILDING THE BRIDGE WILL TEMPORARILY INCREASE EMPLOYMENT, THUS TEMPORARILY INCREASING THEIR REVENUE as a basis to screw us, the rest of us who are FORCED to go to work on the other side of the river, something neither Jacks nor bridge sycophant Pat Campbell are forced to do.

And, of course, when people on THIS side of the river have to pay unnecessary and unwanted tolls to go to the OTHER side of the river, does it make it LESS likely, or MORE likely people will stay here and patronize THEIR businesses?

Kind of obvious, isn't it? As for me, I will do everything I can to avoid patronizing ANY business in Jack's district (mostly Vancouver proper) on the off chance that ANY of those idiots took part in Jacks' scam.

So, when a rookie legislator like Jacks tries to manipulate a situation with the willing complicity of our local stain on journalism, the Columbian; he needs to be much more subtle about a self-ordained an outcome, much like the moronic politicians need to be more subtle about screwing us.
"Build a new bridge and build it now."

That was the message from 47 of the 50 business owners interviewed by state Rep. Jim Jacks during his series of face-to-face meetings over the past couple of months.

Everyone from pizza shop owners to managers of large manufacturing operations told the Vancouver Democrat that time was money and if a new bridge would untangle interstate traffic, the price would be worth it even with tolls.
The problem, of course, is that this unneeded and unwanted bridge, which is, in it's entirety, ONLY being built to bring loot rail into Clark County; WILL NOT DO THAT.

IF a new bridge WOULD "UNTANGLE INTERSTATE TRAFFIC," even *I* might support it!


So, what would be the position of these same businesses be if they knew they were being played? And note that even the new and improved (and allegedly cheaper) bridge design INCLUDES loot rail, BECAUSE THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BRIDGE IS LOOT RAIL.

And then, along comes a little worm in by the name of Pat Campbell.

Like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, Campbell is one of the biggest cheerleaders for this monstrous waste of money. And here's today's STUPID remarks from yet another tax and spend politician who doesn't care how much damage he does to the local economy of it furthers HIS agenda.
What Jim Jacks has apparently found is that when you go out there and talk to folks they generally understand the need for the bridge and other community improvements. The negative folks who haunt these blogs and show up to some of the community meetings are quick to jump on anyone who disagrees with their views and demand proofs that they themselves can't provide for their positions. (Its a breath of fresh air when reasoned folks show up and challege[sic] us elected leaders to think outside the box for better solutions like those who are working for an East Vancouver BNSF quiet zone.)

Mr. Jacks and Mrs. Anderson are doing their respective jobs. If you want to be a representative, run for office. If you want to be a business reporter, go to journalism school and learn some ethics in the process.
Clearly, this moron wouldn't know "ethics" if they bit him in his "spend our money without asking us" ass.

It IS perfectly OK for people smarter than a rock ape to disagree with scumbag like Campbell without being ethically challenged; if anything, Jacks' ethics should be in question because he hand-picked people he bothered to ask, without bothering to ask ALL of us (something those affiliated with CTrans have got down to a science) if WE want this steaming crap pile, instead limiting it to people he knew would support his position.... people our local embarrassment would report about without identifying.

So, while violated ethics ARE at hand here, this despicable rag and Jacks bear the most guilt for that problem, and those idiotically blinded by their biases, like the idiotic Campbell, are the most guilty through their association with those who would ram this thing through without getting the approval of the people... kinda like, for example, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

You need fresh air, Campbell. The puke you spew stinks up the joint for miles, and has obviously damaged your pea-brain.

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