Wednesday, March 04, 2009

There is simply no lie this newspaper will not tell to further their agenda.

The unconscionable lies of the Columbian are part and parcel of why I, and thousands of others refuse to by this colossal waste of space... a crime of the First Amendment's freedom of the press, because they are left to actually LIE in support of their agenda. And that makes them no better then scum

Today's lie?

-- A bill allowing C-Tran to designate a subdistrict for light rail funding advanced out of the House Transportation Committee on Friday. It moved out of the Senate committee earlier.

This would be a significant development for light rail in Vancouver, and it should appeal to all Clark County residents — in or out of the subdistrict — because it would advance the user-pay concept. Taxes would increase only in the area directly affected by light rail, and only residents who are directly served by light rail would vote on such an increase. The increase, likely a small boost in sales tax, would fund maintenance and operation of light rail, which could be built with up to $750 million in federal transit funds.

And here are two more good things about a transit subdistrict: It would be an option, and voters are the ones who decide.
Words fail me... almost.

To call this a lie is to do disservice to the term "lie."

If the people of Clark County, who will be denied the right to vote on this entire project, actually SUPPORTED this garbage, then we wouldn't NEED a "taxing district."

These scumbags would just put the whole thing up for a vote county wide, and then live with the consequences of that vote.

But the little worms supporting this are doing so,not BECAUSE we want it... but because THEY know we don't.

And along comes The Columbian, who lies over and over and over in ways that would make either the Nazi's or even that empty-suited clown Obama blush, and he's lied more in one month than the last 5 presidents put together in 30 years.

From a comment on this utter lie of an editorial:

Clark County residents are appalled at the notion that you can keep us from having a voice on a tax while you force us to pay it. Clark County residents view that as a stain on democracy, a kind of organized crime that would make Al Capone blush with envy. And Clark County residents view those who support such a concept as scum. And yes, that includes this newspaper.

Like the C-Tran scam you were so wild about, "voters" will NOT get to "decide."

SOME voters will make that decision, but not ALL voters. ALL voters will just be given the privilege of being forced to PAY this tax. And that is as despicable now as it was when you supported the last worthless effort.

The demise of this newspaper simply cannot come soon enough. Minister Goebbels could learn a thing or two from you.
It is of note to point out this paragraph:

SOME voters will make that decision, but not ALL voters. ALL voters will just be given the privilege of being forced to PAY this tax. And that is as despicable now as it was when you supported the last worthless effort.
The Columbian knew when they printed this sewage that the lines will be drawn precisely like they were drawn for the C-Trans crime. That is, they will be gerrymandered to maximize revenue, and minimize participation by the very voting public that should be, according to this excuse for a newspaper, glad that this disaster... this mass screwing of the people of this county is taking place.

It's time to organize a boycott of this despicable rag and anyone who advertises in it. This cancer has got to go... for they have long since lost any legitimacy when they are reduced to lying to the public... just like their Nazi and Communist predecessors.

In our view March 4: Three Small Steps
TIF bill, C-Tran subdistrict proposal, Zarelli’s rainy-day refinement all advance
Wednesday, March 4 1:00 a.m.

Tired of the deluge of negative news out of the Legislature? Depressed by all the moaning and groaning about lawmakers gulping and gasping as they wrestle with a projected $8 billion budget shortfall? Ready for some good news from Olympia?

We've got three small pieces of good news, none of which warrants organizing a parade, but when combined are fairly encouraging. These were not milestone achievements in themselves. In fact, the headline might be no more assertive than this: Three good ideas did not die in recent days when they could have. These days in the Legislature, you take your good news whenever you can get it.

Monday was do-or-die day for bills passing out of policy committees. These three measures still need to be brought before both chambers, so a lot of work remains. But here's the good news:

-- The concept of tax increment financing took a step forward as Senate Bill 5045 was advanced by the Ways and Means Committee. Tax increment financing — which exists in 40 other states including Oregon — allows local governments to use projected tax revenue generated by revitalization projects to fund the construction of those projects.

Two good examples are the Riverwest project in downtown Vancouver (C Street and Evergreen Boulevard), which through a similar Local Infrastructure Financing Tool (LIFT) program three years ago secured $12.5 million over 25 years; and Vancouver waterfront redevelopment. The waterfront project is using other funding sources and is too advanced to take advantage of any TIF bill that might be approved by the Legislature this year, but it symbolizes the type of community revitalization that TIF stimulates.

"TIF would be a huge advance for Vancouver and Clark County because it would put us on a level playing field with Oregon, which has a very robust TIF model," Vancouver lobbyist Mark Brown said on Tuesday.


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