Monday, October 19, 2009

Giving the Columbian belated credit for a belated editorial... That should give ALL bridge supporters pause.

Well, I suppose, a late spanking is, in politics, better than no spanking at all.

A week ago, the local paper printed a small bit about Ridgefield's Port commissioners and staff heading to the Bonneville Hot Springs to vaporize taxpayer dollars to do something they could have done at, say, a local Hiotel ^ for a hell of a lot less money... namely, go out on a ubiquitous "retreat."

Given their ginzuing of the Battle Ground School District administration for doing the same thing, I weas shocked that the only thing this waste of money ratede was a brief blurb in what amounted to the "meetings" section of the local rag.

So, I blogged about it.

I wondered why the local paper seemed to have engaged in a more blatant example of their multiple instances of a double standard.

Now, the local waste of wood pulp DOES read this blog... so I wasn't terribly surprised when, 5 days later, they finally asked a few questions and went through the motions of holding the tin-eared Port Commissioners accountable for their obvious stupidity.

So, I blogged about THAT, as well.

I pointed out that as wrong as the Ridgefield Port Commissioners were and are (and they are, since there is no possible justification for this kind of political stupidity.) the idea that a paper is demanding the waste of uncounted BILLIONS of our tax dollars, to include sucking out tolls like a vampire at a blood bank to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars over however many years... but would go on and focus this kind of attention on a $5000 to $6000 waste is just, well, pointing out that "... a crumb or two of a loaf of bread is better then no bread at all."

So now, we get the editorial outrage, reinforcing; far too late I might add (Unlike their efforts to pillory the BGSD) to cause this "retreat" to be cancelled; the information in the basic article of the 17th.

Again, the irony of pointing out the waste of a few thousand dollars in the face of the waste of billions demanded by this paper is very hard to fathom. In fact, it's downright senseless.

But then, that's our paper for ya...


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