Sunday, October 18, 2009

Republicans mistakenly supporting Tim "The Liar" Leavitt: You DO know he endorsed Obama, right?

I'm just sayin'.

Some of my former fellow GOP'ers (Even though I was with the GOP for 20 years, they've long since forgotten what they're SUPPOSED to be about... Right, Sen. Snowe?) mistakenly believe that "The Liar" is a Republican. It's disappointing that many who should know better are supporting that clown.

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt has surrounded himself with democrats, like Steve "$100,000 in cold, hard cash to build a casino" Stuart, Betty Sue "Sure, Dave, you can have whatever you want even if it screws our community" Morris, and that democrat campaign consultant "100G" Stuart just married.

That local conservatives have allowed this clown to con them is inexplicable.

Do not be fooled by his cynical, lying, disingenuous crap. My cocker spaniel is more Republican then a mercenary like Leavitt.

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